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Dear Gray,

I'm certain that this letter won't be very long and I'm sorry but something big has occurred in my life right now and it's not good at all.

I don't want to tell you what's happened just yet but please take note of the new address at the top of this letter as this is where you'll need to send them too from now on.

Funnily enough, I found your vine account before your letter even reached me and the videos brought a smile to my face since I get to see a small glimpse of you every day, it's very reassuring.

I also agree on missing out on us but maybe in the future if we ever come together again then maybe something will happen, you can't predict the future but you certainly can hope and all I hope right now is for my life to suddenly get better.

The only positive thing thing I have right now is Maddie and she's also under the weather due to what's happened, I can't blame her, she must be equally as devastated as me. I can't really believe it to be honest and I'm not sure you would if I told you either. Maybe it's for the best but right now it feels like the worst thing that could happen.

I'm going to end my letter here because I don't want to dampen your mood any more than this letter is bound to do already.

Lots of love,

With a sigh, she leaned back, staring at the blinding white ceiling above. At home the ceiling had been black, with stars decorating it. Here it was boring and proved a constant reminder that she wasn't at home, where she wanted to be.

Their new mother, Kate, had agreed that they could decorate their new rooms however they wanted but at the moment, Gracie didn't want to cooperate. She wasn't surprised that Maddie was excited, she thought this was a holiday and decorating her own room was a dream come true, but all the older sibling could feel was pure hatred to her own mother.

"Gracie! I made brownies with Kate and she let me make a special one with Hershey chocolate for you!" Maddie giggles excitedly, bursting into the bland room with a gooey brownie laying on a plate. Gracie's mouth watered and even though she had lost her appetite the past two days, she forced herself to finish the brownie to make Maddie happy.
"That's delicious! You must be a chef! Have I seen you on TV before?" She teased, trying to keep her voice as upbeat and happy as she could.

"No silly! I'm your sister!" She laughed, wrapping her arms around her older role model and curling up in her lap.
"Gracie..?" She asked, her innocent eyes looking up at her older sibling.
"Yeah?" Gracie replied, stroking Maddie' Swift locks gently, awaiting her question.
"Is Kate our new mommy?"
The question caused Gracie to freeze in shock, she would never have suspected that question at all and it scared her at the young girl had picked up so much. She didn't know what to say and quickly racked her mind for the right answer, the answer that wouldn't upset her.

"She might be for a little while but mom will get us again soon. Don't worry." Gracie assured her, stomach lurching at the awful lie she had just told. Despite the guilt from Gracie, Maddie was completely fine with the response and nodded happily, jumping up and skipping towards the door.
"I'm going to watch tv."

When her smaller sister had left the room, Gracie pulled her phone out and opened vine. Grayson had uploaded earlier that day with Ethan and had posted a vine about twin problems. The video portrayed their personality so perfectly that Gracie even managed a smile and a small giggle because these boys were hilarious and it was as though they were made for this.

"Gracie! Would you like a drink?" Kate called up the stairs, she had been making a massive effort with Gracie since the two girls had moved in but Gracie wasn't letting her in. She knew it would be hard, of course it is, who wants to hear that their mother suddenly doesn't want them anymore?

Kate didn't get a reply, as expected, however she was surprised to find Gracie enter the kitchen moments later to pour herself a glass of the milkshake that was in the fridge, gulping it down quickly.
"I could've got that for you." Kate said, watching her new older daughter as she downed the creamy dairy drink.
Shrugging, Gracie looked at her intently, "I know you could've but I didn't want you to, I can do things myself."

She sat the table beside Maddie and watched as she coloured a picture of Ariel. Her tongue poked out the corner of her mouth as she concentrated to stay within the lines.
"That's so good Mads, when you're finished we can put it on the fridge, you could be the next Leonardo DaVinci." Gracie smiled, as Maddie stared at her appalled.
"No I can not! I'm not a boy! I'm a girl!" She protested as Kate interrupted the moment.
"Yes you are! A very pretty little girl too!" She cooed, causing Maddie to smile bashfully and Gracie to roll her eyes and storm out of the room angrily.

All she had wanted was a simple moment of normality with her sister but instead it had to get destroyed, and there was nothing she could do about it. She simply had to get used to it.

End of chapter!
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-Ellie 🌻

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