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 Roxas woke up with Sora's head in his lap. He looked at him for a moment, a small smile creeping onto his lips, but gently sat him up slightly. Sora instantly slumped the other direction, head now on the arm of the couch. He glanced at Ventus, who had stayed out here with him even after he had fallen asleep. He was still asleep himself, and Roxas sighed. He carefully got up, noticing Vanitas had left, to which he had no objection. He absolutely couldn't stand Vanitas, just from seeing how he treated Sora. The only kind thoughts he had for him were how he acted with Ventus. He wasn't as rude as with others, including Roxas. He wondered if Namine had come back from Kairi's just yet, then assumed not. If she had, she would be in the kitchen already. 
        She wasn't there when he got there, and Roxas sighed again. He made himself a bowl of cereal before going back into the living room and sitting in a chair across the room from the couch. He silently ate his cereal, watching Ventus and Sora sleep, then soon drifting into thought, bringing the spoon from the bowl to his mouth becoming involuntary. He finished the cereal, and looked at the bowl for a moment before standing. He walked to the kitchen, set the bowl in the sink, then heard a soft yawn behind him. He spun around, seeing Sora in the doorway, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Roxas mumbled a "Morning" to him before washing his bowl and putting it away. Sora smiles and replies with, "Morning Rox!" and giggles slightly. Roxas smiles slightly as well, and looks at him, leaning on the counter. Sora bounced over to him and hugged him. Roxas kept his arms outward, not knowing what to do. Sora grinned with his eyes closed and looked at him, pulling out of the awkward hug. "I gotta go home, but text me later, okay? Today, this time?" he giggles, then waves, and runs out the door. Roxas just stands in the kitchen for a short time, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, before going back into the living room once more. He pokes Ventus, muttering, "Wake up, Ven...." Ventus grumbles and stirs slightly. Roxas shakes his shoulders slightly. "Wake. Up. Ven. Tus....." he says slowly, louder than before, and carefully. Ventus pops one eye open to glare at him, then sits up and sighs. "I'm up, Rox, happy now?" he says, sounding grumpy. "Something wrong?" Roxas raises one eyebrow. Ventus looks away from him. "No Roxas." he then stands and walks away, though Roxas noticed the small blush the rose on his cheeks when he was asked what was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2014 ⏰

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