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Dear Gracie,

I'm glad you liked me, and I feel like we missed out on a huge 'what if', we missed out on something that may have been so pure and right, and now? Well we'll probably never find out.

As for hobbies, we're quite enjoying an app called vine. You can film short, funny videos of yourself and people can follow you if they like your content. I'm not too popular on it yet, I doubt I will, but maybe you should give me a follow and at least then you can see a small snippet of what I get up to, my user name is just my name. I hope they make you laugh, even if just a little.

I hope you can come soon, that would be amazing, I could show you around and I know you'd love it, we could maybe even kiss a little, I know you'll roll your eyes as you read that but I'm a guy, a kiss is nothing! Anyway, sorry this message isn't long but please do watch me! I can't wait for your feedback!

Love Gray xxx

He stared at the message, shaking his head at the letter, it was rushed and short, Gracie deserved more than that but Grayson simply didn't have time, it was 6am, he had an hour and half to completely make himself up to perfection before school started. His first day went perfectly; he couldn't allow himself to drop and get bullied again.

It had been so strange yesterday when he had sauntered into school and gained attention from every female in the halls, even those with boyfriends. Of course, some were looking at Ethan but it felt good to receive positive female attention for once.

Slowly sliding out of bed, he walked over to his closet, inside were masses of designer clothes that he had bought on his first day with Nate and Ethan. It had blown all of the money he had owned but he felt it was worth it due to the approval he caught in people's eyes.

He settled on a pair of Levi jeans and a plain v-neck Ralph Lauren t-shirt. The shirt was fitted and therefore clung onto his muscles flattering, making his way physical appearance more muscular.

Nodding at his outfit, he went to the bathroom to sort his hair, he didn't need to do much as the effortless, 'wind-swept' look was the style that had girls weak at their knees.
Smiling at his reflection, he brushed his teeth before going down to breakfast.

Nobody was awake yet, his parents worked from home and Ethan wasn't as much of a perfectionist, it slightly annoyed Grayson. The previous day, Grayson had spent ages getting ready whilst Ethan spent a mere 15 minutes, yet they both received the same amount of compliments. He couldn't help thinking that due to this, he was the uglier twin...

Grabbing a protein shake, he chugged it down, convincing himself that he could feel it running straight to his biceps and abdomen. Of course this was impossible, the protein shake only quickened the process of building muscles, not making them, yet it boosted the boy's ego, so he continued to believe it.

It was only when he finished that Ethan stumbled in, sleep still present in his appearance and behaviour.
"Sup bro." He mumbled, grabbing a bowl and pouring in the Coco pops, eagerly spooning the cereal into his mouth.
"Morning." Gray answered in reply, watching his brother for a moment before releasing a long sigh and getting his stuff ready for school.

Homework had piled up yesterday yet Grayson had done none, wanting to receive a reputation of a bad boy, they always get more girls. As he packed his bag however, his fingers twitched to the small pile of paper that had no answers on them, he should do it, but he also wanted to make vines and he knew which option was more appealing.

Pulling out his phone, he quickly did a silly video of himself and posted it, he quickly received 30 likes from his 500 followers. Most of his followers were from school and were quite active which he was so grateful for, it's a lot more motivating when you have people backing you.

"Gray, come on! I'm ready!" Ethan yelled, grabbing his bag and waiting for his brother at the bottom of the steps. Grayson quickly ran downstairs and out the front door, into the car. Ethan always got to drive since Grayson had not yet passed his test but he didn't mind, he got quite stressed with driving.

"Bro, what did Gracie used to tell you? She said that when I was out, she used to sit with you and tell you secrets..." Grayson asked, looking at his brother, noticing how his jaw clenched and his grip on the wheel became tighter.
"Exactly Gray, secrets, I can't tell you." He muttered, causing the younger twin to roll his eyes.
"Why not? We don't live near her anymore and I was her best friend, not you!" He snapped angrily.
"Then why did she tell me the secrets Gray? I'm not telling you because she didn't want you to know and I'm going to respect that, if you want to know then ask her, it's for her to say, not me." He sighed, quickly reversing into a free parking space in the school lot.

Sitting quietly, Grayson ignored his brother's words and quickly exited the car as soon as it stopped moving, forcing a smile as everyone looked at him.
"Hey! Grayson, you look hot today." A girl in a cheerleading uniform smiled, biting her lip before kissing Grayson softly. The action took the boy by surprise yet he kissed back, pulling her closer, wanting all of his thoughts from this morning to totally disappear. They didn't, of course, but they faded slightly and that was enough for now.

End of chapter!
What do you think so far? Does Ethan have something to hide? Is Grayson being morally right with his actions? What do you think will happen next?
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-Ellie 🌻

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