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by Wolf-Prince-Leon, Jun 19, 2013, 9:38:40 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

The final Pokémon to step forward was Zapdos; the bird of thunder was waiting a tiny bit impatiently as the doors opened. "So many humans left, there's a long road ahead." the Pokémon said as he began searching for his ideal human.

As the great bird looked down at the Earth he spotted one girl. She was a thief by the looks of how she had taken the wallets of about a dozen people. The young girl looked like she had been in trouble before, as she was brushed, and cut under her ragged clothes. The girl sat down in an alley and counted the money. She looked around at about 5 other humans. "Here, I got $300 this time. That should be enough to keep us fed for about 2 weeks. Maybe a month if we use it sparingly."

"Ah, a female robin hood, perfect. I choose her." the gate opened once more, the girl was extracted, and brought before the electric Pokémon. She screamed as she was taken, and looked around in a panic. She pulled out a small pocket knife and backed away. "Who are you!? I have my rights!"

"Whoa easy, I'm no threat, but the cliff behind you might be."

"I was just in a city, and now I am in this place talking to some bird! Why should I trust you?" she asked, taking note of the cliff. He could blow her off with one flap of his wings she guessed. "Back up bird! I swear I'll cut you if you don't!" she gulped, trying to take in all this.

"Calm down, please step away from the cliff, you could get hurt, I can assure you, I'm a friend Pokémon." the Bird of Lightning tried to reason.

"Oh yeah? Then why am I at the edge of a cliff if you didn't plan to push me off it? I know your game! You want me to do something for you right? And if I say no I get pushed over!"

"...No... I couldn't hurt so much as a caterpie... honest, please... just come closer, get away from the cliff and we'll talk turns." Zapdos said, his voice sounded sincere.

"How about this? You back away, far away. And once I say you are far enough I'll move away from this cliff." she said.

The Zapdos quietly backed away, hoping to gain the girl's trust. Once he was a good 50 or so feet away, she ran for it. Making her way in an arc around him, keeping her distance, will she was far away from the cliff. She soon stopped, and lowered her knife. "Ok!" she yelled back. "I am ready to talk bird!"

"That's quite far." Zapdos said, "But here goes, first... may I know your name?"

"My name is Elizabeth." she shouted, and walked closer to the Zapdos. She still stayed a few feet from him, but they didn't have to yell to each other.

"I'm Zapdos, Bird of Lightning; I've brought you to this special place between our worlds, to offer you a second chance at life." Zapdos explained.

"Oh yeah? So you do have a job for me then? If it is big enough to 'change my life' as you say, it must be something big." she said and crossed her arms. She didn't like the idea of being used by all these evil people, always asking her to steal for them. But if it meant to live another day, and maybe help the other poor people she'd do it.

"No Job, I mean it, just a simple offer for a new life... as my daughter..." Zapdos justified. At first Liz was speechless. She thought over the idea in her head, seeing herself as some kind of bird girl. She started to laugh. "Me!? Your daughter!? I am a human you know!" she said. "And besides, I don't know anything about you."

"Hear me out. Your world, as you probably know, is now... as you humans call it... a living hell with no hope left for it. However, for you there's hope... you and those five humans you care for. You're all pure of heart, not poisoned by the evils of your world. As such, I first offer you a new life as my daughter. If you accept, I will be more than able to arrange new lives from the other five." Zapdos explained.

"And the whole being human and you are a giant bird thing? Isn't that a bit weird?" she asked. The idea of the other five people she knew the two little twins, the old woman, and the married couple. If they had better lives it would be good. "And how would you help my friends? It would cost a lot of money to keep five people hanging around. You would have to feed them, keep them warm, and under shelter. It is not so simple thing to do."

"Easy, easy, life in my world isn't anywhere near as expensive as in your world; you all can easily live there. All you need to do is being willing to be my daughter, and I can handle the rest."

She gulped, but gave a nod. "It is better than stealing things for a living. Just getting by off of scraps, and being chased by the law when you get caught. Sure I'll be your daughter."

"You are a wonderful girl, Here," Zapdos tossed a poffin that he had been holding in his talon to Elizabeth. "A small snack, I can tell you're a little hungry." Liz looked it over and smelled it a bit. It didn't feel right.

"Heh...I am fine." she said, believing the snack might have some kind of drug in it. It wouldn't have been the first time someone did that to her.

