Wisdom of a Friend

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Luriel had stayed in Rivendell while she waited. She sat on a balcony reading a book, Thalia had returned from one of her.many adventures and sat opposite of Luriel enjoying some relaxation.

She heard the neigh of a few horses. Luriel looked away from her book and down into the courtyard, she saw a group of elves gathered, she could not see from this distance who they were or what they were doing. Curiosity plagued her and she set the book down, "I shall return soon," she told Thalia who opened her eyes. She watched her mother leave before her attention was grabbed by the movement down below. She could see much better than her mother thanks to her elven side, so she was content to watch from a distance.

Luriel walked out onto the courtyard shortly after and saw Elrond bidding Arwen a farewell. Luriel watched from a little distance as Arwen rode away on a white horse, followed by two guards.

Elrond watched her leave until he could see her no more, he turned and was startled to find Luriel behind him. She was one of the few who could approach him without him knowing, he smiled, "Hello Luriel, is there something I could help you with?"

Luriel narrowed her eyes, she could tell the smile was forced, she could sense the sadness behind it, "Where did you send Arwen to?"

Elrond sighed, "I sent her to Lothlórien for a while, to visit her grandparents." He explained in a matter of fact tone.

Just as he spoke, they heard laughter of a young boy from behind them.

Luriel turned to see a young human boy running from a frustrated Lindir.

"Estel! It is time for your lessons!" Lindir called in elvish.

The one called Estel ran up to Elrond and hid behind him, "I do not want any more lessons! They bore me!" the boy responded in elvish, surprising Luriel.

Elrond looked down at the boy, a stern look on his face, "Estel, it is time for your lessons, now listen to Lindir and do as you are told," Elrond scolded, though amusement glittered in his eyes.

Estel looked down, "Yes adar," he said, following Lindir back inside.

Luriel watched them go before turning back to Elrond, and eyebrow raised, "Did that human boy just call you adar?"

Elrond smiled, "His mother brought him here ten years ago, she passed unfortunately, but I have taken him under my wing, and have been reading him," he explained.

The wheels began turning in Luriel's mind, as she glanced to where Arwen had left and where the boy had returned inside. She looked back at Elrond who watched her in silence, "You sent Arwen away because of the boy, didn't you?" she asked.

Elrond appeared surprised, "Why would you think that, I would never do such a thing." He said he walked around her, intending to retreat inside.

"Elrond," Luriel called causing him to pause, "You fear that she will fall in love with the boy, just as those before you in your bloodline," she said.

Elrond seemed to tense slightly.

"Elrond, if love is meant to be, you cannot stop it," she warned, "And the harder you try the more it will pain you when is occurs."

Elrond said nothing as he continued inside. Luriel sighed and shook her head slightly as she waited a moment before returning inside. Thalia had watched the whole thing, her head tilted with interest.

********* ***********

It had reached the fifth day, Luriel had not felt any presence showing the sign had been drawn. Luriel now sat at the dining table, she was wiping some wine, conversing with Thalia when she froze. She felt a tingling in the back of her mind, and an image of a door in a hill filled her mind.

"Mother?" Thalia's voice broke the image.

Luriel blinked several times, and realized she had froze mid sip, and now the front of her violet dress was stained with deep red wine. All other elves in the room had noticed as well. She stood, setting the goblet down.

"If you will excuse me, I must leave at once." She turned and swiftly left without further explanation.

Thalia looked to Elrond who had sat next to Thalia, and then the twins who sat across from her, all sharing confused looks. Thalia pushed her chair back and stood quickly following Luriel, Elrond followed close behind.

The twins stayed behind and looked at each other each mirroring the confusion of the other.

Luriel had ran to her room and had already changed into a brown traveling tunic. She was packing all of her traveling gear. Thalia knocked before opening the door, she saw her mother rushing around, packing her things. Elrond appeared behind her, "The sign has been drawn?" he asked.

Luriel jumped in surprise having not heard them approach, even though Thalia knocked. She had been too focused to hear.

"Yes, it has, it is in the shire, I must make haste or I will be late," she explained returning to her packing. She then made her way past the two half elves, walking with haste to the stables, the other two close behind. She was putting the saddle on and bags with great speed. She buckled her traveling cloak around her shoulders and mounted her white stallion.

"Let me come with you mother," Thalia said while stepping forward. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked back to see Elrond stop her.

"This is your mother's journey, your place lays elsewhere," he said kindly.

Luriel looked down from a top her horse, "Elrond is correct, Gandalf told me to come, not anyone else, I will return as soon as this journey is over, I wish you well, both of you."

She rested her right arm across her chest before extending it to the others, who did so in kind.

"Heyah!" Luriel called, her horse rearing back with a great neigh before sprinting away down the path, away from Rivendell. She was one step closer to full freedom, and she knew it.

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