Coming over

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Roxas glanced at his phone. It had been a week almost since he and Ventus had met Sora and Vanitas, and he wanted to talk to him of course, he had nothing else to do, but he felt weird.....Sighing, he lays down on his bed and stares at the ceiling, hands behind him head. He slowly started to drift off to sleep, and not long afterwards, his phone started vibrating with texts. He groans, grabs his phone, and reads them.

"Rooooxxaaassss wake uuuppppp!!!" -Namine

"Rox, where are you?" -Ventus

"Hey, Rox, heard you met some Sora kid at the mall last week, does he go to our school?" -Axel

          He decided to answer Axel first. "Yeah, I did, and no, I don't think so."

"Hmm, have you talked to him since then?"


"Why not?"

"*shrugs* I dunno, I just don't feel like it, Ax."

"Yeah, yeah."

           Roxas then quickly told Ventus and Namine, "No, I'm tired" and "In my room, attempting and not getting to sleep" Afterwards setting his phone down once more, finally drifting off to sleep.


Roxas woke up, still tired, but no longer able to sleep. There was too much noise downstairs. He got up, then started to walk down the stairs, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. As he approached the bottom of the staircase, he could make out 4 different voices, two of which being his brother and sister, one whining, and one chuckling. He recognized Sora and Vanitas as the owners of the whine and the chuckle, and walked out into the living room. Ventus looked at him and laughed slightly. "Finally awake?" He asks, and Roxas nods. Sora jumps up off the couch and runs over to him, smiling brightly. "Hey Rox!" He says excitedly. Roxas chuckles, smiles slightly, and waves. Sora's grin changes into a pout, and he whines. "Why didn't you call me, Rox?" He wants to know. Roxas shrugs. Sora sighs, then breaks out into a grin again. "It's okay! Vanitas asked Ventus if we could come over, and he said yeah, sooooo here we are!!!" He giggles, and Ventus smiles, while Vanitas rolls his eyes and mumbles, "Stupid Brat....." Sora grabs Roxas's wrist pulling him toward the couch, sitting him down, then sitting beside him, Vanitas one his one side, Ventus on the other side of Roxas. He looks at the three and sees Vanitas frown slightly, when Sora gets in between he and Ventus. This make Roxas frown as well. Sora grins at Roxas, and sits cross cross on the couch. "What should we do?" He asks happily. Vanitas and Ventus shrug at the same time, making Ventus chuckle, and Vanitas smirks slightly, causing Sora to look at Roxas for an answer. Roxas thinks for a moment,  not able to come up with anything, he sighs softly. "I'm not sure either, Sora." He admits, and Sora shrugs too. "That's okay. We'll think of something, I bet!"

           Vanitas smirks once more and looks at Ventus. "Yeah, so do I....." He chuckles, and Ventus raises an eyebrow at him before smiling. Roxas frowns slightly looking at Vanitas, then remembers he had heard Namine's voice when he was at the stairs. "Where's Namine?" He asks Ventus. "She went to Kairi's." Roxas nods, and Sora pokes him. "I didn't know Namine was your sister till today, Roxas. .... Kairi's one of my best friends, just like Riku!" He giggles slightly, and looks back at him, humming in reply.


Throughout the night, they all four talked and played video games, and watched movies and whatnot, and stayed up until around midnight, which was when Sora fell asleep. Sora had fallen asleep beside Roxas, Ventus next to Roxas, Vanitas next to him, at the end of the couch. Only Sora was asleep, however. Ventus was talking to Vanitas, who mostly frowned and chuckled at what he said Ventus smiling often, Roxas had one knee propped up staring blankly and bored at the tv, which was turned off. Sora, still asleep, slowly feel towards him, his hands together in his lap, and ended up with his head on Roxas's shoulder. Roxas glanced at him and smiles slightly, slowly falling asleep himself. 

           Vanitas glances over at them, smirking slightly waiting until they are both completely asleep, then looks at Ventus. "What?" He asks. "This," Vanitas smirks and crushes his lips to Ventus's, who's eyes widen. Vanitas pulls back, smirks, and tells him, "Have Sora come home tomorrow." And with that, he walked out the door.

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