Bring the tools together, Amanda

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It kept coming back to her, the words that Wakti Wapnasi had said to her when Amanda had set to leave the safety of the community in order to get Farson home. Even though she was in this world, her world, with all the normal cars and urbanised cities and everything as usual, her thoughts kept returning to it.

All of the people in this world had never known about the blips in the universe that had been happening recently, they went casually along with their lives as they obliviously walked past all of the action. Except, perhaps, for the select few who had known. And not even just Tina, Hobbs, Dirk, Farah and Todd, there must have been others.

Because, Amanda figured, this was the way it had always been. There was no way this could just simply be the only single event in the history of the earth to go outside normal logic and reason.

So there had to be others out there who had caused it - the 'tools' that Wakti had mentioned.

"When you get back to your world, Amanda, you need to collect all the tools. You're the only one who can save your world."

Collect all the tools. Wakti had given her a task to complete and she felt guilty for not having done it yet. Not even trying, because she was trying to have a short time of peace, with the boys and yet she felt guilty for not fulfilling it.

"You deserve some time off," she muttered to herself, desperately trying to convince herself that it was fine that she hadn't started.

Perhaps she should contact Dirk - he had contacts, friends with...unique people like himself and could At least he, Todd and Farah were easily accessible now - Todd had literally spray painted the number onto the inside of the van in case they ever forgot it (she had rolled her eyes in disgust that her brother was so desperate to keep contact) but luckily he had no way of calling them (despite his multiple pleas, she refused to carry a cell phone with her as well).

Maybe the Blackwing Projects would be the 'tools' she was trying to find. Dirk had told her a couple of stories about a couple of friends he had made, some Icelandic guy and his boyfriend, as well as a few others - they could probably be of some use in...restoring the balance of the universe or something?

That was another thing that Amanda kept going back to - Blackwing. If the Project was still ongoing and they were still trying hard to collect Projects, would she be considered one. Would Todd? All it was was strong mind power to manipulate a disease she had been fighting all her life, distorting and bending the laws of this world to become her own - what was that compared to being energy vampires or having the power to fly like Project Phoenix (Icelandic guy's boyfriend)? Not that she wanted to get kidnapped by the CIA (from what Martin and the boys had told her, it had been hell).

Apparently she had been sitting away from the group biting her nails over Wakti's last words to her for too long, because Martin picked up on it and wandered over.

"Hey Drummer," he said softly, sensing her confusion, "You good?"

"Not really. I'm...frustrated." She bit her lip.

"What's the matter?"

"Wakti...the one who was teaching me how to wield my powers, she said some things to me before she died, things that have stuck with me and are gnawing at my brain constantly..."

"Do we have a quest, Boss?" Martin's grin slowly grew larger.

She suddenly twigged that they had been waiting for her. They didn't want to relax, chill out. They needed something to do, something fun. No amount of fires and cheerful nights could raise the sense of adrenaline like something to do could, and Amanda had been appointed Boss, despite her looking to Martin for guidance every now and then, it was her decision what to do, and because they sensed that her mind was in a jumble, they had settled to relax with her.

It was her decision to make, where to lead them next.

"Yes," she smiled back at Martin. "We do."

And she strode back into the van to pick up the hidden phone that Cross had nicked one time (but they had conveniently forgotten to tell Todd about) and rung Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, glad to hear the voice of Farah Black reciting the name of the Agency and it's slogan: Cases solved with arguable efficiency.

"Farah, I need to speak to Dirk."

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