Tensions Grow

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The company had traveled nearly a week. Luriel had kept mostly to herself, it seemed like the only one who wanted to talk to her was the Hobbit.

He seemed fascinated by her as he asked her questions, “Pardon me for asking, but if your not an elf, then what exactly are you?” he asked in his polite manner.

Luriel looked down towards him, and smiled, “I am a race of my own, in a way I am related to Gandalf,” she said, casting a glance at the wizard.

“So wait, you are a wizard? Or part of one? Does that mean you can do magic? Like the magic Gandalf uses or is yours different?” he poured more questions on her.

She chuckled in amusement, she liked this young hobbit, “Not a wizard really, more of a sorceress, and my magic is the same and yet vastly different then Gandalf’s.” she explained, careful to not explain exactly what she was.

Bilbo nodded thoughtfully, “Is that why he brought you along, because you can do things he can't?”

“I suppose yes, though I do feel as if I am more the backup for the company,” she stated, almost to herself more than to Bilbo. He heard it and looked up at her. “The dwarves do not seem fond of you, why is that?” he asked.

“Well, master baggins, they think me an elf, they made up their minds about me the moment they saw me, not that this bothers me, dwarves are stubborn and near sighted in more than the literal sense," she said, amusing herself. One of the dwarves cast a glance back at her, and nearly scoffed, before turning back.
Luriel leaned closer to Bilbo and whispered, “See what I mean?” she whispered, flashing a smile.
Bilbo smiled as well, he liked this mysterious woman, she was kind, and much more his speed with manners and such. She had a refined grace that he found compelling and curious.

They talked on and off throughout the days until the company slowed as they approached what looked to be the ruins of a farmhouse. Everyone dismounted their mounts.

Thorin looked around, scanning the area carefully before turning to the group, “We’ll camp here for the night,” he looked to the younger two dwarves that now that luriel looked at them realised they shared some resemblance to Thorin, “Fili, Kili, look after the ponies, make sure you stay with them.”

Gandalf made his way to the front of the group disappearing into the ruins of the house.

Thorin turned to a different two dwarves, “Oin, Gloin, get a fire going,” he instructed.

The one named Gloin replied, “Right you are,” the second dwarf simply nodded and they made their way into the woods. Thorin followed after Gandalf into the house.

Curious, Luriel followed, stopping just outside the way, she heard thorin say,

“I have told you already, I will not go near that place,” he said, anger littering his voice.

“why not?” Gandalf replied, sounding annoyed, “the elves could help us! We could get food, res, advice.” he reasoned.

“I do not need their advice,” Thorin growled.
“We have a map we cannot read,” Gandalf countered, “Lord Elrond can help us!”

“It is true,” luriel spoke up, stepping into the house, she looked down at Thorin who had turned, looking at her with some distaste, she continued ignoring his look, “he would know more about the ancient language than any of us here,” she added. Gandalf nodded his head in agreement as she finished, “His help would help in your quest.”

Thorin looked her in the eyes, a fury building in them, “Help?,” he asked quietly, anger shaking his words as he raised his voice, “a dragon attacks Erebor, what help came from the elves?! Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls, and the elves looked on and did nothing!” he looked between Gandalf and Luriel, “You ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather and betrayed my father?”

Luriel opened her mouth to speak, irritation shown on her face, which gandalf saw and quickly interjected,

“You are neither of them, and besides, it was not Lord elrond who abandoned you at Erabor, that blame lies with King Thranduil, of the woodland realm” he stated.
Luriel turned to him, a glare forming,

“I am sure he had his reasons,” she hissed at him.

“Be that as it may,” Gandalf said quickly, placing a hand on her shoulder, before turning to thorin, “I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past!” his voice grew stern.

At that, Thorin seemed more annoyed as he retorted, “I did not know they were yours to keep!”

A scowl found its it's way to the aged wizards face as he turned and stormed away.

“Gandalf!” Luriel called, she turned to Thorin, “That was uncalled for,” she scolded.

Thorin looked up at her and scoffed, “Do not scold me elf, you understand nothing of us and our plight!”

She slowly bent down to his eye level, “let me clarify one thing, I am not an elf,” her voice was quiet, not to be taken lightly, “I am much more powerful than I appear, so I suggest you learn to curb your tongue and listen to Gandalf or myself, do I make myself clear?” she tilted her head slightly.

Thorin met her gaze with his own steely gaze, he said nothing as he turned away and left the farm house.
Luriel left the house after a moment, looking around, realizing Gandalf was nowhere to be found, “Where is Gandalf?” she asked the dwarves.

“He wondered off he did,” the dwarf with the funny hat said to her.

“Where?” she asked, but the dwarf shrugged, she walked through them down the path, “Where did he go?” she asked again.

“He went that way,” Bilbo piped up, pointing back through the bushes.

“Thank you master baggins, I will go an find him,” she said going the direction he pointed, leaving the dwarves and the halfling to set up camp.

The Sorceress and the Hobbit- Book 2Where stories live. Discover now