Chapter 23

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Ever since Junmyeon kissed her, Eunji decided to act like nothing has happened. She barely sees Junmyeon because she's always come early for lunch and early leaving and Junmyeon didn't even contact her like before, which makes Eunji feels mad.


"Eunji? Are you listening?"


"W-what?" Eunji blinked to her friends after losing her soul for a while

"What are you thinking about until you didn't even focus on listening to us?" Chorong asked

"Ahhh! It's nothing" Eunji awkwardly laughs and shook her head.

"Come on! Tell us" Bomi nudge Eunji's arm. "How was last week? Were you have fun with Junmyeon oppa's classmates?" She asked

"It's fine. Everyone are nice to me" Eunji answered. "And I bought a bracelet with postcard for him" she saids

"Did he say anything?" Naeun eagerly asked

"He said thank you and then....... he kissed me on cheek" Eunji blushed

"DAEBAK!" The girls exclaims. "That means he loves you!" They saids

"Ahhh eoteokkae!" Eunji mumbled and cover her face. "Whenever I saw Junmyeon flirts with that Joohyun, it drives me mad" she saids

"Exactly you're in love, Jung Eunji!" Bomi saids. "You should confess your feeling to him" she advised.

"What if he reject me? It sounds embarrassing when I imagine about that" Eunji saids

Meanwhile Junmyeon....

"WHAT?! You kissed her?!" The boys exclaims after listening to his story.

"So you're in love with her, hyung!" Chanyeol gasped. "You should confess to her" he saids

"I can't" Junmyeon denied. "What if she turn me down?" He saids

"I think she's also like you too" Minseok saids. "I could see she was jealous on you and Joohyun" he saids

"Jinjja? I guess this is a reason why she ignore me" Junmyeon mumbled
"Eunji! Can you collect the paperworks and give me at the office?" The literature teacher asked Eunji after class finished

"Ne songsenim" Eunji nodded

"Good! I'll see you at the office" the teacher saids and leave. After Eunji collecting the paperworks, Eunji leave the classroom and suddenly someone bumped into her until the papers are falling down

"Mian" The male student apologize to Eunji as he help her collecting the papers

"Gwenchan- omo!" Eunji shocked when she looked up on that person and it's him! Junmyeon. "I-I'll see you laters" Eunji fastly collect the paperworks and fastly left Junmyeon in confused.
"Class! The final semester is going to happen on next month so be well prepared!" The teacher announced

"Exam again?" The students groaned and some of them laid their head on the table

"Be patient, kids! After exam, you're going to have a long break" The teacher saids. "If you have no question, I'll leave" He saids and leave the classroom

Senior and I Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora