Don't they?

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"Y/N, dear, someone is here to meet you!"
You looked around. You were back in the orphanage, and you were 12 again. "Ok, Miss Schuyler!" You'd say before putting down your book and running out of your room. You'd run into the foyer and see Miss. Schuyler and a tall man. You'd run up to them and politely say "Hello!" Mrs. Schuyler would smile and say "Y/N, this is Mr. Renoylds." She'd say. He'd kneel down to you. "Hi, Y/N! It's nice to meet you." He'd say smiling. "It's nice to meet you, too, sir!" You'd say smiling back politely.  He'd look up at  Mrs. Schuyler and she'd nod, then look back at you. "Y/N, can I adopt you?" You'd smile really wide and jump up and down. "Yes yes yes!" 

Little did you know, that was the biggest mistake you every made.

You woke up from your dream to water being poured on you. You tried to jump up and move, but you couldn't. You looked at yourself, and you were tied up to a chair. You looked around, and you were in a tent. You were at one of the camps, the British camp. You shook trying to get the ice cold water off of you, and you looked up at the redcoat who did it. He was taller than you, and definitely older. "Good, you're awake." He'd say before walking out of the tent, leaving you alone. You shook the chair around, trying to escape, but nothing worked. A few minutes later, a redcoat walked in. A redcoat GENERAL, but not just any General, the general you messed with earlier. You rolled your eyes, and he noticed.
"Go ahead, roll your eyes again, kid. Try me." He'd growl. Let's just say you didn't roll your eyes again.
"Why the fuck am I here?" You'd say, annoyed. He'd laugh.
"You remember messing with me? Well, consider this revenge." You'd tilt your head, giving him a look that said *The fuck you mean, hunty?* He'd walk over to you and put his finger under your chin, making you look up at him.
"You're my pet now, sweetheart." He'd say giving an evil smirk.
"You're a sick bastard, you know what?" You'd say before pulling your chin away from him.
"Now, that wasn't nice." He'd say acting like his feelings were hurt.
"Does it look like I give a fuck?" You'd say while looking at him straight in the eyes with a cold stare. He'd look back at you and stay silent for a few seconds.
"Alright, you lost talking privileges." He'd say before walking out, and coming back with a roll of duct tape.
"When my friends get here, you're gonna get your ass kicked." You'd growl out.
"After the fight with them? " He'd say while pulling some duct tape off the roll. "How does he know about the fight?" You thought to yourself. You shook your head getting those thoughts away.
"They'll come for me!" You'd bark at him. He'd walk over to you and grab your face, then put the duct tape on your mouth.
"I doubt it, They don't care about you anymore." He'd say before patting you on the head like a dog, then he left.
"They'll come for me. We're partially family, we love each other. They care about me." You thought to yourself. You'd sit in silence, and a tear would roll down your cheek.

"Don't they?"

Word count: 585
Love ya guys!

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