Chapter 38 (Part Two) x

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I read the message. I couldn't believe my eyes. This text message was so damn cute. ( look at the sidebar) I almost started crying. I looked at him and he blushed. "Awh that's so sweet Zayn" I kissed him passionate. Someone coughed. "Um Helleeu? There are people eating here. Get a room." Eleonor said. I laughed. "Sorry guys" Zayn said and continued eating. I couldn't stop smiling. This double date was amazing. With my best friends and my boyfriend. Couldn't ask for anything better right? "So shall we go?" Zayn suddenly said. I thought we were going home but we were driving the wrong direction. (see what i did there) "Boys.. Where exactly are we going?" They laughed but didn't say anything. After a long LONG drive we finally stopped. We were at the beach. Of course, this was the third date. How could i forget?. Harry had spread out some blankets and we sat on it. It was realy nice, cause it was almost dark. We were watching the sunset in silence. Zayn suddenly stood up. "Walk with me." He said and walked away. I looked at the others but they looked confused also. I followed him and he sat down a distance from the others. I sat down next to him. He lied down and so did i. We watched the stars. It was a comfortable silence. I snuggled up to his chest and he kissed the top of my head running his hand through my hair. I tuned around, i was now laying on my stomach. I looked Zayn in the eyes and kissed him on the lips. "You're the most beautiful girl i've ever met. I ca't imagine living with out you Alli. You're so important to me. You're not just my girlfriend, you're also my best friend.. I love you" He said and smiled. He just said he loves me. I kissed him passionate. "I love you too Zayn. With all my heart." I turned around, and snuggled up to his chest again. I wanted to stay like this forever, till Lily interrupted us. She threw a bikini at me. "We're gonna swim." "Are you crazy?" "No, put the bikini on, and join us. You too Zayn." She walked away. Zayn smiled and stripped down his clothes. He just dived in, in only his boxers. I walked away and dressed myself behind a little shed. When i changed clothes i ran into the water. It wasn't really cold. I swam over to Zayn.  He grabbed my waist and i wrapped my legs around his waist. We kissed. So romantic. We were having a great time at the beach till i was totally frozen. I couldnt feel my legs anymore. So i dried myself and dressed myself again. I was so cold, you have no idea. Zayn came up to me and sat bahind me. I sat in his lap and he just hold me. That was much better. We had so much fun on the beach. Around 12 we went home again. We all stayed at the lads house. We watchted movies and stuff. I was really tired. " I'm going to bed guys. Good night!" I kissed Zayn and walked upstairs. We went to the bathroom and when I was done Zayn was suddenly standing in de room. He gave me a cheeky smile. "Wha..?"He walked up to me and started kissing my neck. I chuckled. He picked me up and lied me down on the bed. He pulled out my shirt and left love bites in my neck.  I pulled out his shirt and put my hands on his abs. OMFG PERFECT. Okay so i turned him around, now i was on top of him. He smiled at me and i kissed him passoniate. Then his cheek, then his neck. Then i kissed him down his abs. What led to you know.. (Lol i'm not gonna describe everything) It was amazing i can tell yah. 

The next day i woke up, next to Zayn. Naked. I climbed out of bed carefully i didn't want to wake Zayn. I went to the bathroom. I put on the shower but suddenly felt two arms around my waist. I turned around and Zayn kissed me softly on the lips. "Zayn.. Can you please leave? I'm taking a shower." I chuckeled. "Well, we can shower together? Less water." I blushed. I don't know.. It's really weird.. I mean i'm really insecure about my body. I saw Zayn looking at me. "Stop thinking like that babe. You are beautiful." He said like he could read my mind. He kissed me, and i got in the shower. With Zayn. Hehe. So when we were done we went donwstairs. People were eating breakfast. "Morning!" I yelled and i sat down next to Lily. We talked for a bit. "So Alli, it's your birthday soon isn't it." My eyes went wide. 'Noooo' I mouthed. I didn't want people to know that it was my birthday, cause i don't want these people to buy me presents. "Why didn't you tell us your birthday is coming? When is it?" Zayn asked and looked at me. I didn't say anything, but Lily did. "The 4th of July." She smiled proudly. OMFG.  "INDEPENDANCE DAY!" Harry yelled. " Yup." "Why didn't you want to tell us?" "Cause i dodn't want you guys to buy me presents." I looked up. They started laughing like i was stupid. I don't know, i never liked to celebrate me being another year older. "Okay so you don't want to celebrate your birthday?" Noella asked. I shook my head no. I noticed they all looked at each other, but i didn't care. The rest of the day we just hung out, watching movies., being bored all day long. I went home around 6 pm. I haven't seen Toby since yesterday so i just went home and hung out with him. (: 


I little short i know but it's hard to think of new stuff.

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