Chapter 19 [EDITED]

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"Ahh! Eoteokkae" Eunji mumbled

"Next! The contestant is Jung Eunji!"

"Jung Eunji ssi?" The teacher outside called Eunji's name

"Ah! Nae" Eunji raise her hand. "Will I be alright?" She turned to her friend

"Gwenchana! You can do it" Baekhyun saids. Eunji nodded and entered inside to the auditorium under many claps and cheers from students and teachers.

Junmyeon's POV
Finally it Eunji's turn! She entered inside the auditorium with many claps and cheers from everyone and teachers.

"Hey Eunji!" The group of girls and boys exclaims as she walk fastly to the stage. "Fighting!!" They exclaims. I saw Eunji didn't say anything but laughs and giving mini-heart signature to them. She's so CUTE!

"Isn't she pretty?" I heard a male student asked his friends as he's non-stop staring at Eunji while she's on stage right now

"She's my friend since junior high" another male student said.

"I wonder if someone is having interest on your hoobae. Aren't you jealous?" Minseok teased me

"Ayyyyyy hyung! Eunji and I are just friend. Why should I jealous" I protested. But inside of me, I feel little angry when I heard someone is having interest on Eunji. But why?

"Good morning, Eunji ssi!" The judge welcomed her. "Are you ready?" The female teacher asked

"Nae! Good morning, songsenim!" Eunji bowed. She deeper her breathe. "I'm ready" she nodded. She looks brave but I could feel her inside is weak by listening to her voice. I hope you can do it, Jung Eunji!

"START!" The teachers saids and Eunji start reading her writing out. I'm surprised she's reading fast but well and clear without getting problem. Her eyes are focusing on her paper. I took a glance at the back as that male student took a photo of Eunji.

"Thank you, Eunji ssi!" The teacher smiled after she finished reading in 2 minutes. "Now.... let's move to the question" the teacher asked and Eunji explains clearly and they moved to the 2nd. They asked her what can we learn from the topic

"Well.... I hope everyone should starts reading because reading is essential and entertains us based on what topic you've chose. Second, make us think widely and improving writing skill and also reduce the stress. The last thing, it helps us with concentrating and vocabulary expansion. That's all" Eunji smiles

"Thank you, Eunji! Now you can take a break" The teacher smile and Eunji gets down from the stage, returning the paper to the teacher and fastly leaves. After Eunji, the teacher keep calling the other's name and start reading their own writing.

End of POV
After reading has ended, some teachers are busying with judging the scores as they start playing game and most of students are left for lunch.

"Eonni! You should go on first" Dahyun talk to her senior

"Aigoo! Arraseo" Eunji laughs as the student gets down the stage after answering the question right and getting the present from the teacher. Junmyeon and his friends come back to see how's Eunji going and the other group also coming back.

"Well, Eunji ssi! Before we move to our game, do you have any special to show us?" The male teacher asked

"Ahh! Singing is only thing I can do" Eunji awkwardly grins since it's been a long time she'd sung out. "Well..... I'm going to sing Only You by Huh Gak" she saids

"Woah! Finally I could listen to her live singing" Chanyeol exclaims as fanboy again and Minseok laughs.

Senior and I Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora