Chapter 15

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Murr was looking through the window.
"Look he makes her happy" Q told Murr with his hand on his shoulder.

Murr knew that Q was right and therefore came into the room. He acted as if he was oblivious to what Sal gave me.
"What's that?" Murr asked me. Sal stopped hugging me immediately after Murr walked into the room.
"Sal got me a necklace... a beautiful one!" I said to him. Sal gave me a smile.
"Wow it's... pretty" Murr said as if he forced the words out of his mouth. He sat down on the red leather chair next to my bed.
"I think if you two want" he began with a shudder. "Then you can" he told us. Me and Sal both smiled in relief that he was okay with it.
"But Sal if you ever hurt her..." Murr told him.
"I know and trust me I won't!" Sal told him, to put I'd mind at ease.

Q and Joe walked back into the room, immediately sensing the lack of tension in the air. They both stood around the bed.
"So we have been thinking..." Joe began. "Now we know Jess is awake and is slowly getting better.... then maybe we should go back to filming and going on tour soon! We haven't been doing it for a few months!" Joe said to them. Anger immediately filled Sal and Murr.
"No way!!! I want to stay with Jess!" Murr protested.
"I agree! I'm not leaving her alone!" Sal agreed.
"But she's awake now and she can call if there is anything wrong!" Q reasoned.
"But what if something happens and I'm not here!" Sal said to them. Murr walked over to Sal on the right hand side of the bed, whilst Q and Joe stood together on the right, said they were taking sides.
"I think your unreasonable" Murr said, aimed at Joe and Q.
"But you aren't leaving a perfectly capable girl alone!" Joe said.
"My sister!" Murr shouted.
"My girlfriend!" Sal shouted.
"Everyone just stop!" I said to calm them down. "There's no good in arguing. I'm fine here! Go back to work!" I said to them.
"But baby! I don't want to leave you" Sal said to me, holding my hand.
"I have the necklace and I'll ring you!" I said to him.
"Do we have an agreement?" Joe asked.
"Fine!" They all agreed. Q took to Twitter!
We are back! See us preform here!! Starting Tonight in NY!

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