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It's around noon and I'm lying on my bed wondering what to do with myself for the remainder of the day. I walk into the ensuite that I was lucky enough to have and hopped in the shower, still contemplating about my plans. Its September 30th, so I have two days till I go to Hogwarts, meaning two days to get all my supplies from Diagon Alley. That's when I realised that I hadn't gone to say goodbye to a couple of my friends. Frankie and Liam. One thing that my family doesn't and will never know about them is that they are muggles. If any single person found out about this friendship, I would be punished for being a blood traitor and Frankie and Liam would most definitely be punished for being muggles, and I couldn't risk hurting my friends.  

Turning my upper body slightly, I switch off the shower and grab a towel and start drying my body thinking about what to wear today. Such a difficult task. My final decision is a pair of black high waisted jeans, a white crop top and a black and white checkered shirt to go over of the top. Sitting down at my desk, I start to apply my make up in the normal routine; concealer, powder, eyeliner and then mascara. Once my make up was complete, I started to dry my hair, which seems to take an age to complete, what with it being so long and thick. When complete, I grabbed my wand from my bedside table and a pair of Dr. Marten shoes from my shelf of shoes and leave my room. 

"I'm just going out to see my pals, see you in a bit!" I yell, whilst standing in the middle of the foyer in the manor, hoping someone will reply, and as usual, there was just silence.

"Oh how to be loved." I mutter bitterly as I leave the mansion that I call home. 

I casually strolled to the nearest muggle cafe, which is the meeting place for myself, Frankie and Liam. Luckily, Liam has a job there over the summer and always gives Frankie and I discounted drinks and food, which is what a girl wants and needs in her life. During the 20 minute journey, I begin to think about what life would be like at Hogwarts. I wonder if it's as marvellous as Draco said it is in his first year. Although, since then, he's turned quite bitter towards the school that is his home 3/4 of the year. I have no idea why, I've always heard such great stories about it when walking down Diagon Alley. 

As I near the cafe, I see a tall, skinny brown haired girl leaning against the wall outside, talking on a muggle device known as a mobile phone and chewing gum. The girl I know as Frankie, looks up at me and grins, the biggest grin I have seen in a very long time. 

"Yeah, okay mate see you soon alright. Gotta go, someone important's here. Bye pal," Frankie speaks into the phone, clicks a button then places the muggle device into to the back pocket of her jeans. "Well well well, I was wondering when I was gonna see your pretty little face again!" She squeals, embracing me in a hug. I immediately hug her back and then pull away again.

"Dude, I have had so much stuff to do over the past couple of weeks for school and around my house, it's driving me crazy," to be totally honest, I haven't really had much to do, I just couldn't leave the house for a while due to the fact that Voldemort was back and the Ministry were being all funny about my family. 

"Ah, that sounds so shit," she replies, sounding sincere. The thing about Frankie is that she is the most genuine person I get to be around during the summer, after a year of trying not to get killed by fellow students at Durmstrang. "Come on, Liam's working today. He's been dying to see you!" 

At this point, I get dragged into the cafe by Frankie with her pale hand around my wrist. 

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," a deep voice states. I look up and notice Liam standing by the counter. His dirty blonde hair all messy and his white apron covered in what I believe to be coffee. A smirk comes across his face, while I feel a huge smile creep up on mine. "Two chocolate and banana milkshakes, am I right?" At this, Frankie and I look at each other then back at Liam and nod simultaneously. 

Whilst making our way over to the counter, I break the comfortable silence between us and start a conversation.

"So I have something exciting to tell you guys," I commence, knowing that starting the sentence like this will draw them in, in an instant. 

"Oooh do tell please Rue!" Frankie exclaims, her voice high and full of excitement.

"Well I'm finally moving schools, it's to -"

"Are you coming to St. Johns?! Oh my god Rue, you have to come! That way, we'll be all together all the time!" Frankie interrupted.

"Oi Franks, mate. I'm trying to listen to this interesting piece of information that Rue has to tell us," Liam's deep voice fills the air. I look at him and notice he's cutting the bananas up for our milkshakes. He looks back at me and gives me a wink, "carry on."

"Sadly no I am not coming to St. Johns, but I am moving to another boarding school. Although this time, this school is in England, so I get to come home at Christmas and Easter, and will get to see you a lot more!" I exclaim, looking over to Frankie to see her reaction, but I don't get to as my attention is drawn back to Liam, adding the finishing touches to our drinks. 

"Well, if that's the case," Liam then hands us our milkshakes, and proceeds to shove his hand into his trouser pocket, and pulls out a handful of something. Wait are they condoms?! "you'll be needing these. Guys in British schools are a lot different to guys at that other school you went to. Trust me!"

Out of nowhere, I hear this laugh and turn to see Frankie pointing at my face, "Oh. God Rue. Your face, it's priceless!" She gets out in-between laughs, clutching her stomach. 

"Wow," was all I could muster at that very moment. "you little shit!" I finish the sentence laughing as well, not being able to deny the fact that it was a funny moment. When I finished chuckling, I grabbed my milkshake and took a sip, delicious as always. 

For the remainder of the afternoon we sat and chat about all the shenanigans that Frankie and Liam had got up to over the summer. With myself not really having much of an input as I couldn't exactly tell them that the most powerful and dark wizard had risen again and that my family were under surveillance by the Ministry. Despite that, it was these moments that I kept with me during my days at Durmstrang, as I didn't have any other friends. The guys there were all dicks. Huge, tall muscly guys, who were all one reason or another out to get each other. And the girls, well there was 4 of us, and three of them, were the stupidest witches I'd ever met. 

It was starting to get dark and as I looked at the clock on the wall, I noticed that dinner would be in 10 minutes or so, and I had a rather long journey home. 

"Okay, my lovelies, I must get going. Dinners gonna be ready soon, and I don't wanna miss it!" I rise from my seat and so does Frankie and Liam. We all share a group hug, then I hug them individually. "It was so great to see you again, I've had a great afternoon with you guys! Love you loads losers and I will see you very soon! Enjoy school," I finish with a wink and then proceed to walk out the door of the cafe.

"See you later alligator!" Liam starts.

"In a while crocodile!" Frankie and I chime in unison, causing us to giggle. I turn and wave to my friends as I leave the cafe, and embark on a long walk home. 

I really hope I'm not that late for dinner, otherwise I'll get a bollocking from my mother, and that is not what I need after a good day. 

Rue LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now