Human School

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Edd's p.o.v

Monday has finally arrived, today was the day I attend mortal school and will finally begin to study mortals up close. This shall interesting indeed, I have packed all I need for school according to research. I have a 'pencil case,' a 'back pack' and a 'notebook' which you can write on like a papyrus. I must admit, humans have some pretty advanced technology. None of it is needed for demon survival, but it is still quite fascinating.

"Belphagor!" I screamed trying to awaken him.

"Five more minutes mom." He groaned swatting me away.

"I am not your mother, I am prince Edward Gehennam and you ought not disappoint me or-!"

"Or what? You'll smite me? Remember now, your powers are not as strong as they were back home. What's the worse you can do to me?"

I was about say something when I just shook my head. "Never mind, we have school to attend, no time to bicker."

When I arrived on earth, even my outfit changed to appear more average looking. I understand that I must look as weak as the mortals but must I dress like them also? My robe had disappeared and was replaced with black 'jeans pants,' a 'leather jacket,' a blue shirt and shoes that say the word 'converse' on them whatever that means to mortals. I have gotten back only some of my powers too. My horns had reappeared, but much much smaller, how disappointing. But I must blend in, I placed this black hat that I bought from a large building called Peach Creek mall centre. Belphagor walked into the living room wearing similar jeans pants but with a faded blue colour and jacket made from the same jeans material. I headed toward the door when I started to feel this odd sensation in my stomach. It made a loud growling sound similar to fathers many hell hounds.

"WH- Belphagor, what is the meaning of this?" I said pointing my stomach.

"You're hungry, ya need food."

"Food? What for?"

"You know, to eat."

"Preposterous! I have never needed to eat before."

"Well humans need to eat human food. Here you're majesty." He said passing me an apple.

"A poisoned Apple?" I asked.

"A regular Apple sir."

I looked down at it. "Well that's no fun, but I guess it will have to do for now to satisfy my hunger." I've never eaten an apple, there was no need. I only joined other demons in a feast when celebrating a victory, but I never needed to eat to sustain myself. And there was no need for food like this. We only drink the finest of poisons and richest of blood. And feast upon the flesh of our enemies carcass.

"Well, have a bite, you need to survive in this realm." I took a bite, it tasted, sweet, it bursts with flavour. I pulled out my notebook.

Note: Human beings need nutrients to sustain themselves.

"We better be on our way Belpha- Eddy, we must remember to refer to each other by our fake mortal names. No one must know of our demonic heritage, do you remember how to introduce yourself?"

"Yes, my name is Eddy Reese, I'm 17 thous-"

"No no, just 17." I corrected.

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