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yo yo yo - i don't own any characters other than rue, frankie and liam. all the others belong to J.K Rowling as u know! oh and this is set in a different time to when the original was written. just though i'd let u know!!
another note, i am rewriting these chapters, day by day and i will hopefully start to update more! 


Everyone knows the famous and crazy Bellatrix Lestrange, the one that's oh so loyal to the lovely Lord Voldemort himself. Well no one knows who I am, not many people anyway.
The name's Lestrange. Rue Lestrange (I'm a big fan of that muggle film franchise James Bond). I've been attending Durmstrang since first year only because the school pretty much low key specialises in the dark arts. But Hogwarts has always been my school of choice, it just seems so much more interesting and less aggressive. My mother went but won't let me go. She thinks I'm too 'nice' to be a death eater so that is why I go to Durmstrang. But I don't even want to be a death eater, I've seen people get the dark mark and quite frankly I'd rather be put in Azkaban. My mother also thinks I'm too involved with the muggle world. I don't see what's so bad about them, their music is amazing, so are their clothes. I'd rather be a muggle than live at Malfoy Manor where all I ever hear are blood curdling screams recently.

I'm enjoying my time to myself in bed and relaxing when I'm so rudely interrupted by this screech, "Rue Elizabeth Lestrange, get your lazy arse out of that bed now!" I jump out of my skin when I notice my mother standing by the bedroom door, twiddling her wand with her fingers. Slowly I sit up and rest against the headboard of my bed, glaring at my mother.

"That is no way to wake someone up mother." I scowl at her and before I even realise, I was being dragged out of bed by my mother.

"Get your filthy hands off me woman!" I really despised my mum. She constantly has this crazy look in her eyes, and I just stare at her, wondering how I'm even related to her the tiniest bit. She kills and tortures people for fun and just because her master 'says so'. I would not be surprised if she was to jump off a cliff if he told her to. On the other hand, I couldn't even be mean to a house elf. So yeah, I've been told I'm badly behaved and rude but I blame my mother for that. Children tend to copy the way their parents act and behave, so the person to blame here is Bellatrix.

Whislt I was screaming profanities at her I reached for my wand, and once she let go of my arm with that tight grip she had, I pointed my wand right at her.

"You can't use magic outside of school Rue, you'll get expelled!" She sang in her high pitched voice. It made my skin itch. I've always wondered what it would be like to actually love your mother, and to not have their voice or presence make you feel dirty.
I lower my wand and place it on my bedside table, then asked my mother what she so desperately had to wake me up for.

"The Dark Lord  would like to talk to you." She said with a glisten in her eyes, but her voice was so blunt. Oh shit, this cant be good. Voldy has never wanted to speak to me, ah what the heck. I grabbed my baggy jumper I managed to take from a muggle music concert and shoved it over my head. Oh the pros of being a witch. My mother gave me a look of disgust.

"Clearly giving me that look 'cause I look good in what I'm wearing right," I smirk to my mum. "Oh wait no, muggle clothing, deal with it." I finish with a face void of emotion.

As I was casually strolling out of my room, I turned to see my mother staring at me with a proud look on her face. Wait, what?!

"Erm, mother are you okay? You're smiling, and it's not an evil smile..." I cautiously ask her, just in case I hit a nerve. "Whatever, come on can you leave my room now please?" I asked her as I raised my eyebrow. Suddenly, my mother walked towards me in 2 steps and embraced me in her arms. I'm pretty sure this was the second time we've ever had physical contact, the first time when she held me after I was born, most likely I think. Yeah, I'm slightly freaked out right now.

After realising her actions she jumps back quickly and her facial expression returns to her normal one, plain and crazy looking. She continues to speak in a monotonous tone, "I'm just proud of you, I have a feeling the Dark Lord wants you to become a death eater." Okay wait what was that? Become a death eater? Receive the dark mark? Reserve myself a cell in Azkaban already?! It's a no from me.

I stand there on the third floor corridor outside my bedroom, my mouth open, possibly catching flies. Why do I have to be dragged into this shit, I'm 16 in like 2 weeks for Merlins sake. I want a good and fun life. Not a glum and grey one, obeying orders from Voldemort from here on till the bastsrd dies.

That would be shit.

Rue LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now