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She reached out one of her hands and grabbed one end of the paper, Elrond held the other, she scanned over the dwarvish words first before reading the translation aloud, "As the lonely mountain stands, so does the spell?" she looked to Elrond, questions in her expression, "What does that mean?"

"It is not an exact translation, but it was the closest I could get," Elrond explained, "have you ever heard of the kingdom of Erebor?" he asked setting the scroll down.

"The kingdom of dwarves near the city of Dale?" she inquired.

Elrond nodded, "Another name for that kingdom is the lonely mountain, perhaps we could find answers there, I have heard rumor that some from that ancient dwarven kingdom near Eregion survived the wrath of Sauron and escaped there, perhaps they passed on something that would help us."

Luriel looked back at the runes then back to Elrond, hope in her ancient eyes, "Do you really think so?" she asked in almost disbelief.

"It is the only connection to these runes we have," he said resting his hands on the table.

Luriel immediately began pacing, "Then I must head there, yes the sooner the better," she turned to head out the door, her eagerness apparent in her haste. Elrond walked behind her grabbing her arm, stopping her.

"Luriel, you just traveled here, rest a while before setting out, and do not travel alone, at least allow Elladan and Elrohir accompany you, I know Thalia would like to travel with you as well." He said.

She turned to look back at him, surprising him with an amused smile, "Why don't you send all your children with me?" she joked.

Elrond smiled, "Perhaps I will," he jested back, releasing her arm, seeing that she had calmed from her excitement.

"I will rest and leave an two days time," she conceded.

"Excellent, your room is already ready for you, but their is still sunlight left, would you care to go for a horseback ride in the forest with me?" he inquired, "It has been several years since you have last been here." He said.

"Of course, I would greatly enjoy that." She said.

Elrond opened the door for her once again. She exited out and they began walking through the halls on their way to the stables.

"It is a fine day for travel," Luriel commented looking up at the clear sky.

Elrond nodded slowly. They neared the stables, one of the elf attendants saw their approach and bowed, "Lord Elrond, what can we do for you?" he asked.

"Ready my horse, and a horse for Lady Luriel as well." He ordered.

The elf bowed and made haste to oblige. It only took a few minutes before the horses were brought out, Elrond's a black stallion, a descendant from the one he rode when they first met. Another horse was led out, it was a light brown with white spots. Elrond removed his outer robe, revealing the silver green tunic he wore underneath. Handing the mahogany robe off to the attendant leading his horse before mounting it. Luriel had mounted her own horse already. With a gentle nudge she moved off, Elrond next to her. They followed the path down into the woods around Rivendell.

Luriel cast a mischievous smirk to Elrond, who caught it in the corner of his eye. With a quick flick of her wrist, the horse took off. Elrond's horse, startled, reared back, nearly throwing Elrond off, but he was prepared, urging the stallion forward, he took off after Luriel, a smile of determination on his face. Luriel glanced back seeing him gaining, laughing she urged her horse to run faster. She, having gained expert mastery of horseback riding, since she could not transform herself, was weaving between the trees to try and slow Elrond down. But he had much more experience than she, and was catching up. Soon they were neck in neck, racing through the forest. Eventually the horses tired and, sensing their mounts exhaustion, the Elf Lord and Skin Changer slowed their horses to a trot, coming to an eventual stop. Luriel was laughing, soon joined in by Elrond as they dismounted their horses to give them a break.

The Sorceress and the Hobbit- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now