I'm Here

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Despite the fact that this is two days late, I still hope it'll be good.


"Yes mom, I'm sure I packed everything..." My mom was standing in front of me with tears in her eyes. She was really worried from when we got up till now. She kept on asking me stuff and wiping her tears. I can't blame her though.

"I should go now, the plane is almost ready for the passengers."
"Oof..." My mom hugged me tight and I hugged her back.
"Goodbye, sweety. Have a safe trip and lots of fun in Seoul."
"Thanks mom, I will. You take care too. Love you."
"Love you too!" She waved and I waved back.
I watched her stand there and wait for me to leave. The tissue she wiped her tears with was in her hand. She had a tight grip on it. It seemed to me that the tissue was me and she didn't want to let it go.


"Wow..." I was amazed at the sight through the window of the plane. "We are so high up..." I whispered to myself. But someone seemed to have heard me.
"It's really pretty indeed." A girl that was sitting next to me said and smiled.
I looked at her and smiled back, not knowing what to say.
"Nice to meet you, my name is Chloe."
"Hello Chloe, my name is Y/N."
"You have a pretty name." She said and smiled at me again. She had blonde hair and and big blue eyes, but somehow, when she smiled, her eyes weren't big at all. She had freckles on her nose and cheeks and a little scar on her forehead. Really tiny, almost not noticeable.

"Are you going to Seoul too?" She asked trying to keep our conversation going.
"Yeah. This is my birthday gift to be honest."
"Woah, your parents are awesome..."
'Yeah they are.' I proudly said in my mind.
She continued talking "I had to buy everything with my own money... Haha but it was worth it. Btw I came because there's a concert tomorrow, did you know about that?"
"What? Really? No, no one told me... Who's preforming?"
"NCT. NCT Dream, to be exact."
"OMG" I screamed.
'Lele didn't tell me about this. Omg... Okay keep it together.'
"So... You are going alone?"
"Haha yeah. Why? You wanna come?" She smirked slightly.
"Would love to, but I am spending my time in Korea with my bff... Even thought she's coming on Sunday..."
"But today's Friday..." She was still smirking "We can go tomorrow and you just tell her that you got the tickets from someone. And that it's a pity she was not with you. If she's a real friend, she won't get mad right?"
I nodded and looked at my feet. I was still unsure about this. I would never go to a concert without her... I love her too much for that lol.
"I'll see." I said determinedly. 'We'll see...'


As I walked out of the plane, the heat hit me.
"It's a lot warmer than I expected." I said to Chloe who was walking with me this whole time.
"Yup! But I'm prepared." She said and put sunscreen on her face. Yup. On the middle of an airport. No way I'm going with her on a concert.

"I'm going to go now, Chloe." I said and tried to escape her endless talk. "I'll tell you if I decide to go." I waved and called a taxi, before she even put the sunscreen back in the bag.

'Thank God...' I was now sitting in a taxi and thinking about a lot of stuff.
"Where to, young lady?" The driver asked.
I felt comfortable since I knew a lot of Korean. I didn't just learn Korean through K-pop or K-dramas, I was devoted to learn this language.
I told him which hotel to drive me to and we went off.

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