"Are you sure?" Zapdos asked, "Its not drugged or anything if that's what you're afraid of."

"Do you think I was born yesterday!? This thing was in your talon this whole must have been planning on giving it to me from the start." she said to him, a hint of anger in her voice. She couldn't tell what Zapdos was plotting. It all felt wrong, as if he was hiding something from her.

"...I'm sorry... I should be straight with you, to fully be my daughter; you have to become a Zapdos, like me." Zapdos confessed.

She looked at the colored bread, and then at him. "I tried to trick me!" she said, still a bit sour from that. "So this will turn me into a bird like you then?"

"Yes, and as a Zapdos, you will gain limitless power and strength, I can bring your friends here and turn them into Pokémon too, I can then arrange for them to get new, happier lives, and we can watch over them, as their guardians." Zapdos explained.

The teenager thought it over a bit. She bit her lip, hating to choose for her friends. She had to think back to the times they spent together. "The twins would like it for sure...I guess if it is for the best." she said and lifted up the poffin to her mouth and took her first bite of it. She chewed it up, and swallowed it fast, so she didn't have time to back out of her choice.

Zapdos was very grateful to Elizabeth, "thank you."

The Magic quickly took hold, as the girl felt a strange sensation in her arms, yellow and black feathers began to spout, and spread across her arms; her fingers also stretched out into feathers. Soon instead of arms, the girl now wielded a pair of wings, both of which were full of newfound power and strange. She gasped seeing how fast the changes were, and how they looked. "I couldn't even take my clothes off in time!" she said, thinking it would be very hard to remove them once she was a full bird

Already she started kicking her shoes off at the very least. Her shorts might slide off when her body shape changed, but she wondered if the rest would. "It would be very annoying to be stuck with human clothes as a giant five foot tall bird."

"Well, you won't be my size as a Zapdos, you're still a growing girl, and you're being more like three foot to start." Zapdos corrected, helping his soon-to-be daughter out of her shirt. "That better?"

She blushed some, only in a bra now. "yeah." she said, watching as her breasts shrank away and feathers started to grow from her arms, and around her upper body. She groaned some as she felt her bones become hollower, and her body shifting and cracking to be more in the shape of a bird.

"Guess it is too late to change my mind now." she half joked. It was really strange to know that she was soon going to be a bird. She had all these conflicting feelings and she keep wondering if she made the right choice.

As the feather worked their way down her lower body, she felt something new growing; her new tail feathers were growing, taking on the shape of a fan, and pushing off her panties.

"Can you already feel your new strength so far?" Zapdos asked.

"No...Not really. I feel strange all over though. It is so different." she said

"Don't worry the power and strength I promised will begin flowing through your body once you get your new talons." Zapdos assured. She gave a nod, and waited for more changes. It sure was a slow change, but then again she had no idea this was possible before today.

The feathers stopped halfway down the legs, and the remainder and the feet began turning skinny and scaly like a pair of bird feet. While her thumb toes fused with their right toes, the pinky toes began shifting, moving to the heels, the toenails then turned shrank and more talon like.

Just as Zapdos promised, Elizabeth could feel her new strength and power grow within the transformed parts of her body. She took a deep breath and smiled while she could. It didn't last long as a beak grew from her face, and pushed out. Her nose went with it, and she was gaining the head of her new form. Soon, Elizabeth was no longer human; she was a young Zapdos, from head to talon.

"How does your new body feel, my daughter."

"It feels...different." she said. She knew that the power felt good, but her body was vastly changed. Feathers, bird parts. She couldn't say she hated it, but she wasn't sure she liked it yet.

"It's okay, we can take it one step at a time, be first, and I'll keep my end of the bargain."

As promised, Zapdos brought Elizabeth's five human friends to the special world, and changed them one by one into Pokémon.

The twins became a Plusle and Minun. The Married couple became a Nidoqueen, and a Nidoking. Last but not least, the Old lady became an Ampharos, and was given few extra decades of life.

They were each given new lives and or families, making them happy. Liz was happy that they were happy. She was still getting use to the idea of calling this Zapdos father, but it was a much better life. Flying was also a very fun sport, and even though her friends were a bit shocked at their changes, they were just happy to be together.

Zapdos was happy that his daughter was happy, but he knew there were many humans to rescue before the human world reaches its inescapable doom.

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