The box // preference #1

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-you found yourself in a metal box, it was cold and damp and you were surround by boxes with what looked like supplies inside of them. You tried to stand up but fell back down the second you got up on your feet. The cage you were trapped inside began to move upwards, and you realized you couldn't remember anything. You remembered how to speak and walk, only the basics, only what was necessary for you to know. Everything else was gone. The box began to rise faster, and since you were unsure of where you were going you covered your head and tried to yell, only managing to let out a raspy cry. You tried to stand up again, and ended up falling once more, the fall ended with you hitting your head on one of the supply crates, forcing one of your memories back. Your name. Y/N. The box began to slow to a halt and the top began to move, you shielded your eyes from the light seeping through the now open box.-

Newt - after the top was completely off and your eyes adjusted to the light, you looked up to see multiple boys. More than multiple, maybe fifty. No girls in sight. The boys all stared at you making rude comments about your gender, and how long it had been since they thought they had seen a girl. You tried to scoot and back yourself into a wall in the box, but someone had already jumped in. "Hi Greenie, I'm newt." He stuck his hand out, you grabbed it and he helped you up. The boy had dirty blond hair and a gorgeous British accent. "Don't mind the rest of the boys, none of us are gonna hurt you. This is the glade, we call ourselves the gladers" I know you have a lot of questions, please save them for the tour tomorrow. I know this is a lot, but let's start off easy. Your name is?" You looked around at everyone awaiting your answer. "Y/N" Newt smiled and nodded. "Beautiful name there. Let's get you out of this box now Y/N"

Thomas - instead of trying to continue shielding your eyes with your hands, you hurried your face into your knees and started rocking. You heard a ton of male voices above you asking if you were insane or if you were just a dude that looked feminine. Someone with a British accent yelled "Thomas can you handle this one I've gotta go help Alby and Minho yell at Gally" before he finished his sentence, the box shook due to force from someone jumping in. You didn't dare look up. "Hey, hey, we're not gonna hurt you. Can you look at me?" You glanced up to see a boy in the box with you, dark brown hair and gorgeous eyes, he was inching toward you, then you realized the group of guys behind him. Your mouth dropped. "Oh my god" the boy chuckled at your astonishment. "Yeah it's a lot of guys, they're harmless. I'm Thomas, this is the glade, I'm sure you're really confused. Newt will give you a tour tonight, save all the questions that aren't urgent. I'm sure they all seem urgent right now but trust me it's normal. Do you remember your name yet" You nodded your head. "Y/N." Thomas smiled. "Good, good. Wanna get out of the box now? It's not very comfortable trust me, all of us know."

Minho - you took your hand away from your eyes and looked up. You were surround by boys, every race, every age, every hair color and eye color, every variety. Your first reaction was shock, but then you realized a boy dropping a rope into the box with you. "Grab the rope greenie." You looked up at him, confused. "Why should I trust you?" The boy rolled his eyes and laughed. "We've all been in the exact same situation as you. Only difference is that your a girl." He fake cleared his throat. "And if any of the slintheads try to do anything out of line I will personally make them eat their own Klunk. Sound good everyone?" The boys around him groaned and sighed. "Now that we've established that, my name is Minho, and regardless of what your name is, we're gonna call you greenie and greenbean for a while. But we would all like to know your name anyways." "Y/N. can I ask a few questions?" Minho sighed. "Nope, save that for tomorrow's tour, I'll ask alby about it later, but for now will you just grab onto this rope so we can get you out of that box. We have other things to take care of too greenie"

First imagine, was probably trash. They'll get better :) leave requests lovelies ♥️😇

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