Potions and Motions 3 (Raichu TF)

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by Zohaku, Jun 10, 2016, 5:11:01 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

"Ash, I'm going out for a bit for some errands and I'm taking Mr. Mime with me, look after the house!" Delia spoke out.

"You got it, mom!" The trainer responded. It had been a few weeks since he had returned from Cerulean after the 'incident' with Team Rocket. He, Misty, and Lily had parted ways and Ash had decided to spend a bit more time back home while he figured out what he would do next.

Well, next in terms of the next step in his Pokemon journey. For now, he did in fact know what he would do for the day.

The day before, he had received a package from none other than Lily herself, and sure enough she had sent him a new batch of those potions. Said potions were an amazing magical drink that could turn someone into a Pokemon. And it could be practically any Pokemon too, so long as the drinker had a clear image of that Pokemon! Ash had been playing around with the potions since he was first shown them, and had yet to tire.

It was a pain that he couldn't show anyone else the effects, of course. He imagined Professor Oak would probably go crazy if he saw what these potions could do. But at the same time given what had happened to Cerulean just weeks before, Lily had a pretty good reason for not wanting to show her magic to the world/general public yet.

"Pika!" Pikachu spoke up to Ash as the young trainer fished out a vial from the newest batch.

"Yeah, Pikachu, I'm using another one!" he grinned at his faithful companion. "I wanna try something out." he explained as he measured out a small dose of the potion. Around this much would give him about 2 or so hours of Pokemon time.


"Battling you!" he answered with an excited grin. "I want to see what it's like to fight the best Pikachu ever!"

"Pika Pi??!" the electric type rose its ears in surprise.

"It'll be fine. It's just a play fight. Sorta." he assured the Pokemon before stepping outside into the garden. Lucky for him, no one ever really passed by, so he didn't have to worry about any weirdness or onlookers.

The boy thought of what he should become for his battle. He considered, briefly, becoming a Pikachu as well to make the fight equal. The choice of course made the most obvious sense. But at the same time, he HAD already been a Pikachu before, and he didn't want to waste his limited supply on stuff he'd already somewhat experienced.

Another Electric type, then? But what would be a good option... his eyes sparked with determination once he realized what he would become instead.

"Here we go." Ash gave a mutter, focusing his thoughts on the form he wanted to take, trying to remember all the details of the Pokemon as he dipped the small vial in his lips, drinking the tasteless contents. At first he didn't feel anything, the potion taking a while to settle and begin its magic, and in that period he was supposed to focus on the Pokemon he wanted to be.

Soon enough he felt the first changes to his body. His stomach began to push outward, cream fur sprouting in clumps over his rounding belly and chest. "Ooof" the boy grunted, hands going to his tummy, feeling his softer body as his broad torso became much rounder. He started to shrink as well, everything around him growing taller as his height seemed to be transferring to the rest of his body.

It was a different feeling, considering the last time he had drank the potion he became something much larger as opposed to something smaller. The boy ceremoniously fell on his butt as orange fur grew over it along with his back and sides, his legs shifting underneath him and throwing off his balance even more then his shrinking frame did. He watched with peaked interest as his legs shrank closer to his body, yet at the same time his feet didn't seem to shrink, instead becoming longer and thinner. "Always weird..." he commented jokingly to Pikachu who watched with curiosity as his toes merged into 3 big digits.

The orange fur spread over his legs which were now considerably smaller than when he was a human, bringing his height even shorter as the bones shifted in his lower body. He could still stand on two, but his new feet seemed especially positioned to move in a more quadrupedal stance, with round thighs attached to skinny and thin feet that quickly grew their own coat of orange fur aside from the toes and a bit of the sides which instead grew a brown coloration. The soles of his new feet instead had a tan color, with an orange pad in the center, Ash twitching his new digits in excited wonder.

"Pika..." Pikachu commented, giving Ash a look as he realized what his trainer/best friend was becoming.

"What? I thought it'd be cool!" Ash gave a cheeky grin in response, before arching his body forward as a pressure began to build above his rump. The boy grunted as his tail began to push outward, turning his neck to try and get a glimpse of the appendage. It was a long and thin tail covered in black fur, and he couldn't help but wave and flinch the tail around as a yellow lightning bolt grew from the tip, giving a grin. "Man, having a tail is always weird."

He turned his attention to his hands, the next things to change as like his legs the length of his arms shrank down to be closer to his body, shrinking more and more until they were barely a fraction of what they may have been before. His hands themselves weren't spared from the loss in size as not only did his fingers shrink away to tiny little paws that were practically invisible under the brown coating of fur that had grown over them, but the palms too shrank, leaving him with what may as well have been stubs for his brown-furred hands, attached to orange arms.

His new paws went to his head before twitching a little as he felt a sudden current go through them. His new cheek pouches had grown in, round and yellow and crackling with his new electricity. It was a strange feeling-- he HAD been a Pikachu before, but becoming this instead felt so much different. More powerful. It made sense, considering it was the evolution.

