Another Text?

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I woke up to the sound of another message. It was like 7 in the morning.. I never get up at that hour, especially not when I don't sleep well at night.

'Aish, only my bff would text me this early in the morning.'
I said as I grabbed my phone and checked the message.
'Huh? It's not Lisa..' It was him... That Chenle guy.

'What does he want so early in the morning?? Ugh well if you think about it we are in different time zones.. I mean IF he is from Korea, I mean China.. You know..' 

( dont you mess with me jeno )
( i double checked the number!! >:\ )

'I guess he won't give up... But I'm not Jeno so maybe I should tell him again.'

( I am sure that you have the wrong number. )
( I dont know anyone named Jeno.. )

Yes I lied. Well I should pretend that I don't know NCT.
So if this is a prank I won't sound stupid.

He left me on seen.. 'Oh c'mon! You too? You won't even reply something like "I'm sorry" or "I realised my mistake"...

Just as I was about to put the phone back, he texted again.

( are you playing with me because i ate your pudding? -_- )
( okay sorry. Now tell me, me and Jisung were at the park yesterday.. )
( and where have you been? I haven't seen you after i texted you yesterday.. Im worried now. :( )

( for the last time, i am not jeno )

( then who are you?? )

I just stared at my phone. My mind was blank.
'I'm not gonna answer... He's gonna stop texting when he sees Jeno. Hes gonna tell him that he has the wrong number.. Let's just hope it's not THAT Chenle.'

( please tell mee.. >< Mark told me not to talk to people i dont know )
( if you tell me your name, it will be fine :D )
( as you maybe remember my name is Chenle.. )

( yeah i remember.. But why did you text me even if i told you im not jeno? )

( i thought it was him messing with me ^^  so i wanted to see if i was right.. )
( guess not.. T~T sorry again )

( its fine.. you seem so cheerful.. My name is (Y/N). )

( nice to meet you (Y/N), and thanks hehe~ )
( so you are a girl?? ^///^ didn't expect that.. )

( haha why are you shy xD )

( whaat? Me? Nahh... ^~^ )
( i bet you are cute.. )

I stopped there. I felt my cheeks get red and hot..
I thought 'Well if you saw me you would change your mind.' and I continued texting him... Don't ask why because I don't know either. He was fun.
He saw that I wasn't replying so he texted quickly:

( hewwo?? Sorry if i sounded weird hah~ )

( nah its fine, just be yourself )

( ^^  i hope you will like me when i act normal *-* )

( i think it would be fun to hang around with you.. )
( sorry. Im not a creep! ^^ )

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