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(Kevin's p.o.v)

Is it something I said?
Is it something I did?

I thought we were having a good time together and he just ran off without too much of a warning. I wonder what happened. After he left, that was all I could think about all night. 'Why did he leave me?'. Man, this guy is really messing up my mind! Everything was fine until he walked into my life and threw everything off balance. With his dark clothing, and his conceded attitude. His whole "bow down to me peasants!" kind of behaviour. I usually hate people who act like him, but I don't hate him specifically for some reason. Ever since I saw him I knew that he was different. But I don't know what about him was different. And it's not his unnatural snow-white skin, or his dark coloured everything, or the weird way he talks. Something else that draws me to him, but I don't know what.

All he does is push me away, but for whatever reason I'm interested in him. And I want to get to know him. Like, why does he always write everything down? Or, why didn't he know what a motorcycle was? Or why do I feel like he's never honest with anything he says? Everything about him seems off, like he's hiding something. And why is he so hostile toward everyone? I don't believe Eddy when he said that that's just his personality. Something had to make him that way. No one is just born all hostile and bitter. Something... Or someone, had to make him become that way. He won't answer any of my questions. Whenever he actually does decide to give me answers, they're always half responses. Or he doesn't really answer what I asked at all.

I'm going to see him again later today at school, maybe today I'll get more answers out of him.


"Tell me once more your malevolency, why is it that we are obligated to attend this retched place everyday?"

"So that we may gain higher amounts of knowledge about human culture."

"What can we learn about human culture from a bunch of whiney juveniles?! We should be out there, in the real world. Learning about more mature, adult human beings. It is they who are more interesting."

"That is correct, however, in these schools humans learn information about the world to prepare them for the rest of their adulthood and their short and meaningless lives. This is the place they learn their information, therefore, this is the best place for us to gather information about humankind. And besides, I do not possess enough of their human currency to afford what is known as university."

"I see sire." He sighed.

He would just have to suffer here in this dimension until the young lord decides that he had enough research information.

Over on the lockers two students were making out. Edd shivered in disgust.

"Disgusting! They're shoving their tongues into each other's mouths!"

"Hahaha! That guy knows how to get the ladies!" He nudged Edd in the side. "Say, sire, maybe one of these fine days you'll find yourself a lovely maiden."

"I think not." Edd scowled. "Any how, class begins soon, we should get going."

"Wow, you're no fun at all, are you?"

"I'm a prince of hell, I do not need to be fun."

The two headed toward their first class.

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