I'm not scared of you

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You, Peggy, Eliza, and Angelica all walked down to the barn, having small talk on the way. Peggy ran around the field, skipping, while Eliza and Angelica both help up their dresses slightly so they wouldn't get dirty. "She sure can run, even if she's in a dress." You'd say, watching Peggy skip around in the grassy field. "How does she run in flats?" You'd question. Angelica, Peggy, and Eliza all wore flats. They seemed a little uncomfortable to you, considering you only wear boots pretty much. "How do you run in those?" Eliza would say, pointing to your boots. They went up to right below your knee, and had a 1/2 inch heel, made of a faux leather material. You'd shrug. "I just do." Peggy would stop her skipping and turn around to look at you. "IS THAT A CHALLENGE?" you'd smile and say "I suppose it is." Before she could say anything else, you'd start booking it to the barn. "HEY, NO FAIR!" she'd say, running after you.

She finally caught up to you at the barn, with Eliza and Angelica walking behind her. She'd skid her feet stopping herself. "Best 2 out of 3!" She'd yell. You'd shake your head. "Were already here anyway." You'd walk into the barn and go to Amerigo's stall, the Schuyler sisters behind you. Peggy would run up to the stall excited. "This is my horse, Amerigo." Peggy would squeal. "He's so cute!" While Eliza and Angelica would pet him.

"I can think of something else that's cute~!" You'd hear someone say behind you, while grabbing you and hugging you from behind. You'd immediately push whoever it was back, grab your Saber, and turn around putting it up to their neck. "Whoa, calm down." You'd look at the person and realize it was George. "Wow, smooth, George. Reeeeeaaaaal smooth." The sisters would turn around and look at this whole situation going down. "WHOA! TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT!" Peggy would yell. You'd laugh and put your Saber back in its sheath. "How have you been Y/N, dear?" George would ask, rubbing his neck where your Saber was. "I'm fine, thank you. I'm sure you already know the Schuyler sisters from school." You'd say, pointing to them. George would nod his head. "Ladies." They'd nod their heads in response. They probably weren't very interested in talking to George. "Well, I should probably get my horse and take them home. Washington probably needs me." George would nod and wave, then run off. "You're friends with him?" Angelica would say in a sour tone. You'd shrug. "He's better than Lee. Now I gotta tack up Amerigo." You'd say while walking over to his tack, which was mounted on the wall next to his stall. "I WANNA HELP!" Peggy would yell following you.

You finished tacking up Amerigo, with Peggy's much appreciated help. You led your horse outside, The sisters following. You noticed someone leaning against the wall of the barn when you walked out. You looked over and realized it was LEE. You'd groan, and he must of noticed, because he looked at you and said "Long time no see, Y/N." You'd scoff. "Not long enough." You'd look at him fully, and realize one of the most horrifying things ever. "AW, SHIT. YOU'RE A GENERAL?" You'd yell. He'd nod and reply with "Yep, which means I'm in charge of you. Get back to camp and do your job." He'd say, in a growl. "I am doing my job." You'd say smiling. "I don't believe the Schuyler sisters are part of your job." He'd say, smiling, mocking you. "Well, General Charles Lee, I don't believe loitering outside the barn is part of your job!" Eliza and Angelica would laugh while Peggy gave you a high-five. He'd look at you with fire in his eyes. "You're gonna regret messing with me, L/N." He'd bark, and walk into the barn.

You'd shrug. "I'm not scared of him." You'd say, moving to the over side of Amerigo to mount him. "Can I ride with you?" Peggy would say with a sparkle in her eye. You'd nod, and kick a mounting block over for her to use to get on. You helped her on, then got on behind her. Angelica and Eliza would walk, like the classy people they are. You turned Amerigo around and started heading back to the hotel.

You got to the hotel, and helped Peggy down from your horse. You hugged the sisters goodbye, and got back on your horse. You started walking back to the camp, when you heard someone's horse behind you. "HEY!" The voice would yell. "Sweet Jesus..." you'd say to yourself. You'd halt your horse and they'd ride up next to you. "What is it, Lee?" He'd stop his horse close to yours where he could reach you, and grabbed the collar of your shirt. "You got some nerve messing with me like that." He'd growl in your face.
"I-i'm n-not scared of y-you! You'd stutter out. That's a lie. You're pretty scared. He'd laugh. "You sure about that?" Before you could respond, he dove down and kissed you. You froze. He stopped and looked at you, smirking evilly. "Because you look pretty scared." You'd push him away, and move your horse away from him. You'd rub your mouth with your sleeve like you just consumed poison.

You looked at Lee, who started moving towards you. Your fight or flight senses kicked in and you started booking it to the camp, Amerigo going as fast as he could. You got back to the camp, and jumped off your horse, Tying it to the tie up post where everyone kept their horses. You felt Lee grab the back of your jacket, but you pushed him off and ran. You ran through the camp avoiding all of the other soldiers, while Lee chased you. You looked back at him chasing you, but you then collided with someone.

You shook your head, and you heard a voice say "Mon amie? Ça-va?" You looked up and saw Lafayette and Washington. You quickly wrapped your arms around Laf, hoping he'd protect you from Lee. He was super confused until he looked up and saw Lee watching you, then walking away. "Oh..." he'd say, grabbing onto you. "Are you ok, Y/N?" Washington would ask, concerned. You let go of Lafayette and backed away. "Yes, sir. Sorry, I didn't mean to run into you." He'd nod in response. "It's ok, I was about to come looking for you a anyways. I have a job for you, follow me." He'd say, walking into the General's tent, you following close behind.

Word count: 1124

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Love ya guys,

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