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Dear Gracie,

I hope you can tell me what it is soon, I may be miles away but please know you can always tell me about your problems, you'll always be my best friend and therefore you'll always hold a piece of my heart and a fraction of my time that no one else could possibly take.

My vine is also getting popular now, 10,000 followers! It's so crazy, I've hardly had it for any time and now I'm partially famous. People recognise me on the street and people seem to respect me a lot more than they did back home.

I've also made a really good friend while I've been here, her name is Kara and she reminds me of you in so many ways, it's almost as if you're here with me, but unfortunately, you're not and it's killing me slowly everyday, most days I wish I was back home with you and we were still meeting up for ice creams and coffees, maybe one day you could move here and we can live the rest of our lives together?

Love, Gray x

"Grayson! Are you ready to go?" Kara asked, quickly running into the kitchen and wrapping her arms around him from behind.

Grayson quickly shoved the letter in the envelope and turned to look at her with a small smile.
"Yeah. Let's go."

As he pulled his coat on, he watched his new friend, she was definitely as pretty as Gracie, if not more so, he was glad that she hadn't seen what was on those letters, it wasn't entirely all true but he wanted Gracie to still be happy and he knew that if he said those sort of things then that'd be the case.

"Can we just stop by a mail box on the way, I've got a letter to send?" He asked, wrapping his arm around Kara's shoulders and steering her towards the door.
"Of course, who's it for?"

Biting his lip, Grayson contemplated telling her truth but he didn't want to tell her about Gracie and how close they'd been, it was the past.
"An old friend." He settled on, not allowing her to push the answer further.
"Okay," she shrugged, setting off down the street, still tucked into Grayson's side due to his large arm keeping her close.

Finally, they reached the mailbox and Grayson quickly bid the letter farewell before taking Kara to the ice cream parlour. It was true that Kara reminded him greatly of Gracie and the truth was that he wanted to relive his last meetup with Gracie without the tears. It was stupid, but he still felt an attachment to his old best friend and he wanted to remove it as quickly as possible, he wouldn't see her again, he may have said on the letters but he didn't want to go back and she didn't have enough money to visit.

"What flavour?" Grayson asked, anxiously awaiting her response.
"Um, mango sorbet please!" She smiled, causing Grayson to wince, her favourite flavour.
Nodding, he walked over to the counter, "The usuals please Peggy." He smiled, forgetting himself for a moment.

"I'm sorry dear, I don't recall you ever coming here..." The elderly woman smiled, causing Grayson's cheek to burn in embarrassment.
"Sorry, uh I meant a mango sorbet and a chocolate cone please."

Nodding, the woman set to work on getting their frozen snacks, as Grayson ran his hand through his hair, still feeling pathetic from the slip up. It had only been small but it proved a reminder that he still wasn't ready to move on from his life before and that was only due to Gracie. He was positive that she was the only thing he was holding onto from the past and if she hadn't have been a part of it then he'd be completely fine right now.

After taking the ice cream, they went outside and sat on a nearby patch of grass where they could enjoy the sun and scenery.
"So what was up in there?" Kara asked, raising her eyebrows at Grayson in a questioning manner as he shrugged.
"Old habits..." He muttered, licking his ice cream.
"Why won't you tell me anything about living in England?" She asked, frowning as the young boy stared ahead.
"Because I don't want to? Okay?" He asked, agitated that this date wasn't anything like his last one with Gracie.
"Okay, geez." Kara muttered, finishing the rest of her sorbet silently, an awkward tension thickening in the air surrounding them.

Once both had consumed everything, Grayson dragged out a long sigh, turning to her, "I'm sorry..."
"No, I am. I shouldn't have pushed you for information, it's up to you what you decide to tell people and you barely know me, you shouldn't have to spill everything, I have no right to know..." she admitted, apologising with such sincerity that Grayson couldn't think of another response than cupping her face and pressing his lips to hers.

Her lips tasted of the fresh mangos that had been used in her sorbet and her delicate perfume invaded Grayson's nostrils, encouraging him to pull her closer, he was already addicted.

Pulling away slowly, he rested his forehead against hers, "Sorry..." He whispered, "I couldn't help myself..."
With a soft smile, she replied equally as quietly, "Don't worry about it, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping that you'd do that..."

"Well it's a good job I enjoyed it then..." Grayson smiled, once again connecting their lips.

End of chapter!
Gray with Kara or Gracie??
Please vote and comment to let me know how you like it!
-Ellie 🌻

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2018 ⏰

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