Umbridge, more like Umbitch.

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It's been a week since I moved to Gryffindor house. All of Slytherin hate me which is no surprise, whatsoever. I don't even care, so they're not affecting me. In this week, George and I have become really close. I'm with him at breakfast, lunch, dinner and every other spare time we have, we are together. Some people think we're dating or something but, I don't like him like that. We're just the best of friends, but I can't forget about Frankie and Liam! I've missed them so much!

I was sitting with George at breakfast when the rest of our friends joined us.

"Guess who we've got first lesson?" Ron groaned.

"Oh Merlin, Umbridge. Seriously, she should just change her name to 'Umbitch', it would suit her personality way better." I snarled. Everyone started to laugh and George held his hand up for a high five. Slapping his hand, I grinned to myself.

"Oh Rue, you do make me laugh!" Fred chuckled, "you're almost as funny as me. Of course I'm the one everyone loves."

"Oh you're so full of yourself Freddy dear." I smirked at him and started to eat my toast. I looked at my watch and saw I still had another 10 minutes till class started.

"Right, so Georgie do you want to go on our 'before class starts stroll'?" I chuckle. We did this every morning before our lessons started. It was just us talking about what we want to do. Even though we did it every morning, we still had something to talk about. I loved it.

George mainly spoke about him and his brother opening a joke shop in Diagon Alley, which I thought was a pretty neat idea. Especially for those two, as prancing is their life.

"Girl, you're stealing my bro'!" Fred complained.

"Well, you're going to have to put up with it aren't you!" I winked. Grabbing my books, I snatched George's hand and skipped out the Great Hall, George on my tail.

We were casually strolling through the corridors when I neared my classroom. Not wanting to be early, I turned around and sat down on a window ledge. George gave me a puzzled look, but he followed me.

"Rue your class is there, what are you doing?" He asked.

"You of all people, know how much I dislike Umbridge. So why would I want to be early for her lesson?!" I stated, faking shock. He just grinned at me.

"Ah yeah, silly me. Wasn't thinking properly. Just got a lot on my mind at the moment." He said, sounding quite down.

"Aw baby, what's up?" I asked putting on a baby voice and pouting.

"Rue, this is serious!" George snapped. Oh shit, he means business, "Crap, sorry. Didn't mean to snap."

"It's find, tell me what's wrong? I won't judge you." I said, looking down at my hands as if they're the most interesting things in the world. I really need to sort my nails out... When I looked up to face George, he was staring intently at me.

Woah, am I that ugly. I thought.

"No, you're not. Why would you say that?" He nervously laughed.

"Urm, what are you talking about?" I say, while raising my right eyebrow.

"You said you were ugly." Oh crap, I said it out loud.

"Ha, oh yeah. I thought I was thinking that. But I said it out loud. Have you ever done that? It's so annoying," I laugh nervously.

"No I haven't, but I know what you mean," He smiled. "Anyway, I've been thinking about a lot lately because I wanted to tell you something."

Just then Umbridge walked past. I sank into the corner of the window ledge and George stood up in front of me to cover me. Thank you! I screamed in my head.

"Mr Weasley, what are you doing here? You don't have Defence Against The Dark Arts with me. I have 5th year Gryffindors and Slytherins. You're in 7th year. Am I right?" She said with that high-pitched  voice of hers.

"Er..." George started to stutter. Shit, don't blow this George.

"Am I right Mr Weasley?!" This time she said it sternly, her voice squeaking.

"Y-yes Professor. I was just walking towards my lesson." Ah phew. I could tell he was tense because when he finished I could see him relax.

"Very well Mr Weasley. Off you go!" She squeaked and strutted off to her classroom.

George turned arround and grinned at me. I pulled myself out of the corner and stood up.

"Thanks Georgie!" I exclaimed while hugging him.

"No problem Rue!" He returned the hug. "Well then you should go to your lesson 'cause it looks like Umbitch is waiting," Ah, I love this kid. My best friend. He gave me a loving smile and hugged me one last time."See ya!" He walked off.

Remembering that George needed to talk to me, I stopped in my tracks and called out.

"Georgie, what did you want to tell me?!" He span around on his heel to face me.

"I'll tell ya at lunch!" With that, he grinned and ran to his lesson. Strange, not like him to run to his lessons?

"Miss Lestrange, care to explain why you're not lining up for class?" Her voice in my ear. It was making my skin itch.

Is it possible to hate someone so much, that the thought of them just angers you?

Well that explains why George ran away. Turning on my heel, I gave her a dirty look then slowly walked to the back of the line.

"Bad luck cuz." Draco said, giving me his signature smirk. What a bellend.

"At least I don't have to lick my fathers arse to get him to like me 'cuz'." I gave him the finger and walked into the class. His face showed shock and he looked slightly upset from what I could see. I smiled to myself knowing that my comment got to him and sat down next to Hermione.

"Whaddup Mione!" I grinned. 

"Hello Rue! What did you just say to Malfoy? It looks like he's just been attacked by a dementor!" She said giggling.

"Ah well, that was because I just insulted the bastard. He deserved it anyway." I smiled, opening my book.

Today we were going over the basics. Again. Like always. We need to learn actual magic, where we use our wands. That will help us. Just like Harry said in our first lesson. Voldemort is back, and of course I would know this because I practically live with him. The Ministry must be covering it up.

I haven't thought of it in this way but he's sort of like my uncle, you know, Voldemort. Of course he's a crazy guy who likes to kill people for fun but he's only okay with me. He doesn't even like my mum. Well I suppose he does because she's his most loyal death eater. But she's just as crazy. Maybe he only acts like he likes me because he thinks I'm actually going to do this 'mission' he's set for me. No can do.

During my daydream, I hadn't realised Umbridge had approached mine and Hermione's desk. Oh, what now?!

"Miss Lestrange, care to explain why you're not doing the work?" she spoke right into my ear. Her voice scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh I wasn't listening," I smiled back.

"Why not?"

"Maybe because I don't want to listen to your whining voice." I glared at her. She looked offended so I just smirked and looked back to my book.

"Detention Miss Lestrange!" Umbridge screeched. I knew this was coming, not sure why I didn't stop myself from saying that.

"Rue!" Mione hissed at me, I turned to face her and she gave me a shocked look. She knew what would happen to me in this detention, so did I. Groaning internally, I turned back to my book.

Ugh, I never think twice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2013 ⏰

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