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"Roxas?" the voice is blurred in his head, static-laced and barely audible. Roxas murmurs a response, though it doesn't sound like words. "Roooxxaasss...." the voice draws out this time, and he struggles to open his eyes. After accomplishing the task of opening one, though slightly, a figure comes into focus. "Ven?" Roxas mumbles. Ventus, his brother, smiles slightly. "It's morning~" he purrs. "So I noticed....." Roxas yawns slightly and sits up. "Guess what we're gonna do today?" Ventus sighs. Roxas looks at him blankly before groaning in realization. "Nooo.....Please noo...." he whines. "I don't want to either, but once she thinks of something, and wants to drag us along, there is no getting out of it, and you know it...." 

        Roxas nods and pushes the blanket off of himself, standing and stretching. "All day though?" he asks, frowning slightly. Ventus nods now, and smiles slightly. "But, Hey, Mom's giving us like, $70 each, so we'll be fine." Roxas frowns still. "Mmhmm.......Now get out, so I can get dressed. "Oh, what a polite way to ask, Rox." Ventus chuckles, but does leave the room. "Why do we always have to follow Namine around? Why can't she go by herself? I know she's my sister and all, but I don't need to be tethered to her all the time..." Roxas grumbles, getting dressed. After he finishes doing so, he walks out of the room, hands in pockets, down the stairs. "So, you're gonna go with us, Roxy?" Namine smiles, clasping her hands together in front of her and momentarily bouncing on her heels. Roxas nods slightly. "Not like I have a choice, now, do I?" he says. Namine giggles softly and shrugs. Ventus comes around the corner with a wad of cash, and hands the two of them both $70. "Told you." he grins. Roxas looks at it, not surprised. He was used to being bribed into taking Namine to the mall all day.

        He sighs and walks out to the car, their mom dropping them off now, picking them up in a few hours. He sits in the car and stares out the window, already tired of the day.

Once they arrive at the mall, Namine instantly grabs one of Roxas's and one of Ventus's hands and pulls them along. Eventually, she gets distracted and lets go. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, Kairi and Xion are going to meet us at the food court later." then she giggles and runs off. Roxas groans. "Not Kairi...." Ventus chuckles. "At least its not Selphie, right?" then starts walking again. Roxas scoffs. "If it was Selphie, I would rather die then talk to her." Ventus chuckles once more and slaps him lightly on the back. "C'mon, lets just go blow through this money, alright?"  Roxas shrugs and sighs, tired of doing the same things every day. He glanced at the stores to either side of him, not very interested in any of them, but just trying to avoid the food court as long as possible. 


"Namine!" Kairi yells across the food court, waving. Namine looks her way and smiles, walking over to them.  "Hey, Kairi. Hey, Xion." she says, waving slightly. Xion smiles and nods, and Kairi grins. "Where's the boys?" she asks. "Wandering around, avoiding us." Namine giggles. Kairi nods and grabs Xion's then Namine's wrist on either side of her, and tugs at them. "Let's go get noticed then!"


Roxas walks into Hot Topic, distracted. He sighs, skimming over the shelves and racks with his eyes, not caring what he buys, or if he even buys anything at all. "Maybe I could just leave, and Ven can deal with the girls..." he thinks, looking at spiked cuff bracelets. He shrugs to himself and buys two, one for each wrist. He puts them on, looking at the $63 still in his hand. "I'm never going to spend all this here..." he mumbles, walking out of the store. He gets out his phone to text Ven. "Is it okay with you if I go home?" 

"Why do you want to go home?"

"I'm bored, Ven. And I don't want to deal with the girls anymore..."

"Fine, but you gotta walk, you know?"

"Yeah...I know..." He puts his phone back in his pocket and starts heading in the direction of the exit of the mall. He stops, passing an electronics store, thinking of his dying headphones. He really couldn't stand earbuds, they fall out too much. He decides to buy he and Ven both a pair, going into the store. He looks at the different colors and types, then gets distracted by a whining voice.

"But Riiiikkkuuuuu...!" it says. "Its gotta be a little kid." he figures. Another voice, much more mature and deeper, joins it. "No, I'm not buying you another pair...You broke the last pair in less than a week!" "Awwww Plleeeaaasseee?" the first voice pleads. Roxas, curious, follows the voices, peeking around a corner to see a spiky- haired brunnete boy that surprisingly looks about the same age as he is, and a somewhat taller boy with short silver hair. Roxas fully comes around the corner, seeing the brunnete boy pouting up at the other. "No." the taller says, chuckling slightly. The other pouts again, and Roxas walks up to them. "Riku won't buy me any headphones....." the brunnete pouts. Roxas shrugs mentally. "Well, this way I can almost spend the rest of it, I think...." he thinks. "....Well, I'll buy you some...You too if you want." he looks at the taller one, Riku, the brunette had said. He perks up and grins and nods. "Really? Thanks! I'm Sora, by the way, and that's Riku. What's your name?" ... "Wow...he's really trusting in new people...." Roxas thinks, then puts a small smile on his face. "Roxas." 

    Riku just looks him over, and Sora nods again, still grinning. "Nice to meet ya, Roxas." Roxas nods as well and gestures to the different kinds of headphones. "Pick what you want...Just....not over $10, alright? I'm gonna get my brother and I a pair too." he explains, and Sora tilts his head slightly. "You have a brother? I do too, but he's somewhere else here." He waves a hand at the door to the electronics store to show he's not in this particular store. Roxas hums in response. "What's his name?" Sora asks. "Who? My brother?" Roxas asks back. Sora nods. Riku had walked off to look at headphones, and Roxas thinks for a moment. "He actually wants to know...?" "...Ventus." he answers, then realizes that his brother is like a more mature, but basically the same, version of Sora. Riku's kind of like Axel, only not a complete ignorant smartass....Not yet anyway..."What about yours?" Roxas asks after a moment, now browsing headphones too. Sora looks at him for a second, frowning slightly. "Vanitas.....He's mean sometimes....Grouchy a lot too..." Roxas raises an eyebrow, slightly amused. Sora then grins again. "But it's alright, because I annoy him for it." he makes a noise that's a cross between a giggle and a chuckle, and Roxas smiles slightly and hums in response. Sora then goes back to the headphones, picking a $10 pair that are blue red and black. Roxas picks up a black and white pair, glancing at Sora. "Those the ones you want?" he asks. Sora nods happily. Roxas then looks at Riku, who walks up, holding a dark blue and black pair. Roxas then grabs a dark green and white pair for Ventus, and walks over to the checkout counter. They both follow setting down their headphones. "$47." the cashier says simply. Roxas nods and gives him the money, handing Sora and Riku back their headphones. Sora grins brightly and Riku mumbles a 'thanks.' Sora still grins, "Thank ya, Rox." Roxas nods and smiles slightly. His phone goes off, and he pulls it out, furrowing his eyebrows slightly, mumbling "Really?" Sora tilts his head. "I gotta go, my brother..." Roxas half way explains to them. Riku nods slightly, grabbing Sora's wrist. "I need to take you home too, Sora." Sora whines in response. "...Awh, okay....See ya later Roxas!" he waves as they leave. Roxas waves slightly back and goes to look for his brother.

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