Diagon Alley

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I'm woken by my mother shouting at me yet again. Why cant she just leave me alone. I go back to thinking about my dream I just had. I was at Hogwarts yet again and I was in Gryffindor and we just won the house cup! I'm sure I've had that dream before. But before I get to think about it my mother screeches at me.


"Huh, no I want to stay in bed" I barely manage to get out seeing as I'm still half asleep.

"Well, if you want to go to Hogwarts, I suggest you get out of bed and get your arse to Diagon Alley!" She hissed.

Oh crap! I sit up quickly and look at the clock on my bedside table, 11:05am. I jump out of bed and rush to the shower.

"Have the Malfoys gone yet?" I asked my mother, not that I needed to know the answer, especially after yesterday, I don't want to go with them.

"Yes, they left an hour ago. Oh and why do you call them 'the Malfoys' they're your family!" My mother exclaimed. Well, they're no family of mine, I do not want to be related to them. I know that sounds harsh but it's true. I don't want to be related to death eaters and surely it won't be long till Draco becomes one.

"Pahaha, my family okay then mother" I say sarcastically. Giving her a disgusted look. The look she gives me in response is one of loathing, oops. Upset the mother.

"Okay, now you've finished giving me that look you can leave now. I would like to get ready, thanks" I tell my mum, she then saunters out the room. Thank Merlin she's left, I can now do things in peace. Just when I actually think she's left she rushes back in.

"Don't forget this, it's the list for your equipment and uniform. It arrived early this morning," I grabbed the letter and pretty much shoved my mother out the room. "Oh and there's a list of the shops you need to get your stuff in too" Well that's nice of her, for once.


I left Malfoy Manor via the Floo Network. I had to go on my own, not like I can turn up at Diagon Alley with my mother; one of the most wanted death eaters. Once I came out the other end of the fireplace, I made my way out the shop I arrived in. I didn't know what it was called as I haven't been here before. I'd just walked out the shop door when I walked into someone. They were really tall, I must of come up to their shoulder or so. Obviously male, I could tell by the posture. When I looked up, I saw fiery red hair, freckles and a pair of beautiful brown eyes. The first thought that popped into my head was: Weasley.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going!" I exclaimed. I wanted to start a conversation, maybe get some friends before I go to Hogwarts, that would be nice. Besides, he wasn't bad looking, I must say.

"It's fine, honestly! No need to worry! I haven't seen you before, who are you? Oh that sounded rude, sorry" He said with a little laugh at the end. His voice was deep, but not too deep, I liked it.

"I'm Rue, Rue Lestrange" Oh crap, shouldn't have said my last name. I give him a warming smile, try to ease things up. Well lets see his reaction then.

"O-Oh, I'm George Weasley" Knew it! Definitely a Weasley. I didn't realise he was scared until I l looked at his eyes. There it was, his eyes were swimming with shock and fear.

"What you looking scared for? I'm not like my mother you know, I'm no death eater. Look I'll show you!" I say jokingly lifting up my jacket sleeve. At this, his face relaxed a little, good. "See, no dark mark. It's all good!" I laughed.

"Ah phew!" He said, pretending to wipe sweat away from his brow, giving me a grin. "Well, nice meeting you! See ya tomorrow on the train!"

"Oh, okay. See ya," I sounded hurt, what why?! I give him a smile and walk past him. On my way past him, George grabs my arm and spins me around. "Woah, what you doing?" I say laughing.

"Well you look lost and I don't have to be back to family for a while yet, so I thought I'd help ya around?" He replied, raising his right eyebrow slightly at the last word.

I nodded and added, "But why you helping me?"

"You look like you need help," He replied with a laugh at the end.

Oh he has a nice laugh. What am I thinking about his laugh for?!

"Oh thank you, you kind gentleman" I say with a grin. George returns the grin and drags me down the road.

We were walking for about 5 minutes before we stopped in front of a large white building named Gringotts. Why have we stopped here? I've already got money. I turn round to face George and realise he's staring at me. Er, awkward. When he realises I'm looking at him, he's head rapidly turns and faces Gringotts.

"George, I already have money," I tell him.

"O-oh right, okay. Lets move on then" His cheeks tinge a slight red. Must be embarrassed. He turns around walks back the way we came.

We stop at a shop called Flourish and Blotts, a book shop by the looks of it. The shop looks vaguely familiar. I have been here to Diagon Alley before when I was about seven years-old. My mother insisted I get my wand early. But all memories of this street have faded. I walk into the shop and George follows suit. I reach into my pocket and pull out the list with all the books and other euipment I need. By the looks of it, I only need two. I already have the rest from when I was at Durmstrang. Well that's handy! I feel George glance over my shoulder and look at the list, he then walks away. Well that's odd. I turn around and look at the books on the shelf nearest to me. I then feel a tap on my shoulder and it's George with my books.

"Oh thank you! I would've been capable getting them myself but thanks!" I say with a grin. Oh he's so kind.

"Just being a gentleman," He replies with a wink.

Oh wow! I thought. Oh crap, I'm blushing. I drop my head and grab the books out of his arms, then walk over to the main desk.

"Hello miss, that will be 4 galleons please" The shopkeeper says with a smile. I hand him the correct money and walk out. George on my tail.


I returned home at 3pm, after having quite a long day. I ended up finding out quite a lot about George. He's going into his final year at Hogwarts and he has a twin brother Fred. According to him those two are quite the prankers. Once we bought all my things he took me to Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour and we sat and chatted for a while. Until he had to leave and meet his family. Before he left he gave me a hug and told me I could sit with him on the train tomorrow. He was so nice to me, and he didn't seem fazed by the fact I live with death eaters.

Now I am definitley excited about going to Hogwarts, I already have one friend. Oh check me, so popular.

Rue LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now