Human school (part 2)

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This chapter is going to be extra long, so bear with me, ok?

(Kevin's p.o.v)

I was walking down the hallway with my buds Nazz, Rolf and Nat. Even though me and Nazz just broke up, she says she still wants us to hang out. I didn't have the heart to tell her how awkward it made me feel.

"So, that new Ed-boy, he's freaky, yes?" Said Rolf trying to break the silence.

"Yes, and sexy too." Said Nat. He's pan, he says he's attracted to anyone with a booty, no matter if they're a girl or boy or neither. "What? Stop looking at me like I'm on crack!"

"Rolf is right dude, he is kinda freaky." Nazz was silent the whole time. "Nazz?"


"You're being quiet? Something wrong?" I asked.

"No. Why do you ask?"

"You've hardly said anything since the new guy came."

"Whaaat? Psh. That's not true." She said with an awkward laugh.

"Nazz acts strange just like the new Ed-boy." Said Rolf.

"I'm not! Ok?" She snapped. "I'm just... Thinking about stuff."

We all looked at her concerned.

(Nazz's p.o.v)

It's him.

He's here.

But why? What is he doing here? That's no new guy, that's Edward, the prince of Hell. I would recognize him anywhere. I thought I had escaped from them when I came here. I thought I'd never see anyone from the underworld again. But he's here, in my neighbourhood, in my school, in my class, across from the room. I pray he doesn't recognize his own kind. But it's bound to happen. Us demons, we have a sense, we sense when one of us is near. Soon he'll recognize me. He'll tell his father I'm here, then his father will tell Beelzebub, and Beelzebub will tell Lucifer, and Lucifer will tell Satan. And Satan will know one of his subjects left home and send his guards to take me back! After I left class that day he first came, I sprayed myself with a whole bottle of channel, in the hopes it would mask my scent. So he'd smell perfume and not his own kind.

I'm panicking, but I shouldn't, because I think he senses fear too. Wait! It doesn't matter who tells who that I'm here on earth. Satan always has a way of knowing things. Like he has eyes all over. He probably already knows!

(Kevin's p.o.v)

I can see Nazz sweating through her concealer. I wonder what has gotten into her.

(Edd's p.o.v)

"I hate this! Why is it so crowded. And why do we have to come here. There's nothing these people can teach us that we don't already know! It's boring!" Bel- Eddy, complained. It will take time to get used to our new names and new forms.

"As do I Eddy, but it's the easiest way to study humans and their ways."

"We can study humans from home! From Books! Television!"

"Yes, but we can gather much more accurate information about humans from observation than we can from a- a television!" I let out a sigh. "If you don't want to do this, you can just return to Hell."

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