18; shadyyy

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And I wake up.

Do my hygiene

I grab some leggings and a tank top and my Nike landyard. And walk downstairs

"Vanessa, Dad. I gotta go to dance practice." I tell them

My dad chuckles

"Dance?" He asks

"Yes, Dad. Dance. I guess they want me to be a feature tomorrow during halftime?" I tell him putting peanut butter on my toast

"Actually, um. I think you would be great at it. Considering this video I found, of you last night." He says

"I didn't get drunk. Nor did I smoke weed." I say

"Then why did the doctor make me get you a green card?" Vanessa asks out of the blue

"K anyways.. But you're sticking with volleyball and basketball right?" My dad asks

"Yes dad. No I'm not joining the team, and this is a one time thing." I tell him

"Alright. Well have fun my girl." He says kissing my forehead.

"Alright I'll be home after basketball practice." I tell them walking out

And I walk out to my car, to see Gelo shooting.

"You look glowing, glad you fucked Devin" he says

"Yeah thanks but no thanks. I went home alone. And I slept alone." I tell him opening my backseat door to put my bag in there

And I open my door.

"And by the way, the glow is some new moisturizer." I tell him

I drive to the school.

And I walk into the gym.

"Uh. I thought basketball practice wasn't until 11?" A girl asks

"Yeah but she's here now. Ladies huddle up." Shayna shouts

They all make their way to Shayna.

"Alright ladies, I thought for our performance tomorrow, we would have Mya be our lead. The crowd and the media would love it." She tells us

"So, we will be dancing to Bartier Cardi and the steps look hard but their extremely easy." She says

"Alright line up. Aaliyah I'm gonna have you scoot down one so Mya can focus a little better." She says pointing to where I'm supposed to go.

An hour later.

I latched on quickly.

"Alright girl, I know it's a lot of pressure. But trust me, you got this. And you just need to practice a few more times and you'll be good." She tells me giving me a hug.

"Alright, do we have practice tomorrow?" I ask

"No but if you want we can go to my moms studio and practice just me and you. If you want." She tells me

"Yeah, just dm me the details." I tell her walking into the locker room to get changed for basketball practice.

And practice was mainly the same, I stayed an extra 30 minutes to practice my step back three point jumpers and such.

And after I felt good about how my performance was going to be, I went home and showered.

"Dinner tonight Hon! With the Balls." Vanessa chimes in.

"Ness, me and Lonzo broke up." I tell her

"Why?" She asks

"Some dumb shit. And then after we broke up he had sex with Denise." I tell her

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