Christmas Day

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When you awaken Christmas morning, you have a soft smile on your lips as you reach out blindly to the other side of the bed because you are usually plastered to Harry, but this morning, there's no Harry in the bed. You blink yourself fully awake, sitting up and feeling the bed next to you. It's cold, which means Harry has been up for a while. Glancing out of the window, you see fresh snow falling. You bend your knees, wrapping your arms around them, and observe the dance of the snowflakes for a few minutes.

It's Christmas morning, and the excitement of a child pulses through you! You are super excited, so you fold back the duvet and stand up, a little bit too fast so your legs are a little bit wobbly and you feel woozy. You pull on your fuzzy socks before you head downstairs, not even running a comb through your hair or trying to braid it. You don't even bother to put it into a ponytail. You're too excited for Harry to see the gifts from you.

You rush downstairs, your hand sliding in excitement over the banister. You dodge Benny who stands at the bottom step with his paws on the third step, barking at you. You pat Benny on the head and keep running, straight into Harry's arms. His "oomph" tells you that he wasn't expecting you, but his arms coming around to hold you close feel like home, and you know he would never let you fall. You breathe in deeply, smelling the pine scent of the Christmas tree and the woodsy aroma of the fire and a hint of Harry, whose essence now resides in your nostrils, your heart, and your home.

Harry spins you around, yelling "Happy Christmas, love!" And you lift your legs as he spins you because you trust him so completely and feel so free and alive in his embrace. His lips lock onto yours as he brings the spin to a close and you slide your tongue gleefully into his mouth, tasting pure Harry. The taste makes you heady and you want more, so you tilt your head and pull his neck closer to yours, as if you were capable of devouring his mouth completely. After several minutes, Harry pulls away. "I need a breath, love," and you both laugh.

A cup of Earl Grey tea waits for you, and you take a deep sip of it after breathing in the strong scent. "Did Father Christmas come last night?" you ask, glancing at the stockings at the fireplace. Harry nods, and you rush over to remove the stockings from the mantle. Harry grins as you hand him his stocking, filled with fresh fruits and sweeties. Your stocking holds copies of One Direction CDs. You look puzzled until Harry hands you a present. When you unwrap it, you find a CD player, and you squeal with delight!

While you are plugging in the headphones, you hand Harry his gift, and he looks at it curiously, although it is obviously a vinyl record. He pretends to shake it, holding it up to his ear, and then he raps on it with his knuckles, and finally he tilts his head, and asks, "Did you get me a pony, love?" You laugh and nod vigorously. But when he opens the gift and spies the vinyl version of Fleetwood Mac's Rumors album, you know you've done the right thing. His eyes tear up, and he can't wait to pull the plastic off of it.

"'S Vintage, isn't it, love?"

You nod. "Never been opened. I found it at Second to None."

Harry is breathless as he carefully peels the plastic off and examines the front and back covers. "It's in mint condition too, pet. You didn't have to do this."

You laugh with glee as he spins the record onto your vintage record player, and you both smile as "Second Hand News" starts playing. This moment is perfect, so you reach out to the tree and pluck off an envelope with Harry's name on it.

"For you, my love," you say, a bit shy. "It's not much, Harry, but....well, you have the money to buy pretty much anything you want, and I wanted to get you something no one else could get you."

Harry's breath stills as he opens the envelope and pulls out some homemade coupons. "What are these?" Then he starts reading aloud, "One foot massage after a grueling concert. One makeout session after a press junket. One kiss for every pushup. One night of bliss on a tour bus. One home cooked meal after the European tour leg. One car wash while wearing a bikini in the summer months."

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