Friends into Brothers, Pokemon TF/AR x3

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by Wolf-Prince-Leon, Jan 21, 2014, 10:15:59 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

Friends into Brothers, Pokemon TF/AR x3

"Come on, Jay! It's just a pail of water."

"But there's too much in there. It's too heavy."

"I'll help you pal," the first boy took hold of the pail.

"Thanks a lot Ryan."

"Hey Hunter, is the well ready yet?"

"Yeah, it's ready."

Both Ryan and Jay went to the well where Hunter was waiting. They poured the water from the pail into the well.

"Hunter, the pump now."

"Don't command me like that, it's not cool." Hunter sighed and he pulled the pump, letting the water come out.

"Sorry pal, it's working! Okay, Karen said don't stop pumping till the water gets cold, think you can do that, Hunter?"

Hunter nodded and kept pumping.

"Jay, can you still bring in the water to let us know when it gets cold?"

"Sure thing. I'll do it."


"So is the Pump ready for laundry?" The orphanage head caretaker, Karen asked.

Hunter nodded. "Yeah, it should be good."

"Such good boys, I'm surprised none of you have gotten adopted already."

"Eh, I don't care if it happens anymore. I like the semi-freedom here."

"We'll be happy as long as the four of us are together."


"Yeah. We're always there for little Reggie too."

"Oh, little Reggie's the fourth?"

Jay nods. "Yep."

"Reggie! Come here!"

As soon as Reggie heard his name, he came out to meet up with his three friends. Following him was a cute little Charmander.

"Hey Reggie." Ryan said, hugging the little boy.

Hunter gave a little wave. "Hey Reggie."

"How have you been doing Reggie?" Jay asked him.

"It's been great! Right Charry?"

"Char!" Charmander agreed with Reggie.

Hunter smiled. "Well, good...What have you been up to?"

"Charry's been in the forest lately... and I've been adopted."


"The adopter is coming tomorrow to pick me up."

"Oh no... but... what about us?"

"They only wanted me... but they're letting my bring as many Pokemon as I want with me."

"Oh, you're lucky..." Hunter sighed.

"Wish we could be able to come with you Reggie."

Charry looked at the three with a look of pity.


That night, the four were in their room, getting ready for bed.

Hunter whispered, "What good did HE do to get adopted?" He looked at the others frantically, hoping none of them heard.

"...I'm more concerned about us... Reggie's our little bro practically."

"Yeah. I'm pretty sad to see him go. I just hope there's a way we can go with him, but it seems like a long shot."

Hunter chuckled. "Yeah, like that would ever happen. We're not Pokemon, we can't go with him."

"Yeah, it would be nice if- OW!" Charry had just bitten Ryan's hands.

Hunter looked over to Charry, "Hey, what the heck? Why did you do that?"

"This isn't like you Charry. Why would you bite Ryan's hand?"

Just then, Ryan's arms shrunk, leaving just his hands. Webbing grew between his fingers, and they slowly became covered in yellow scales, forming fins.

Hunter sat up. "What's going on with you?!"

"I want to know the same thing. This is freaky!" Jay said.

Ryan's legs merged into one, and shrunk. His pants eventually slipped off, revealing a curled, blue-scaled tail.

Then, Ryan's mouth shaped itself like a tube, and three spikes grew from either side of his head.

"Oh my... Ryan, you're changing into a Horsea!" Jay said in shock.

The yellow scales went up his belly as the blue scales continued up his sides and back.

Hunter started scrambling towards the door. "G-G-Get away from me Charry, you...demon!"

<"I'm trying to help.">

The scales reached Ryan's head, cutting out off of his hair, finishing up his transformation into a cute little Horsea.

"Charry? What did you do? Ryan's now a Horsea. Why did- OW!" Charry had also bitten Jay's arm.

The undersides of Jay's arms started turning sharp and silver-ish, while the above side started growing green scales. His toes also merged into three sharp, white claws. His feet started growing the same green scales as his arms.

Hunter was shrieking in fear now. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" He opened the door and fled downstairs.

Out of his back, four small wings burst from his shirt. The green scales continued up his legs, reaching his torso. The scales closed in on his torso from the arms and legs, completing all but his head.

"What's happening to me, Charry?"

<"I'm turning you one by one into Pokemon.">

"Is it because we wished that we could go with Reggie?"

<"Yeah, this way, you can be with him, and protect him... and me...">

<"Still afraid of fighting?"> Ryan asked.

<"Yes, but Hunter and Jay can protect us, once they're both fully Pokemon.">

The scales reached Jay's head, forming three horns on his head replacing his hair, and pushing out his nose, finishing his transformation into a Scyther.

<"YAY! I'm a Scyther, Hunter! Your... turn?">

<"He ran off... but no worries, the other Pokemon in the orphanage are for my idea and he'll be brought back right... about.... 3...2...1...">

Just then, a Venusaur walks into the room carrying Hunter.

<"Here you go, Charry. I found him cowering In the laundry room."> "Let me go! This is a nightmare!" He was flailing about in the Venusaur's grip.

Charry managed to grab Hunter's arm and....

Hunter cried out in pain.

<"There you go, I added a little calming spell to help you relax,">

He closed his eyes and relaxed as orange and black fur started to grow all over his body.

<"That's it, Hunter, soon we can truly be brothers."> Ryan said, as Reggie picked him up and cradled him.

"Charry, are you Pokefying the others so they can come with us?"

Hunter whimpered a bit, but stayed calm, except for some tears falling from his eyes.

Charry nodded. <"I knew that they really wanted to come with you, because they care for you. They treat you like their brother.">

As the fur reached his hands and feet, Hunter felt as one by one, they morphed into a set of cute little paws.

"Thank you, Charry." Reggie smiled, watching Hunter's transformation.

Soon, a big fluffy tail started to appear out of the backside of Hunter, and more fur started to cover his body.

"I have to say Charry, I think Hunter is the third cutest of the bunch, behind you and Ryan.""

<"Which leaves me as the coolest looking one probably.">

"Can... we focus... on what's... gonna happen to us once done?" Hunter said quietly, kind of crying.

"Of course, I'll be taking all of you with me once my new parents come by to pick me up tomorrow. They did say I could bring as many Pokemon as I like. It's a win win for everyone."

Hunter's face started looking more canine, and the rest of his body becomes covered in fur. In the end, Hunter became a cute, lovable Growlithe.

"There we go guys, how does everyone feel?"

<"Nice and warm in your arms."> Ryan said, cuddling nice and snug in Reggie's arms.

Hunter was quiet, looking at his new self, closing his eyes and whimpering.

<"I feel pretty good. Now I'll be able to protect you all very easily.">

"Let's all head to bed, tomorrow is a big time everyone. Sleep with me tonight."

Reggie carried Ryan and Charry into the bed, with Jay taking the top bunk. Hunter slowly jumped up with Reggie, as Hunter curled up with him, Reggie began gently petting Hunter's fur. Hunter smiled at being peted, laying his head down. <"Well..maybe this won't be so bad.."> He sighed.

With that, Reggie, Charry, Jay, Ryan and Hunter went to sleep, knowing that tomorrow would be the biggest day of their lives. It would be their first day as one big happy family.

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