I Have the Worst Plan in the World

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•Qunae 'Ahmar•
Chapter 5

To recap, I get attacked by an evil Spanish crying river lady, find out a Scottish selkie has been sent to kill me (that's where Yishang said this one came from), meet the person the selkie was sent by, find out one of the teachers is not friendly at all, get chased by an evil murderous scarecrow, and have a teammate kidnapped by the evil scarecrow. Life is just fandidilitastic, isn't it?

Milaya is left out of breath and with horror painted to the detail on her facial features. "We lost them!"

"Um, okay. We gotta think. Uh, it didn't kill her here and it didn't kill us. Why not just kill us where it can just get this over with?" I think out loud. I cross my arms slightly. "Therefore, this creature has to kill us somewhere special. Or wants to, at least. Meaning, we might be able to save Yishang." I conclude.

Milaya nods but doesn't seem any more at ease than she was before.

"Um, so, if we were an evil scarecrow creature, where would we take a screaming and annoying, nagging teenage girl?" I ask, leaning my weight on my left leg.

Milaya crosses her arms tightly, as if she is suffering from some extreme cold. "Maybe a barn or shack? Does the school have one?"

I feel the need to scream at the top of my lungs when I come to a horrifying realization. "We better pray we get there in time to save Yishang. We should start running there now."

Milaya looks confused but nods and runs by my side. Her pinkish hair sways as she leaps over roots and hills and ducks under branches and goes around trees. I copy her motions and keep up with her speed.

"Okay, assuming that this creature does stop at sunrise, how much time do we have to last?" I feel as if we are living the live action version of the game Five Night's at Freddy's in a forest with only one creepy creature chasing us down. Regardless, if we don't make it to sunrise (if theory provided be true) we die.

Milaya pulls out a small keychain watch. "Around 8 hours."

"What?! We won't last that long!" I exclaim. My hair falls about.

"We have to. There's no other way." Milaya concedes.

I stop in my tracks and she stops too. Before she can say anything, I say, "we need a plan. Remember my fire idea?"

She nods in recollection.

"Okay. So the school has an old shed by the roadside deep in the forest. There are all sorts of dangerous weapons. Axes. Hammers. Nails. And yes, a flame thrower. I'm not sure why but it's there. If we can distract the creature long enough, we can burn it and cause some damage." I suggest.

Milaya responds, "okay, but distractions don't always work. And say it does, will fire do anything to it?" Her eyebrows furrow a bit in a contemplative way.

"We don't. We gotta take a chance."

She sighs. "If it's our only approach then let's do this."

I use my one good hand to try to tie a pony tail. Milaya notices my struggle and decides to help me out.

At least a good hour and a half went by consisting off us shifting from running to jogging to speed walking and back to running. Around 3 am, hours later, we reach the shack. It is not as small as people might first assume. It's at least 20 by 22 feet in width and length and tall enough for the tallest human being to walk in. The fact that it is wooden is the only thing that makes it appear like a shack in general. I don't see Yishang anywhere.

"Should we split up?" I ask Milaya slowly. My eyes scan the thick and tall trees nearby and have no luck finding the angry smartass. I hear cars from a distance and see very small soft lights emitted through the night between the trees.

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