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You felt someone lightly shaking your shoulder. "Y/N, wake up, we're here." You mumbled something and opened your eyes to see John. "Go away..." you'd say, patting his face. "C'mon, just walk to the room, then you can go back to sleep." He grabbed your hand and pulled you to the door of the car. You opened your eyes and scooted to the edge of the seat. You hopped out of the car, grabbed your backpack, and walked inside the hotel to meet up with the others.You walked out of the elevator, and John led you to the room you all were staying at. He opened the door, and you walked in. John led you to a bed, helped you lay down, and you fell fast asleep.

The next morning, you woke up, and you felt someone next to you. You looked over and saw Thomas. You slowly started to scoot away, until you felt Thomas grab you and pulled you close to him. You yelped in surprise, and looked to face him. "Mornin', doll." He'd say smirking. You tried to push yourself away. "Uhhh... good morning?" You squirmed, trying to escape his grasp. "Aww, no need to leave in a hurry, doll. Stay with me for a lil'." He'd say, pulling you closer, hugging you. You wanted to escape his grasp, but he was so warm compared to the cold room. You relaxed, feeling all of your muscles loosen. "You know, Y/N, you are quite the beauty." You blushed uncontrollably. Nobody had called you beautiful, except for George, when he called you adorable. Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Thomas kissing your neck all over. You let out a quiet moan, his warm breath felt nice on your skin. You didn't freeze up like you did when your adopting dad or Lee did. You knew Thomas, and trusted him. Thomas suddenly stopped and looked at you. He stared into your E/C eyes, admiring your beautiful features. Suddenly, he passionately kissed you. You tensed up, and pushed yourself away, panting. You pushed yourself out of his grasp and stood up. You walked to the door and opened it. You looked back at Thomas. He had a look of want and sadness in his eyes. "Y-Y/N, I'm sorry. I couldn't control myself." You nodded and replied with, "It's ok, Thomas." You walked out of the room, and closed the door. You walked over to the couch, only to see Washington sleeping on it. You walked into the kitchen and saw Herc and Laf sitting there drinking coffee and talking. "Salut, mon amie, comment allez-vous?" Laf would say, taking a sip of his coffee. "Je suis bon, merci. et toi?" You'd say as you reached into a cabinet to grab a mug. "Je suis bien, merci." He'd say, smiling back at you.

You made some coffee, and sat down and talked with Herc and Laf for a while. Slowly, everyone woke up and came into the kitchen. You helped Washington make breakfast, and everyone ate. "Attention!" Washington would say. "Sir!" You'd all respond. He smiles and says, "you all will make great soldiers." Everyone laughs, and nods in agreement. "Alright." He says, standing up. "The town has promoted the reenactment, so we know that we'll have visitors, but we need to let more people know about it." You all nod, as he continues talking. "So, we're all going to wear our costumes while we do a few errands, and as well when we go explore the town. Got it everyone?" Everyone nodded and replied with a "Yes, sir." You all cleaned up the kitchen, then walked back to your rooms to get dressed.

You walked into your room, and walked to the closet. You opened the door, and took out your messenger costume. You admired the beautiful coat. It looked like a soldiers costume, except yours was made to hug your body, so it wouldn't be loose. Thomas walked into the room and walked up to you. You looked at him, knowing he was probably worried about earlier. "Thomas." You'd say to him. "Y/N, I'm so sorry about earlier, I wa-" you'd cut him off. "Thomas, it's ok. I'm not mad or anything. I just, never done anything like that." You'd say, looking down at your feet. He'd hug you, and you'd hug him back. "Thank you, doll." He'd say, letting go of you. Lafayette walked in and walked over to the closet, and grabbed his costume out. "Hey, Laf." You'd say waving to him. He'd turn around and look at you. "Ah ah ah..." he'd say waving his finger in dissaprovement. "It's General Lafayette, mon amie." He'd say, smirking. You'd all burst into laughter.

You'd walk out of the bathroom in your messenger costume. The costume hugged your body, and you thought it'd be tight and uncomfortable, but it was actually quite comfy, and you xoxo move around easily in it. You'd grab your messengers satchel, and leave the room. You walked into the living room where everyone was gathered, and you looked at everyone. Washington and Laf in their generals uniform, Herc, Alex, and Laurens in their soldiers costume, and Thomas in a magenta suit. You'd hold in a laugh as you approached Thomas, but it was too obvious. "Thank you, Y/N. You look good yourself." He'd say smirking. "I'm sorry, but, the color. Just... why?" He'd smile and say "I happen to look quite nice in Magenta." You'd shrug, and sit down. Washington had finally gotten everything he needed arranged, and you all walked out of the hotel to the car.

You'd arrive at the first location. It was a big field with a bunch of tents and small buildings. You all got put of the car and followed Washington around the camp. He'd tell you what each building was, and then he'd show you where everyone would be sleeping when it was time. Thomas got to stay in a small hotel near the camp, since he was not a soldier. Eliza, Peggy, and Angelica would be staying there, as well as their father, George, and his friend Samuel. Washington took you to the tent you, Herc, Alex, Laf, and Laurens would be staying at. It was a little bigger than most tents, but Washington wanted you all to stay together. You finished the tour of the camp, and everyone piled back into the car.

After about 5 minutes, you arrived at a small barn. Everyone got out, and stood in a line. "Alright." Washington would say, locking the car. "We need to see what horses Lafayette, Y/N, and I will be using." You all walked into the barn and a nice lady greeted you all. She took you to your horses. Washington was assigned a white horse named Everest, Lafayette got a dapple gray named raindrop, and you got a chestnut horse named Amerigo. You all got a white saddle pad, black saddle, black bridle, and white leg wraps. The trainer of the barn made sure you all knew how to tack up a horse. After that, they took you all out to a field, and made sure you knew how to ride. After that, you had about 30 minutes to ride around. Washington went off to talk to the barn owner, leaving his horse to Alex since he knew how to ride.

You all decided to spend the time exploring the field, since the barn was practically part of the reenactment field. Thomas decided to stay behind and go with Washington saying that he didn't want to get his costume dirty. John hopped onto the back of your horse, and Herc rode with Alex. You all rode around the field, racing, or chasing each other around. You all stopped in a nice part of the field, letting the horses rest before heading back to the barn. You all lie down on the field, talking and looking at the clouds. It was February, but it felt like may already.

After a few minutes of laying around in the field, you all rode back to the barn, untacked the horses, and returned then to their stalls. You all thanked the barn owner, and the people who helped you, then you all piled into the car, driving out of the reenactment area. Passing the blue coat field, the small hotel, and the red coat field. You admired the land and historic buildings and places as you all traveled along the road. Gettysburg was such a nice place. You drove into town, and decided to park in the parking lot of the Jennie Wade house, which was strangely also a gift shop.

Word count: 1450

I'm going to be naming actual places in Gettysburg, because, it may or may not be crucial to the story? If you been to any of these places, feel free to point it out. I really like gettysburg, and find it quite a nice place, so, yeah. Just a heads up. This chapter is a little longer than usual, and if might be that way for the next chapter as well. Depends on how many ideas I get.
Love ya, guys!

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