Movie Time

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A/N Sorry if I'm constantly switching through p.o.vs, it's just that I want to show you everybody's point of view and thoughts toward a situation. Also this chapter will be long.

(Kevin's p.o.v)

I know yesterday was a total bust, but for whatever reason I really want to get to know Edd better. I know by now that that's going to be really hard because the guy is like a closed book that was chained up, locked with twenty padlocks, and thrown in a steel cage. Every attempt I make to get to know him he totally shuts me down. And I know now that he isn't exactly the friendliest person, but I still would like to become friends with him. He actually seems kind of cool, I could use him in my 'gang'.

All I know about him so far is that he's tall and pale and appears to like dark clothing. And that he was home schooled and came from Seattle. I'm going to invite him to come over today, I'll just walk over to his house, I already know where he lives.

...Ok, I know how that sounds, kind of stalker-ish. But I promise you I'm not stalking him! I just happened to see him walking home, it turns out he lives across the street from me which is mighty convenient. I always see him with that Eddy guy, maybe he's his only friend? Ms. told us to make them feel welcome, so I will. It's the Kevin Barr thing to do. I smiled big and head over to Edd's house.

I reached his door and rang the doorbell. Three minutes later Edd answered. He looked around with a pissed off face. I cleared my throat and he looked down to see me standing by his door step.

"Oh, it's you..." He said in a way like he was disappointed.

"Yeah, me."

"What is your reason for disturbing me?" He asked rather harshly.

"U-uh, I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to my house."

"...Why would I want to do that?"

"Um... I don't know I was just... wondering." Why am I acting this way? I never loose my cool in front of anyone, why is he so different?

Just then I saw Eddy walk up from behind Edd to the front door, what was he doing in his house? He was shirtless and dripping wet.

"Did I... interrupt something?" I could feel my face heating up.

"No." Edd said plainly.

"So, what's he doing here?" Eddy asked Edd pointing at me with his thumb.

"I was inviting Edd over to my house." Edd was about to say something when Eddy pulled him inside the house.

(Edd's p.o.v)

Belphagor pulled me back inside the house forcefully. I was about scold him when he spoke.
"Your malevolency, this can be an opportunity for your research. You will get to see the basic living conditions of a mortal." He wasn't wrong, so I nodded my head and went back toward the door.

(Kevin's p.o.v)

After a couple seconds Edd came out from behind the door.

"Alright Kevin, I will accept your invitation to visit you household." Woah! What happened back there that made him change his mind so quickly?

"Ok, great." I said with a smile. "Follow me."

"I wasn't aware that you meant right this moment, but alright." He followed me to my house. He was walking really close to me, he had this odd smell. Like roses and ashes. He looked even paler up close. His skin was almost grey, it had no colour at all. The only thing that has colour on his body were his eyes, which is why they stood out so much. I don't think people are supposed to be that pale. My hand accidentally brushed against his, he was so cold, like ice. And he kept his eyes straight ahead. He looked so lifeless, like a dead body had been possessed. Is something wrong with him?

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