come back ❤

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*phone ringing*

"Hello?" Me
" ehm hey jas. Its me darrel." Darrel
"Oh . wht is it ?" Me
"Lupa suda ka ?" Darrel
"Ah ? Lupa apa tuh ?" Me
Sy pun bngung apa.
"Ehm i want to meet you. Spend time with u sebelum sy p singapore." Darrel.
Sy tepuk dahi sy perlahan.
"Oh iyaa kan. So bila ?" Me
"Hmm ptg ni ? 6pm ? I fetch you." Darrel
"Oh bole. But its sokay I can drive my self." Me
"Ohh okay so.. Actually i want to bring you to my parents house. They throw a party sblm sy p singapore." Darrel
Im shocked. Well its been a long time.
"Ohh okay2 hmm i remember where your parents house. I'll be there." Me
"Ehmm okayy mesti pigi ah. Dont forget bawa sara sekali." Darrel
"Ehmm yabah. Bye." Me

*call ended*

Then I remember somethng. Klau parents darrel throw a party hmm jordan p ka tu ah ? Mom jordan p ka tuh ah ?

So that evening sy pkaii long dress wrna hitam my fav color.
Dress sy style yg blkng mmg show habis la.

So sblm sy jln sy massage Jordan

'Babe I'm going to darrel parents house, they throw a party. Don't think other than I'm goin there okay ? I love you so much. I'm going with Sara . so dont worry.'


Sy tarik nafas n hembus.
Sy turun tangga and nmpk mom and dad cuddle2 smbil tingu movie. Ecehhhh

"Ehemm" me
Mom and dad pusing blkng tngu sy.
"Wow baby. You look pretty. Where are you going ?" Mom
Sy snyum
"Well I'm going to my friend party" me
" Jordan come with you too ?" Dad
"Maybe" me
"Eh you two gaduh ka ? Knp pula maybe ?" Dad
"Ish no lah dad. We good. So I'm going now. And you two got so many chance after im out." Me
Sy ktwa kecil.
"Eishhh go lahh you baby. Mesti balik sblm 12am okay." Mom
"Okay mom." Me
Sy jln p tmpt mom and dad n kiss them on the cheek.


Darrel parents house

Sy parking dkat pokok ja kereta sy n call darrel

"Hello jas"darrel
"Hey I'm here suda" me
"Where ? Outside ka?" Darrel
"Ya" me
"Oh okay I'm going to take you. So wait there." Darrel
"Okay" me

Ended call.

Massage from sara.

Sy buka

'Sorry babe. Sy x dapat p there nih. Ryan bawa sy makan malam dngn family dia. Sorry. Maaf. See you tmr'

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