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Dear Gracie,

Sorry I haven't been answering calls, I was trying to make new friends, I need to settle here first before I keep in contact. I don't want to sound mean but you need to understand, I can't block everyone out just to keep in touch with people I may not see again, what sort of first impression would that made?

The weather is also great, it's extremely warm here, E and I go swimming almost everyday, it's amazing to have clear water at the beach instead of the dirty green depths that we're blessed with in England, if you ever visit, that is one thing I'd have to show you.

I do miss you though, the girls here just aren't like you and I guess it's a slight relief, there's no one here to remind me of you and how much I miss you. I'd do anything to hold you in my arms again, especially when you fell asleep in my arms, you always looked so cute.

The truth is, I really liked you Gracie but I was too scared to tell you and now it's too late, don't reply to this letter with a whole lecture as to how it could work, it won't and we both know, the distance is far too great.

I also think it's best that we keep to the letter writing; my mom made me delete all old numbers and change mine, she wants us to have a fresh start and you can't really blame her... She doesn't know about these letters though and I don't want to just drift away from you, we'd built a solid friendship, it would be a waste to throw all that away.

I hope you're not too upset without me, it's hard without you but I'm quite enjoying my new life too.

Love, Gray x

With a deep sigh, Grayson sealed the envelope, putting the letter in his bag, knowing that he would never remember to post it otherwise. He couldn't quite believe that he'd confessed to Gracie about liking her. He was mad at himself, if he'd have had the courage earlier then he could've been dating her, things may have worked out different.

He laid on his bed, his shirtless torso on full display, the shimmering sunbeams hitting his abs in a way that emphasised the crevices and created a more defined look that would definitely reel in the likes on social media, but Grayson wasn't like that. He didn't like putting himself on social media for anyone to see, he only had 500 followers on Instagram and he was lucky if 50 people liked his post, the only difference between him and anyone else however, was that he simply didn't care.

"Come on Gray, I'm going surfing with Nate!" Ethan hollered to Grayson who broke out into a full smile at the mention of activity that involved the crystal clear waters. He'd spent most of his time there since he moved and he still wasn't tired of the sensation of salty sea mist spritzing his face as it splashed up around him.

Running down the stairs, he tackled Ethan to the ground, "Let's go dude!" He laughed, running out to the car that was already parked out front.
"Hey dude!" He smiled, performing a typical "bro handshake" with Nate as Ethan clamoured into the back, visibly annoyed that his younger brother had managed to get shotgun.

Luckily, the beach was a short drive so not much conversation had to be thought about before they arrived, quickly exiting the car and rushing to the refreshing water, allowing the liquid to wash away the sweat and cling to their defined bodies, earning stares from multiple girls, that in all honesty, made Grayson uncomfortable, he wasn't used to this.

Pushing aside the uneasy squirming in his stomach, he grabbed a surf board and began to practise the basics that he'd learnt on his first day, he was determined to be able to ride whilst standing by the end of the month, Nate had said it took him at least 3 months so Grayson was eager to do better than him, he wanted to prove that he was good enough, he wasn't stupid, dyslexia didn't define him.

This had always been a touchy subject with Grayson, he'd always been insecure about it, so much so that only his family and Gracie knew and it took 6 years of trust before he even contemplated telling Gracie. At first, he thought he wouldn't tell her at all, but when Gracie broke down one night about how she never felt good enough, Grayson opened up and the pair had spent the night crying out their insecurities.

Many guys would be teased for crying yet Grayson wasn't afraid to do that in front of his best friend, she never judged because she understood and she didn't hold the stereotype against him that guys should be egotistical and tough, it was okay to cry, and Grayson had a few more times than he'd like to admit.

Gaining his balance, Grayson managed to stand; it lasted all but 5 seconds before he plunged into the glittering waters that engulfed him. He was proud, it was longer than last time when he'd get on his knees before falling, but even this wasn't good enough, because this wasn't perfection.

It almost scared him about how adamant that he was to stand on a stupid plank of wood whilst the waves moved him about. He didn't want to be able to do it yet he felt as though he needed to. He'd quickly learnt on the first day that every guy in their grade could surf, and on that same first day, an urge encouraged him to learn so he could fit in and make friends.

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on his side as it quickly became dark and after dark, there was to be no surfing due to the dangers. With a grunt of disapproval, Grayson left the water, shivering as the cooler air nipped his saturated skin. All he had to do now, was post his letter and seek out more ways to fit in.

End of chapter!
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- Ellie 🌻

Letters to my love - g.d ((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now