III. Rookie Model

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—4120 rosewood

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4120 rosewood.
Even without the address no one could mistaken this building, its unique structure set itself aside from the rest. It gave off an intriguing yet mysterious appeal. Feeding into the curiosity of people walking past it. Of course the only thing people knew was that this was home to the top models, photographers, and stylists in the fashion scene at the moment.
Taehyung tugged at the sides of his coat as he began to confidently walk towards the entrance.

"Is that-? Jungkook?!" A young woman standing in front of Taehyung loudly spoke.

The attention of the surrounding people, and his own, was driven towards the black limousine that had pulled up to the front of the building. A tall brown haired boy emerged from the vehicle, he waved almost shyly at his fans showing his humble appreciation. His appearance caused even more commotion. Taehyung was suddenly caught in a crowd of fans that pushed and shoved to get towards the model.
The hazel haired boy simply backed away and circled around them. He hurried towards the glass door and opened it quickly just in time for him to get inside.
The many security guards surrounding the brunette boy stood at the entrance aligned to block any attempt of entry.
Outside the crowd of young woman blocked the entire entrance. They all waved furiously, some crying, and even some holding posters with a name that read, 'Jungkook.'

"ZION's rookie models are taking over, more specifically, 20 year old Jeon Jungkook, who is rumored to be the lead model for their 95th runway show."

      Jeon Jungkook? Taehyung rubbed the palms of his hands nervously deciding whether to approach the front desk or wait for the model to pass.
       With all the courage and confidence he had he straightened up and approached the front desk where the model was standing.

"Yes Mr. Jeon , floor 7."

Jungkook turned towards the direction Taehyung was standing and smiled to greet him. Taehyung stood frozen, almost in awe of the younger boy's glowing appearance.
He returned the smile to model avoiding at all costs to be rude.
Within a few minutes Jungkook disappeared within the doors of the elevator and so did half of the crowd that stood outside
       He's so- so handsome?! Taehyung contemplated this in his head at the same time contradicting these types of thoughts. He understood why there was an entire body of woman right outside just for Jungkook, he understood why he was the top model, and he understood his inferiority to him.

"Good Morning!" Taehyung greeted the front lady in an optimistic tone.

"What can I help you with?" The lady spoke in monotone, which almost felt like a sort of disappointment that he was there.

" I'm here for the 10:30 photography trial."


       The middle aged woman eyed Taehyung before raising an eyebrow. She took out a pen and a post it note. She wrote 'floor 7, Marco."
       Taehyung took the small paper and gave the woman a small smile before taking the elevator.

"Where is he? Why isn't he here"
       As soon as the elevator doors opened Taehyung noticed how troublesome the apparent director was.

"What do you mean he can't come."
       A man wearing a grey jacket and simple black pants paced back and forth. Taehyung moved his head following the older man. Finally, deciphering the words in the badge around his neck he read 'Marco Santiago'.

Should I go up to him? He seems busy. But its 9:50 and I seem to be the first one here, I can make a good impression.

Taehyung stood still by the entrance of the elevator hoping to catch the man's attention. And he did.

"Who are you?" The man asked Taehyung while still on the phone.

"I'm here for the 10:30 trial, Kim Taehyung. Nice to mee -"

"Kim Taehyung?"

       Marco ended the phone call and placed the phone into his pocket. He extended his hand out for a handshake and so did Tae. He directed Tae to where the cameras they used were.

"Since you are the first one here, you get to choose your camera, lens, and just about anything else you might need. Feel free to take some test shots."

"Thank you."

Taehyung scanned the different types of cameras and lens as well as straps and tripods. He took a black canon camera, a brand of which he had full knowledge on, and paired it with it's according lens.
He lifted it up to his face and shut one eye to look through the camera. Scanning the room for a clear shot his lens found the perfect model, in fact an actual model. Jungkook. Taehyung stood adjusting the lens on Jungkook, unaware jungkook continued to have a conversation with someone.
Taehyung held the camera steady, not taking the picture, but simply gazing at the brunette model he saw through the small frame. He noticed how perfectly his hair fell along his face and his smile when he talked. He almost couldn't believe how good Jungkook looked. Inside he felt like those girls who had been outside swooning over the tiniest of detail of him; however, outside he remained somewhat calm, oppressing the unraveling of his thoughts.
       As he continued to adjust the lens, Jungkook shifted his attention to Taehyung. He couldn't help but look over.
       It wasn't the fact that Taehyung had been holding a camera in his direction, in fact that was one of the least of his worries. He was unsettled by his inability to recognize Taehyung's face.
      Tae flinched as soon as his eyes met Jungkook's, quickly he shifted the camera towards a different direction. Nervously he fidgeted with the lens with his sweaty palms. Unintentionally dropping the lens.

"Mr. Kim !" The photography director called out.

       Instead of taking notice of the owner of the voice instead he looked at Jungkook who had been standing by his side. His outfit was entirely different than from the last 5 minutes he had seen him.
       Taehyung rubbed the palms of his hands on the sides of his coat fluctuating his breathing in angst.
       'Why am I acting like this-'
       Taehyung shook his head lightly and nodded in response to Marco, the photography director.

"This is Jeon Jungkook, he's going to be the model you guys are going to shoot for today."

       Taehyung rubbed his hand again against his coat before extending his hand to meet another hand who was equally as sweaty out of nervousness.
       Both of their eyes met. Taehyung in admiration of Jungkook and vise verse.


I hope this is a semi okay story, thank you for reading!

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