Uncle Gandalf

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The sun climbed the sky the next day. Luriel had not rested all night, and exhaustion showed her eyes, but she rode on, they were one more day out from Rivendell. They stopped only briefly to water the horses and feed them. Luriel sat on a rock, her eyes closed. Elrond noticed but let her rest as much as she could. She may look elf like, but she had to actually sleep to regain strength. They quickly recounted and were off again. They ate some lembas bread on the saddle for their meal. The sun began to sink, Elrond turned to Luriel, "Do you wish to stop for the night?" he inquired.

Luriel looked at him, "Rivendell is only half a day away, we can make it," she replied.

Elrond looked at her with slight concern but said nothing, knowing they would be safe once they reached his homelands. They rode well into the night before the city of Rivendell came into sight. They raved into the main courtyard and dismounted, they had arrived just as the sun rose in the sky. Luriel yawned but hid it behind her hand. Elrond saw it and took the reins to her horse. She opened her eyes as she felt the reins taken from her.

"Go and rest mellon-nín" he said taking the horses to the stable, he looked back, "I will let Gandalf know you have arrived, seek him in the council chamber after you rest," he emphasized the last part. She smiled thirdly and went off to her room she always stayed in when she visited Rivendell.

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She awoke late in the afternoon. She got out of bed, getting dressed. She walked out of her room and headed to the council room, she was still very tired, but rested enough. She saw Gandalf the grey standing, gazing over the city of Rivendell.

"Greeting Gandalf," she said walking up behind him. He turned, seeing her approach and smiled through his long grey beard.

"Luriel, it is great to see you venture off your mountain," he said in his gruff soothing tone.

Luriel smiled, "I heard you sought audience with me, so I have come to answer your call."

Gandalf smiled even more, "Excellent, I am sure Lord Elrond has told you what occurred at Erebor?" he asked.

"He told me on the journey about the dragon, that was all he told me," she said sitting at the table in the room.

He walked over and leaned on the table, "Yes, and I have found the key to help them reclaim their home, but I cannot do so alone, I am assembling a company, and you are the first."

She looked up, "Why? Who would I be assisting?" she asked leaning forward.

"Thorin Oakenshield, grandson of Thrór," Gandalf said.

Luriel tensed ever so slightly, "Is he as greedy as his grandfather, or does he have sense in his brain?" she asked quietly.

Gandalf gave her an understanding smile, "I have found him rather reasonable for a dwarf, I have tracked him down and will present what I have found, and I am sure he will except your help as out of those in middle earth you are one of the few who could hold their own against a dragon."

At this Luriel scoffed, "Perhaps at my full power, but in my current state I may tickle it's scales and nothing more," she said lounging back in the chair.

Gandalf sighed, "That is were the deal would come in, in exchange for your service, Thorin would help remove that thing around your neck, once he learns of who you are and what you can do, he would be a fool to turn you away," Gandalf explained.

Luriel tilted her head slightly in thought before speaking, "Very well, I will entertain the idea," she said.

Gandalf smiled, "Then in five days time I will put a summoning sign, you will sense it, go to it, there you will find the rest of the company, I will convince Thorin to accept your help, in fact I must leave now if I am to catch him, I will see you in five days time." He walked to her side as he spoke and put a hand on her shoulder before he put his hat on and left, leaving Luriel alone in thought.

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