December 23

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Now that school is out until after the new year, you and Harry sleep in like lazy rich people. Of course, sleeping in means that Benny still wakes you up earlier than either of you would like. You laugh when Benny pushes his cold nose against Harry's arm, causing Harry to yelp and jump up. "Since you're up already, Harry, maybe you could take Benny out for a walk," you murmur, turning over and attempting to go back to sleep.

Suddenly, you feel all of the covers being yanked away. You screech, reaching out for the duvet as it disappears down your legs. Shrieking, you grab Harry's pillow to cover yourself. "It's cold, Harry! Why're you taking the covers?"

Harry leans over closely towards your face, "Well, love, if I have to get up in this cold weather to take YOUR dog for a walk, the least you can do is make some coffee."

Sleepily, you pull his face down to yours for a good morning kiss, morning breath and all. His tongue invades your mouth, and Harry pulls away the pillow you're hugging. A whimper escapes you as the pillow disappears and the cold air hits you once more, but then you feel Harry's warm body cover yours as he lies down on you, covering you from head to toe. The kiss deepens in intensity, and you're feeling that familiar wetness between your legs as you also feel Harry growing hard on your thigh.

But morning sex is not to be with a dog in the house. Benny simply puts his paws on the bed and licks your face and then Harry's face. Before long, you and Harry are both laughing and petting Benny together. The moment has passed, although you wouldn't mind a quickie if only Harry shifted just a few more inches to the left. Instead, he's pulling you up and pushing your towards the shower.

"'M going to take Benny out and get a quick jog in. Sure would be nice to have coffee and breakfast waiting when I get back," he smirks and pats your bare bottom as you travel at lightning speed to the shower to try to warm up.

"Don't be a misogynist!" you tell as you turn the water on, "Or I'll sic your mother on you!"

Harry's laughter floats upstairs as you hear him descending the staircase to take Benny out. When he returns from his run, he attempts to rub his sweaty, smelly self all over you, but you cross your arms, "No coffee or kisses until you shower. You stink." At the same time as these words exit your mouth, you recognize that you relish the smell of sweaty Harry. It conjures all sorts of pictures in your head.

After breakfast, Harry suggests you spend the day doing Christmas-y things, and the two of you pass ideas back and forth across the table. Finally, Harry mentions ice skating, and your eyes light up. You love ice skating! You went at the end of November with your dad, and before that with your niece and nephew. In fact, you know exactly where the two of you should go!

"Alright!" You get dressed in your coat, your scarf, and a hat. Your mittens are in your pockets.

Your skates are tied together and they hang around your shoulders. You are standing in your front yard waiting for Harry.

"Does Benny look sad every time I leave?" Harry asks and pinches up his nose. You nod.

"Poor Boy." he says sadly.

"Harry, we can't take him with us!" you say and raise your eyebrows.

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