His thoughts on the matter quickly vanished as he felt his face changing more, squishing and stretching and all kinds of alien feelings that he would probably never get used to. His neck fattened and shrank downwards to be closer to the rest of his body, broad shoulders gone when his arms shifted position. His chin rounded as did the rest of his head with his black hair receding back into his head which quickly sprouted light-orange fur like the rest of his body, giving him a rounded cranium. His vision went fuzzy as his eyes altered, Ash blinking them repeatedly until vision came back to him, eyes now brown, circular, and beady. His nose shrank downwards, becoming rounder and taking on a more rough texture, leaving a little button nose over a mouth that became more beastly as the lower half of his face pushed out a little bit.

Ash made to stand up, feeling as if the change was finally over, before his paws went to his ears as they too began to finally transform. His ears stretched outward, the outer parts growing a soft, small coat of brown while the inner segment turned yellow, his ears rising slightly upward and settling in a higher position on his head pointing diagonally up as they bifurcated, the lower ends of the ears splitting and curling downwards painlessly.

Ash stood there as a Raichu, admiring his new form, paws poking at his body. It was definitely a different feeling from all the latest changes. Pikachu stood there as well, watching his evolved counterpart that also happened to be his trainer. "Pika?"

"Yeah, Pikachu, I feel fine!" Ash reassured the Pokemon, waving a paw, before grinning at the yellow rodent. "Hehe, I'm not used to being this small." he lifted a foot, waving it in the air before he began to wobble off balance and quickly righted himself back to two legs.

It was an awkward feeling all over, but thankfully the potion also helped with that, so the trainer-turned-Pokemon wasn't a total mess at least. Ash smiled victoriously, looking around, noting that no one seemed to have come up unexpectedly. Good thing, because he really didn't want to explain the potion, or have anything cut into the small amount of time he had in this body. If he remembered right, the dose that he took would give him just a couple of hours at most to play with this form. He nodded in excitement as his cheeks began to crackle. "Alright Pikachu, let's kill some time!"

"Pikapi..." the Pikachu seemed unsure as he stood in front of the taller rodent, his mind still processing the fact that it was his friend and not in fact just any other Raichu.

"It'll be fine, Pikachu! Now come on!" Ash grinned, excited to get started.

"...Pika." the electric type shrugged, before dropping onto all fours, his own cheeks crackling a little. "Chu!" he gave a confident cry, waiting for the other Pokemon to make the first move. Seemed only fair, considering the difference in experience.

Ash understood what Pikachu was doing, and decided to plan his first move carefully. This was his first 'real' battle as a Pokemon, not counting the incident before. Recalling what DID happen, his moves seemed to come naturally when he thought about what he wanted to do. Most likely another effect of the potion.

He started with a Quick Attack, which of course Pikachu easily evaded and countered with his own. The impact hurt, but probably not as much as it could have since this was more of a 'play fight' than a real one.

The Raichu rolled back over onto his feet. "Alright, now we're doing it!" he smirked, thinking over what to do next. His body sparked yellow as he sent out a thunderbolt, one which Pikachu decided to counter with his own. The two beams collided in the air and cancelled each other out, and in the confusion Ash attempted another tackle, colliding with Pikachu and sending the yellow rodent toppling over.

"Hah! Gotcha, Pikachu!" the Raichu grinned, proud that he got a hit in. The Pikachu quickly got back up, shaking his head and frowning before jumping back into battle.

Pikachu was inexperienced with fighting Raichus. The toughest he had fought he managed to beat by using his speed against the more raw strength-focused evolution, but this one was a different Raichu. Still, he figured the best way to go was play off of Ash's own complete inexperience with the form.

And true to that, Ash may have had a little bit of help in getting comfortable in the small orange body, but his movements and powers were clumsy at best. He was a quick learner however, and his overall strength was greater than Pikachu's.

Because of this, the two electric rodents were pretty evenly matched.


They continued on for a while, but soon Ash felt a weird woozy feeling in his body, a sign that the potion was wearing off. Of course, even if no one was around he'd rather not change back to normal outside, not least because he had no clothes. "Alright Pikachu... I think we can call it a draw for now." the Raichu waved a paw at the tired smaller rodent.

"Pika." the electric type nodded, the two Pokemon retreating back into the open door. Ash's body had already begun to change back. For the moment Ash wobbled and hobbled to his room to get dressed again, stretching his body. It was still a little sore from the battle that he had just had-- seems like injuries and stuff carried over, as far as he could tell.

"Oof... you really got me a few times, buddy." Ash winced a little, rolling his shoulder after slipping his jacket back on.

"Pika..." the Pokemon gave an embarrassed shrug. He tried to hide his own soreness of course.

Before Ash could comment, the phone began to ring. He blinked as he approached it, wondering who could be calling. He picked up the receiver. "Hello?"

"Ash? Ash, is that you?" a familiar voice spoke on the other end. He couldn't quite place who it was, but they had a bit of an accent, one that he recognized.

"Yeah, this is Ash. Who is it?"

"It's Lily. From Johto? Uh, Cerulean?"

"Oh, Lily! I got your package. Thanks for the extra potions, they're really fun!"

"Nevermind that, Ash. Have you heard the news? Those Team Rocket guys from before escaped from prison!"

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