True Feelings, Latios TF

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by Wolf-Prince-Leon, Sep 25, 2012, 6:53:38 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

In the beautiful city of Altomar, a young boy wanders down the grand canals, looking for something. This boy, known as Lucas Soatli, was looking for the legendary Pokemon Latias. You see Lucas was a big fan of the Dragon-Type Pokemon, and it was always his dream to meet and befriend a Latias, but so far, no leads on his search. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his brown coat in frustration, having not found a trace of the elusive dragon. His baggy pants swayed in his angered steps and covered his white sneakers. His blue eyes occasionally glanced over at the waters below, hoping they could calm him. His long black hair moved to the slight breeze and his quickened steps.

"Nothing, after all this time I still don't have a thing to show for it," Lucas complained aloud before a presence allowed itsself to be near Lucas. Lucas perked up to the sudden change and looked around, hoping to find what it was "Hello?" he asked no one in particular.

But there was no one even there. But what he DIDN'T know that a Pokemon was waiting for him from the shadows. Then, a voice was heard in the boy's head, "So, are you looking for me?" it asked.

Lucas froze as the voice sounded in his ears. He looked all around, hoping to find something that could possibly speak, only to discover he was the only one on the winding canal path "Who's there? I don't want any trouble!" he said.

"No worries, no trouble. I want to be friends with you. Maybe I can help you find what you seek." the voice replied with a giggle.

"What...What do you mean? How do you know what I'm looking for?" Lucas asked.

The voice didn't reply, instead, Lucas feels a gentle tap on his shoulder. Lucas turned his head to see something he never would of expected to see, a small, red and white head, rested on his shoulder after the play tap, and giggled "Because I AM what you are looking for." it said. Lucas couldn't believe it, turning itself into Lucas' view was none other than the Eon Pokemon, Latias.

"I...I don't believe it. Y...You're..." Lucas stuttered, unable to complete his sentence due to the utter shock.

"Latias, in all my glory, now just relax, now, how can we play a special game if you're so tense?" the Pokemon said, smiling.

"Well I" he sighed "I'm sorry, it's just, I wasn't really expecting to find anything this time. I've been sinking so much time into just looking that...well...I just don't...I'm not myself anymore. Heck I even lost my job because of this. But now-"

"Relax, calm down, it'll be ok. If you calm down, I'll show you a place that's special and I'll help you bring back your true self. Ok?" The Latias offered. Lucas looked down at his feet in order to think a bit more clearly. Finally, with a shrug and a laugh, he smirked.

"Well what have I got to lose. Okay, I'm in," he laughed more as he saw the Latias do a flip of excitement before facing him again.

"At a boy, climb aboard," Latias said, lowering herself so Lucas could climb onto her back. Lucas carefully placed his leg over the Latias' neck and nestled in, ready for takeoff.

"Okay, so now-Whoa!" Lucas began before Latias took off at amazing speeds. Navigating through tunnels, around boats, and past a few people, Latias finally stopped, "Welcome to my home, the Secret Garden." Lucas dismounted the dragon and looked out over the town they were just at seconds ago. Lucas was stunned at how fast the Latias could travel, going from the farther edge of the city to a sea cave on the other side. He looked back inside to see the cave went deeper. He turned to Latias, who gestured for him to go deeper inside. He stepped carefully inside before seeing that the cave opened into a vast, lush, garden that housed many different Pokemon. Latias giggled at the boy's expression of pure amazement.

"You like?" Latias asked the boy. Lucas could do nothing but nod as he took more steps into the garden, each step calming him further and further.

"This is...amazing," Lucas smiled, he turned to Latias "But why are you showing me this?" he asked. Latias smirked as she flew closer.

"Need I a reason to share this gift with someone I've admired for a long time?" Latias asked. Lucas kept looking over the garden until what she said finally registered in his head.

"Admired?" Lucas turned to her "You admire me?" he asked, seeing a blush present on the Pokemon's face.

"Yes, for the longest time, I've been watching you from a distance. Too afraid to confess how I've felt about you for years. But I just couldn't take it anymore, I had to say something. I had to do something. You're just so...oh what am I even saying?" Latias confessed. Lucas stood there, still a little shocked from what she had said.

"You really feel that way?" Lucas asked. Latias nodded, still clearly embarassed "Well, no one has ever said anything to me like that, thank you," Lucas smiled, making Latias turn to him, she sighed with a smile.

"W...Would you like that other thing I offered you?" Latias asked. Lucas cocked his head.

"Erhm, what was it again?" he asked, a heat suddenly coming to his face.

"The special power I have, that will bring the playful, kind-hearted boy you're supposed to be to light." Latias reminded, taking hold of Lucas' hands.

"Well you never mentioned it quite like that," Lucas said, making the Latias freeze only to quickly realize that she and Lucas were suddenly looking face to face "But I'm not complaining," Lucas smirked devilishly, bringing a hand to her cheek.

Latias just smiled, a fine shade of red present on her cheeks, "The smile is truly yours, but... I'll bring out the true you." then without warning, Latias gave Lucas a gentle kiss on the cheek. Lucas released his grip from Latias' hands to feel where he had been kissed. He was surprised to discover that the human skin was already changing to a much smoother texture. Alongside the changing texture, his face was beginning to push out into a muzzle. He couldn't see it, but certain parts of his body were beginning to be changed to the white and dark blue tone, similar to Latias' white and bright red tones. He noticed his hands were beginning to have a hard time staying on his changing face. It was then he realized that his arms were shrinking. On top of that, his hands were melding together, going from five human fingers to a three clawed pad.

"Can you feel your transformation unlock your heart and awake your true self?" Latias asked as Lucas' legs shrank slowly into his body before shaping into small blue fin-like appendages. His pants and shoes remained on the garden floor.

"Heh, y...yeah it feels so...ah!" Lucas said as his body began to grow slightly. His thin frame expanding into a bigger one, before his shirt ripped away. Latias helped Lucas by removing the tatters from his body. The Lucas turned Latios closed his eyes and groaned as his back began warping to accommodate for the inclusion of two new wings.

"So how does it feel to be a Latios, Lucas?" Latias asked as Lucas opened his eyes, the transformation coming to a close. Lucas began to fly, something he was surprised he picked up so quickly. He found a nearby lake and brought himself over to it. He gasped as he saw his new form.

"Wow...I..." Lucas was speechless as he continued to look over his body. Latias watched for a moment longer before panicking.

"Oh...was it too much? I knew I shouldn't have done this. I-" Latias began to ramble before being interrupted by sudden lip embrace, courtesy of Lucas. Latias gasped at first but quickly accepted the kiss as she closed her eyes. After a minute, the two separated and Lucas spoke.

"I love it," Lucas smiled, blushing an incredible amount, which Latias replicated. Lucas then gave Latias a hug, making her smile.

"So... do you feel like yourself again?" Latias asked. Lucas thought it over before answering.

"Yes. It feels good to be back, especially with you," Lucas said, giving Latias another peck on the cheek.

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