I. Photograph

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       The echo of a mug clinking against a small table coaster broke the silence and the overwhelming thoughts of the hazel haired boy. Only now did he realize how troublesome his reality was.

       He pushed against the brown desk table with the palms of his hands and rolled only a few centimeters away enough to create a gap for his chair to turn towards the opposite direction. Staring blankly towards the ceiling, head cocked back and eyes closed the cycle of unsettling feelings regressed.

       Fresh out of University, Working part time job just to make ends meet, unsatisfied by his current life status it seemed as though there was nothing he could possibly do. Just as he did every other day, he stood up with ease and shifted his feet slowly towards the door. Pulling his beige trench coat over his shoulder he hurried out the door, leaving behind his silent apartment which seemed to only harvest his worries.

       Maybe if he attempted to look at his surrounding differently, he wondered, he wouldn't be so burdened. However no matter how hard he tried, or from what angle he looked at things it all seemed the same. Same street. Same people. Even the same weather. The sun shyly hid behind a cloud bringing gentle cool breezes to brush against his pale skin sending chills through his body. In response he clenched his right hand into a fist and hid it in the pocket of his trench coat. Holding his camera in his left hand he knew this hand was destined to be numbly cold for the rest of the evening.

"Hello Tae!", a familiar voice expressed in a quite unfamiliar tone to him.

       Turning to match the voice with it's owner he was presented by a big smile from one of his street neighbors, a high schooler who had many times confessed her love to him. Respectfully, he nodded once and smiled slightly. He exposed his right hand to the cold to wave to the young adolescent and quickly tucked it back inside continuing his path not giving the girl much of any importance.

       Stopping in his track to ponder the endless amount of possibilities that could occur if he had interacted with her. Shifting his eyes hesitantly he shook his head and resumed his walking.

How could one simple interaction possibly change someone's day, week, year, or even life? absurd.

       He arrived at his daily spot in the park to take some pictures, only to waste film. An ideal visit to the park would result in some groundbreaking photos and potentially something to add to his profile. In most cases, or realistically in all his visits he got nothing.

       Setting himself and the camera to adjust to the lighting he debated on which side of the central tree of the park to take the picture. He sighed and as he took the picture, a tall brunette lady had walked in front in time of the camera shutter. The young woman frantically apologized for disturbing taehyung's professional work.

"Don't worry about it, it's okay m-"

      The camera had focused in time to take a perfect picture. The young woman's profile pierced into Tae as he longingly stood admiring the picture. He politely asked the apologetic lady.

"Would you mind if I submitted this for my photography portfolio?"

      He anxiously waited for the answer, to which he hoped was in agreement, to his request. The brunette simply laughed tainting her cheeks a light pink, flattered but slightly embarrassed by his proposal.

"I guess." she responded.

       Taehyung stood looking at the lady in confusion of her interpretation of what he had asked, and why. Instead, not willing to entertain the woman any longer, he quickly thanked her and rushed home leaving the lady who did in fact have her hopes high.


       Taehyung's heart began to beat rapidly and he nervously rubbed the back of his left hand with his right hand as he tentatively watched the desktop monitor in front of him.

....46%....47%.....48% ....

       He had always learned and grown comfortable photographing landscape pictures. From trees to lakes and the nearest aesthetically appealing plant he could find. Capturing the beauty of nature at it's prime. Now, nature had placed in front of him one of its most magnificent creations.

       Finally, the picture loaded completely onto his online portfolio. All he needed to do now was press submit.

       The hazel haired boy sat full of newly acquired ambition and dreams. This picture seemed to give him hope. Hesitantly he reached towards the mouse and clicked submit.

       He took a long while to stare at this picture. An accidental picture. A frame that would have only been a tree, is now a story. This picture, he thought to himself. I didn't take it. I couldn't have. It looks too- too- too nice, too professional.


Yikes sorry if it's a little boring right now in the beginning, I just wanted to set a bit of a 'base' kind of.

Also, because this is one of my first stories to publish please give me feedback :)))))))) Thanks!!


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