Weapon of Good and Evil

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The night dawns dark and stormy. As we walk through the prison, I feel the awake prisoners' eyes on me, and me alone. None call out like last time, though, probably seeing Michael's gun in his hand. These guards don't mess around.

As Michael directs us towards Devil's Wing, I hear a ghost next to me murmur,"You're his daughter's age. Or her would-be age. She was raped and killed by a gang leader in this prison. The gang leader knows of Michael, and is wary of his rage." I silently thank the spirit for this useless bit of information, and feel its presence leave my side.

We walk into Devil's Wing, which is as dark and gloomy as ever. Michael directs us to an abandoned rec room down the catwalk, then turns to go back to his nightly duty, locking the door behind him. We all turn to Zak, who gestures for Jay to take the lead and lead us to nerve center. I carefully keep my eyes off of Zak's as I pass him, a strange tingle  going through me.

In nerve center, Zak directs us to where we're supposed to go. I'm with Aaron, in Cell Block D, where apparitions are seen constantly. Zak takes Jay, and walks to Cell Block A, on the opposite side from Aaron and I. Billy sits in a chair at the normal table, watching the cameras that are set up. I grab an EMF detector and an EVP recorder, and start after Aaron.

He smiles nervously at me, and I smile back. Random facts my brain soaked up during the interviews leak into my thoughts, and I shake them away. Investigation first, then random thoughts.

We enter Cell Block D, and look around inside the cells with our cameras. I hear Aaron's intake of breath, just as the smell of something rotten hits my nose. Gagging, I follow my nose to one of the cells on the left: my side. My camera flashes on the corpses of a dozen rats, piled high in the center of a bloody star with laced lines. My throat burns, and I turn away, boiling fire mixing with roiling disgust. Aaron peeks into the cell as well, and withdraws with a horrified expression.

"Satanic rituals. And they're fresh," he says, looking around. I can only nod; the sight of the pentagram drawn in blood brings back a tide of memories, which I'm trying desperately to swim out of. The random thoughts come back, and I hear Michael's voice in my head, saying,"There have been some satanic rituals in here that we've found. Especially in D Block. Dead rats, chickens, sometimes cats. One time, we actually found a body, which belonged to a prisoner that wasn't in his cell during roll call. We disposed of it quickly, and mopped up all the blood. They really seem to like Cell 666. For obvious reasons, of course."

I look at the number on the brass plate on the door, and almost puke; the engraved numbers 666 stare back at me. I imagine I hear laughing, then look up as I see Aaron whirl around, looking around wildly. "Did you hear that? It sounded like laughing," he says, looking frightened. I nod, opting to stay silent, in case the laughter comes again.

Wordlessly, I take out my EVP recorder, and press on. "What are you?... Did you do this?... Who was the prisoner sacrificed in this cell, during another ritual that took place here a few years ago?... Aaron, suddenly I feel like claws are raking down my neck. Do you feel anything?" I turn towards my friend, and see his eyes on me, wild with fear. "Saira," he says quietly, and the complete calmness in his tone scares me more than what he says next. "When you said that you felt claws on your neck, I swear to God, I saw two glowing eyes right behind your head. Scarlet, and wolf-like. They were scary as hell."

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