December 22

177 4 0

Finally. You've made it. The last school day of the year has arrived, and you are relieved to finish your time with the students. Although you love each of them as individuals, you also love time away from them, especially when they are so excited about Father Christmas and having time away from school to spend with their families.

At lunchtime, Samantha approaches you, smirking. "Coming to the party tonight?" she asks, looking at your sideways out of the corner of her eye. "I saw Harry the other night on television with that model," she continues, and your eyes start to swim with anger. Inside, you may seethe, but on the outside you say nothing to her, smiling politely and removing your frozen meal from the microwave.

Leaving the room, you toss the words over your shoulder, "See you tonight, Samantha," you blurt out, unsure of how you're going to convince Harry to join you. After all, it's your staff party, and he probably has had enough of your staff. Shrugging, you carry your lunch back to your classroom to eat, confident that you will be able to use your recently-earned sexual wiles in encouraging Harry to join you tonight.

When you get home, Harry is in the living room, working with the guitar and a pencil between his teeth, writing a new song. He looks so comfortable in your environment, and you feel a bit of pride swelling that he has chosen you. Quickly, though, you erase the pride for your face and voice, putting your arms around Harry's neck from behind.

You press kisses to either side of his face until he starts laughing, and he says, "What's up, love? Why all the kisses?"

You move around to the front of the couch, removing the old guitar and settling yourself in its place. "I've got a staff party tonight, Harry, and I would really love it if you would join me."

Harry looks at your carefully, wondering what's up. "No press?" he asks.

You shake your head. "No press," you confirm. "Just the school staff enjoying a night out together before the holiday. Please say you'll come with me."

Harry nods, "I'd be honored, pet. Do I need to dress up?"

Again, you shake your head, "You're perfect just as you are, Harry."

"Pet, hurry up! We have to go!" he hollers from downstairs. He has his keys in his hand. The keys hang around his forefinger and he catches and releases the keys in one steady movement.

His glance wanders through the room and catches yours. You walk down the stairs and his eyes widen. He scans you with his eyes from your feet, which are in unusually high boots for you, up to your head. His eyes wanders along your legs, which are covered in black tights. The little checked skirt swings with every step you take. Your black jumper emphasizes your waist and your breasts. Your hair is open and falls in soft waves over your back.

"Do I look nice enough to accompany you?" you ask.

He holds his keys tightly in his hand, and he has forgotten to breathe. You smile. His hands are on your waist, and he bites his lip.

"Of course! You will be the prettiest girl there," he gives you an intense kiss and you are like wax in his hands.

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