Chapter 2: Fight

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Harry's POV 

We were still sitting infront of our house, as I heared girls scream. It had to be a girlfight.

'Ey guys, do you hear that? That's a bitchfight.' I said.
        'Let's check it out.' Liam said.

Liam and I decided to go check it out. When we came there, I saw the hot blonde, and some other girl yelling at each other. Well well well, 2 pretty girls fighting.
             We were just standing there when Zayn, Niall and Louis joined us. It was actually really funny to watch. The blonde girl pushed the brown haired girl. I could see it wasn't that hard.

'Bitch, you don't know what you just started' The brown haired girl said, and punched the hot blonde. It was obvious that it was not going to end well. They were lying on the ground, pulling each others hair, puching each other in the face, stomache. Damn, the brown haired girl knew how to fight. Liam and another brown haired girl - probably her friend - were trying to pull the girls apart. It worked. They stopped fighting, but they were still screaming at each other. Niall, Louis, Zayn and I were just standing there.
             The blonde girl had a burst lip, and her hair was a mess. She was crying. The brown haired girl on the other hand, had nothing. No scratches, no blood. She was just angry. And her hair was messed up a little.

'Bitch, I am going to kill you in your sleep!' The brown haired yelled. I could she the anger in her eyes. Her friend with de brown curly hair, was trying to calm her down.


It was quiet.

But that's when the brown haired girl snapped. She pushed Liam and her friend to the side, and the attacked the blonde one. She just punched her, over and over again. I wanted to do something, I really did, but then again, I found it quite amusing. Yet I ran over to them and pulled the girls apart. The blonde girl just lied there. Her eye was bleeding, and her lip. I walked over to her and helped her up. Liam pulled the brown haired girl up and walked over to her house. Zayn and Louis walked with Liam, and Niall came over to me. We helped the girl in to the house.
                   Niall came back with water and a towel. I just washed her face. 'Thank you.' The girl said. But when she noticed me, she flipped.

'OMG you are Harry Styles! And, and Niall Horan !'

'Yes I am. But let's forget that for one second. What's your name?' I asked her. Ashley was her name, and her friend was called Hannah. After a few minutes talking, she decided to go to bed. So me and Niall got back to our place. 

Liam's POV

I pulled the two girls apart. When the blonde one said something, the brown haired girl snapped, and attacked her. Again. Then Harry stepped in. Thank God. When they were pulled apart, I pulled the brown haired girl up and walked over to her house. Which was across the street. Zayn and Louis walked with me. Niall and Harry were with the other girls. I was really glad it was over. When we walked in to her house I saw a boy playing Xbox. Probably her brother cause they look exactly the same. Except the fact he was a boy of course.

When he saw us standing there, he snapped. 'WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENEN TO YOU ALLI?' He yelled, and walked towards us. He probably thought we did it cause he started yelling at us.

'What the fuck did you do to her?!'


'Tell me what the fuck happened!' He yelled, as he walked towards me. I think he was ready to punch me in the face. 'TOBY! THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! I got in a fight with Ashley. They helped me out.' She yelled at him. He looked me in the eyes, and then walked off. Probably to the blonde girl. I think she's called Ashley. I put her down on the couch. Zayn came back with a towel and water, he washed the blood of her face. 'Thank you guys. I think I had killed her if it wasn't for you guys to stand there watching.' She said laughing.

'You're welcome.." I said, smiling.

'So what's your name?' Zayn asked her.

Really Zayn?.

'My name is Allison, but my friends call me Alli.' She replied. She smiled at Zayn. And then she smiled at me and Louis. Oh shit. 'My name is Za-'

'I know who you are. But don't worry, I'm not a crazy ass fangirl. Just a normal acting fan. It is weird seeing you guys standing in my livingroom though.' She said while smiling.

'So.. Alli. Can you tell us why you were fighting?' Louis asked. I smacked his arm. He acted like he was the police lol..

'Oh please that bi-' she started. I cut her off. 'Relax.. Just tell us what happened.' I said. She laughed. " Okay Li. So.. I was walking with my best friend Lily, the girl with the brown curly hair. And then this bitch, sorry, yelled my name. So..' She started talking and told us the whole story.

We were just sitting there and talking about random things when her brother came back.
           'Sorry about earlier guys, my name is Toby, i'm Alli's brother.' He said, as he introduced himself.

'Hi, my name is Liam Payne.' I said. 'His name is Zayn Malik, and his name is Louis Tomlinson.' I said while pointing at Zayn and Louis. I saw Zayn and Alli talking to each other and laughing. They looked quite cute together, to be honest. Haha.

'You guys wanna play GTA 4 with me?' Toby suggested. I shook my head. 'No sorry, we have to go back to our house. Unpack our stuff. See you guys later.' I said.

We went to our house. It had been a long day. I decided to go to bed right away.

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