The Key

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Luriel was out tending to her gardens, full of beautiful flowers and unique trees, each with vibrant colors. In the center of the garden stood large statues, one of a male elf the other of a female. It was Thordir and Arieal, hand sculpted by Luriel when she first returned to her homeland. Behind this two statues, slightly elevated above them were two more, of Oropher, whom she considered like a father, and the other was of her mother Thalia. Between the statues was a fountain that poured from the statues' feet. In the center of the fountain with a stone path leading to it, was a lone rose bush. This was not an ordinary rose bush, but one full of magic. Luriel used her powers and imbued the white flowers with a healing ability, they glowed even the sunlight. All who gazed upon them were filled with peace, and sorrow, feeling the emotion that Luriel had felt all those centuries ago. The flower petals would fall into the water, giving the water a powerful healing factor that was sought by many who knew of it, as it could heal any illness or injury. She was tending to that very bush, clipping off the dead flowers to make room for more healthy ones. She wore a deep pine green dress, no shoes, and she had her white silver hair pinned up so it was out of her face whilst she worked. She had aged only slightly in the vast few thousand years, appearing more mature in her face.

"Those flowers grow more beautiful each time I see them," came a soft female voice from behind her.

Luriel smiled as she stood and turned, embracing Thalia her daughter. Thalia resembled much of Thordir, from her soft angled featured to her long flowing golden hair, her eyes shone like her mother's and her voice was soft and kind like hers was. She wore a light purple traveling tunic, dark brown knee high ridding boots, and had her hair pinned back in a half braid. Luriel moved back, placing a soft kiss on Thalia's forehead, "What brings you home this day?" she asked as she moved back to the bush, picking up the wilted flowers she had cut and tossed them into the water, she watched as the mystical water absorbed the flowers, before she turned back to face Thalia.

"I came to deliver a message from Lord Elrond," Thalia said as she moved out of her mother's way so she could get off the fountain.

As Luriel stepped off the path she looked up at Thalia, curiosity in her gaze, "What message does he send?"

"He sends good news, he has discovered what the ruins on that.... Thing say" Thalia said gesturing to the collar.

Luriel paused and turned away, heading back to her castle like manor, "That is good for him, but I told him to not trouble himself any further with this trivial thing any longer."

Thalia followed close behind, "I would think you more joyous, he has found how to remove it, is that not what you want?" she asked, sounding very confused at her mother's behavior. It was something she had noticed every time the collar was brought up.

Luriel sighed and paused at the great doors that led into her home. Her home was the only part that remained of her kingdom, all else had been reclaimed by nature. She looked over her shoulder, "Of course it is what I desire greatly, but.... Do I deserve such freedom?" she whispered that last part.

Thalia seemed slightly annoyed, "Mother, you must stop this, every time freedom is close, you shrink away as if burned! You deserve this more than you realize, it is time you stop lingering in the past and step forward into the future," she said, almost scolding her.

Luriel turned, appearing slightly shocked, then she smiled a little, "You are right my dear, it is time to stop wallowing in guilt.... Tell me, since when have you grown so wise?" she inquired, amusement in her eyes.

"When you spend years in the company of one such as Lord Elrond, or yourself, you tend to pick up a few things," Thalia joked.

Luriel chuckled, "I shall travel there soon and arrive in two week's time," She promised.

"I shall see you there," Thalia said, giving a final embrace with her mother before she transformed into a small white bird flying away. Luriel watched as her daughter flew away, the longing to follow her into the air tore at her, she truly did miss flying. She put two fingers in her mouth and whistled low then high. A loud neigh responded, a pure white stallion came bounding up the mountain stopping before the queen without a kingdom. This horse she had raised herself, a part of her because one with the horse giving it greater strength, speed, and a longer life.

"Hello old friend, we ride to Rivendell," she whispered as she slowly petted the horses snout. It nickered in response, it's tail flicking, "Rest well, we leave in a few days time."

True to her word, she arrived in two weeks time. Her horse bred for such travel walked calmly down the path leading to Rivendell, no tire pulled at its muscles. Soon Rivendell came into view, as did a smile on her lips, it was beautiful this summer. The waterfalls around the city were full, the trees lush and green. She was soon crossing the bridge to the main part of the city. She spotted Lord Elrond standing, clad in mahogany robes with gold heams. His golden diadem atop his head. His counselor, Lindir, next to him wearing light violet robes. Elrond smiled as Luriel approached, her traveling cloak pulled tight around her, a sea blue dress with silver decor underneath.

"Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo(A star shines on the hour of our meeting)" Elrond said placing an arm across his chest and bowing, lindir following suit.

Luriel dismounted her horse, "And brightly it shines mellons-nin," she responded, part in common part in Elvish.

"Lindir will escort you horse to the stables," Elrond said.

Lindir stepped forward and took the reins from Luriel, leading the horse away. As soon as Lindir was out of sight, Luriel began laughing, Elrond joined in.

"Do you always have to be so formal around others? They know we are friends," she said as her laughter faded, but stayed shining in her green eyes.

Elrond too quieted, "I do have a facade to keep as Lord of this city," he said amused as he pulled her into an embrace, which she gladly returned, "I am glad you came, come I have much to discuss with you," he said as they broke apart. He began heading in the direction of his personal study, Luriel following close behind.

"I trust you traveled well?" Elrond asked as Luriel caught up to him walking side by side now.

"Though the road is long, I would journey any day to return here." She said, "Thalia has come to take Rivendell as her home, it pleases me to see her so full of joy," she continued.

"As it does I, her and Arwen love tending to the gardens." Elrond replied with a soft smile.

Luriel looked up at him as he was taller than her by several inches, "Are the twins still causing mischief?" she asked, amusement lining her words.

Elrond chuckled, "They have grown a lot calmer...." His smile faded, a shadow fell across his ageless features, he stopped walking. Luriel stopped, moving in front of him, understanding glittering in her eyes.

She gently grasped his arm, trying to comfort him, "I miss her too Elrond, but she is safe, and you will see her again, once you sail west."

Elrond raised his head to meet her gaze, a small smile chased the shadow away, "I know mellon, but right now my home is middle-earth, where my children are."

Luriel lowered her hand and moved to the side as they continued walking, "And they love you very much," she said as they neared the closed door of the study. Elrond moved ahead of her and opened the door for her. She gave a nod of thanks as she entered. He followed, closing the door behind him. The first thing she noticed were the papers strewn everywhere on the table, ancient books open and piled on the table. Elrond moved around her to the table and picked up a specific scroll in which he had inscribed the ruins that were on her collar that were not elvish. Underneath the ruins was a new addition, a translation to elvish.

Luriel's heart stopped for a brief second in anticipation as she walked forward, stopping at his side, her eyes wide as she scanned the scroll, "Is that-?" she asked turning her eyes from the writhing to Elrond who was smiling, slightly with a pride of accomplishment.

"It is," he responded, holding it out before her so she could see, "The key to your freedom."

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