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"Hush little infant
You're safe in my arms
Father will ensure you come to no harm

Whom ever shall lay a hand on you
Father will sever them
And use their carcass for stew

Hush little child
Rest your head
Any one who threatens you
Will end up dead

Close your eyes
And do not fear
'Cause your papa
Is always here"

The horned man-beast gently rested the little winged infant into his crib and tucked him in.

"Good night my son, you will surely grow to become a fine ruler."

He blew out the candle that was placed on the stone nightstand and walked out of the bedroom.


Edward played the memory from his childhood back in his head. Every night his father or mother would sing him a lullaby to help him fall asleep. Not all demons needed sleep, but it was still enjoyable for them to relax a bit. And it was a relatively quick way to regain their powers and energy.

Edward had a very happy childhood, despite the fact that he rarely felt happiness. His parents were always overbearing, but they were great parents. He spent the majority of his childhood running threw fields, learning how to fight with different weapons, and murdering his enemies. A happy demon childhood. He and his parents would celebrate holidays together. Holidays such as Hallows Eve and the Blood Moon. And you cannot forget the most important tradition. Whenever you are victorious in battle, or you successfully vanquish your opponents, it is tradition to join with your whole family in a celebratory meal and feast upon the flesh of thy enemies. It is a very bonding experience.

Edward laid on the grass and felt a flower petal between his index finger and his thumb. He had to admit, the nature on this realm was breathtaking. There was certainly nothing like it in the underworld. There is no life in the underworld, everyone there is either already dead, never dies, or never lived in the first place. However, it is not impossible to kill an immortal... it would be difficult, but there is a way. Almost nobody knows the way to kill a being that is meant be eternal, and it is intended for it to be kept that way. Imagine what would happen if the supernatural learned how to kill each other off...
Chaos would rein over the underworld.
Hopefully that never happens, if it does we could simply erase their memory.


(Kevin's p.o.v)

I didn't get a chance to talk to Edd yesterday, so I thought I'd go over to his house to say hello.

I grabbed my jacket and was about to head out the door.

"Where do you think you're going young man?" I turned around and saw my mom. She had her red hair tied into a pony tail and she was wearing her yellow apron.

"I was just going to a friends. "

"Oh! Is it that new family that moved across the street?"

"Um... yeah. How did you-"

"You're dad told me that while I was away at aunt Carol's you invited the new kid over for a slumber party."

"Mom! It wasn't a slumber party! That's for girls!.. it's a sleep over."

She laughed. I could feel my face becoming red, why does she love to embarrass me?!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2020 ⏰

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