Chapter 1

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11:00AM, Seoul High School


"Okay! Class dismissed! I'll see you next week" the physics teacher said as he prepared his book

"Yes teacher" the students exclaims

"Don't forget to review for the test" the teacher reminded

"Yes sir!" The boys nodded as the teacher leave the class.

"Arghhh! One hour just feel like one day" Chanyeol bend his body

"I'm hungry" Minseok saids. "Junmyeon! Shall we go straight to cafeteria?" He asked

"Great! I'm also hungry" Junmyeon nodded. "Let's go grab the place" he said
School Cafeteria

"Wow! Aren't we a little bit late? There are many people on line today" Chanyeol said as they held the food tray, standing in line and waiting for the lunch

"I have no idea" Minseok shrugged as the line keep going forward. After the three got their lunch, they walk to their usual place and sat down.

"Yo mate!" Jongdae waved at them as they also study in the same class.

"Hey Jongdae! Come and sit with us" Junmyeon called him.

"Thanks, Myeon!" Jongdae said and sit down. They start to eat without saying anything. After finish lunch, they went to vending machine to buy some drink and head to class.

"Hey! Have any of you submitted the essay for our literature teacher yet?" Chanyeol asked during the way to class

"Essay? I'm already submit since the deadline" Jongdae said

"How about you, Minseok hyung?" Chanyeol asked

"Same as Jongdae" Minseok saids

"Guess I'm the only one who haven't submitted" Chanyeol pouted

"Because you focus only on games" Junmyeon blamed

"Hyung!" Chanyeol said

"Just saying" Junmyeon grin. "Have you brought the essay with you?" He asked

"Yes! I finished since last night" Chanyeol said. "Hyung! Can you accompany me to the teacher's office?" He asked Junmyeon with puppy eyes

"You're afraid, aren't you?" Junmyeon glances at Chanyeol

"Afraid? Ani!" Chanyeol shook his head

"And why you asks me to come with you then" Junmyeon said

"I don't want to be alone" Chanyeol fastly said.
"Please! Please! Hyung! Come with me" he begged

"Arraseo!" Junmyeon slowly nodded

"Thanks hyung!" Chanyeol grinned as they arrived the classroom. Chanyeol took out his folder from his backpack as he took out the paper and come over with Junmyeon to the office.
Teacher's office

Junmyeon and Chanyeol arrived at the office as they entered inside and searching for their teacher's table. The teachers are busying with the students's paperworks & homeworks.

"Here's our teacher" Junmyeon nudge Chanyeol's arm as they headed to their teacher's table while their teacher was talking to one of his students

"Eunji-ssi! The paperworks are finished with correction. Please return back to your classmates" the teacher said to the female student

"Yes songsenim" The female student nodded as she handed the papers. Closely look, she have a beautiful face with big eyes and pink lips as her forehead was covered by bangs. "Then, I'll leave. Have a nice day, songsenim!" She bowed

"You too!" The teacher saids

"Thank you, sir!" She bowed again and leave.

"She's pretty, isn't she?" Chanyeol nudge Junmyeon's arm

Junmyeon's POV
I entered to the teacher's office with Chanyeol as he returned his paperwork to our teacher. We walk to our teacher's desk but he was talking to his student from other class. A female student. She seems not to be in the same year with us because I've never seen in 12th grade.

She looks pretty and cute, with big eyes and chubby cheeks as her forehead was covered by bangs

"Eunji-ssi! The paperworks are finished with correction. Please return back to your classmates" the teacher saids and give the paperworks to her

"Yes songsenim" she nodded as she received the papers from the teacher. After that, she bowed to him and fastly leaves the office


"H-huh?" I turn to Chanyeol as my senses are back.
"Come on!" Chanyeol dragged me to his desk.

"Annyeonghaseyo songsenim!" We bowed

"Oh! Chanyeol! Junmyeon! Is there anything?" He asked us

"Oh! Nothing! I just return my late submission of essay" Chanyeol saids as the teacher check his work

"Thank you! You both may go now" Mr. Kang, the literature teacher said

"Ne songsenim!" We bowed and leave the office fastly. On our way, I kept thinking about her. Her smile just capture my heart

"What were you thinking about this moment?" Chanyeol asks me

"H-huh? It's nothing" I shook my heart

"You were thinking about that girl who talked to our teacher, weren't you?" Chanyeol smirks

"Aniya" I protested

"She looks cute. Don't you think so?" He asked and I nodded with agreement. "Geundae, I think she's younger than us for a year" Chanyeol continues

"Around 10th grade, maybe" I answered.
After finished classes, I headed back home since the extra class has canceled. I entered inside as I smell the foods

"You're home" my mom saids

"I'm back!" I said with smiling face

"Good!" She nodded. "Go shower and change. Dinner will be already in 15 minutes. You may relax first" she saids

"Ne umma!" I nodded and straightly headed to upstairs and goes through my bedroom.

"Phewwwww!" I left my backpack on chair and tiredly laid on my bed. I took out my phone and open my social media. I scroll down the newsfeed and I saw a new friend suggestion

"Jung Eunji"

Her face looks familiar, according to her photo
Ahh! She's the student who talked to Mr. Kang at the office last afternoon.

So, her name is Eunji. Jung Eunji.

"It's dinner time!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back from my bedroom and changed my school uniform to normal one.
To be continue....

First chapter may be long and boring. But I hope you enjoy the reading and have a nice day! ^^

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