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Dear Grayson,

I guess you're right, I can't expect you to put me as your number one priority any more, I'm sure you'll find better people to replace me and you might even find love in your new life. I'm glad you're enjoying it, I knew you would, you're such a happy and optimistic person.

As for your confession, I also liked you for all these years too and I'm not just saying that but I also agree with you, long distance wouldn't work. I just wish we had both spoke up earlier, then we might have actually have been together even for just a short amount of time. I guess we were both scared when there was nothing to be scared of.

I hope I can visit and see the clear waters there, it must be surreal, maybe I can try and convince Mum to take us on holiday to come and see you this summer, it'd be nice to get some real sun rather than the dim rays we receive here.

Have you got any new hobbies yet? Obviously swimming must have found a way on the list since you basically have an endless pool right outside your house but what other hobbies have caught your attention? You're now living in the land of the stars, it's time think big, anything could happen.

I've been getting into the habit of baking since you left, it's a way to channel my longing to have you back and Maddie is loving the sweet treats that await her when she gets home.

Mum took me shopping yesterday too, I have a whole new wardrobe full of clothes and I've finally managed to achieve the style I always wished for, I don't know if you remember but if you do, honey yellow!

I also bought a couple of flower crowns, these I won't wear but I brought them for the memory, that warm summer's day when we weaved flowers all morning, you weaved the most beautiful crown that I had ever seen, while mine wasn't even suitable for wearing yet you still wore it as though it was dripping with diamonds. It was one of the many things that led me to fall head over heels for you.

I didn't just like you Grayson, I loved you.

On that note, I'm going to conclude this letter, I hope it reaches you safely.

Love Gracie xxx

Gracie then peeled back the covers, shivering as the cold air engulfed her. Running into the bathroom, she was just about to turn the shower on when she was called by her mother.

Gracie hesitated, she considered ignoring her but she didn't like to disobey the woman who raised her so instead she pattered down the stairs to where her mother was sat on the sofa, nervously biting her nails.

"Mum? What's wrong?" Gracie asked, wrapping her arms around her Mum, worried about what had got her so worked up.

"D-don't..." the older woman, Jen, mumbled, shrugging off her daughter's arms, not wanting to make the situation any harder.

She'd been contemplating this action for a while now, when she first heard it, she was totally against it yet as she thought about it more, she realised that it was probably beneficial and after a long look into it, she was finally ready to go ahead with it. It would be hard at first, but she knew that in the end, it would be worth it and she was doing it for someone she loved dearly.

"Sweetie, I need to tell you something and it's not something I've taken lightly, trust me, but the thing is, I've met someone new..."

The younger girl's eyes widened, "but Mum, that's good news! Why are you so depressed?"
Gracie couldn't understand the strange behaviour when the news she had bore was positive, it didn't make sense.

Holding her hand up, Jen continued, "I'm not finished. I've decided that I want a fresh start in this relationship and therefore I have decided that I am putting both you and Maddie up for adoption."

At this, Gracie's mouth dropped open in shock, "No, this isn't your choice, is it? He made you do this, didn't he?"
Tears brimmed her eyes and her bottom lip trembled uncontrollably, "You can't do this to us, we've done nothing wrong!" She whimpered, as her mother said nothing, only keeping a blank expression as she stared ahead.

Maddie, noticing her older sister's distress, walked over and tugged her shirt softly, "what does that mean...?" She lisped as the older girl looked down at her with a sad smile and a heavy heart. How are you supposed to tell a small child that their mother no longer wants them?

"Come on Mads, we have to leave for a little while, we have some packing to do."
Taking her small hand in her own, she took her upstairs to her room.
"Right Mads, choose your favourite thing in your room."

With a smile, she went over to her bed and picked up a teddy that their mother had bought her when she was first born.
"Are you sure Mads?" Gracie asked, biting on her bottom lip, worried that the little girl may regret it when they're older and she realised what their single parent had done.

"Yes, it's very special, listen!"
She pressed the stomach and Grayson's voice danced through the air, singing the song "I can fly" from Peter Pan.
The tune and voice was so familiar that Gracie's eyes brimmed for the second time that morning. His singing was beautiful and it made Gracie miss him all the more.

Maddie however, wasn't saddened by this, instead her eyes lit up and she began singing to her hearts content, her eyes closed as she concentrated on the lyrics and tunes.

The action warmed the teenager's heart and she could only hope that she wouldn't get separated from her younger sister.

End of chapter!
Poor Gracie and Maddie!
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-Ellie 🌻

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