Bloody Right / Newt Imagine

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Newt. Second in command. A broken boy who blossomed into perfection.
Your boy.
Your love.
Your world.
Newt belonged to you. No one knew. You didn't really want people to know. Everyone in the glade except for a select few made fun of you anyways. You never seemed to meet up to any of their standards, which were incredibly high for guys who hadn't seen a female in god knows how long.
Sometimes, at night, you would sneak off away from your hammock and into the homestead, up to Newts room. You knew it was very possible for people to catch you, but you would walk out and if anyone questioned it you would tell them you left something and had to go back into the homestead to get it. No one really worried anymore after that.
When you got any time alone with newt, the two of you talked about what the past could've been like, and what you hope the future will be. Normally he brought you a small flower or a leaf that caught his eye. Or maybe even a stone that would shine different than all the others. Those small gestures meant the world to you.
Tonight, as you made your way to the homestead, you heard movement near the trees. You called out a soft "hello" and then decided to keep walking after getting no response. The movement was heard again a few seconds later, you tried to get close but before you could inch towards the trees, you were already up against one.
He pushed your back deeper into the tree and smirked when you flinched. "Rough play just isn't your type? Must be why you're with newt." You were at a loss for words "Oh yeah Y/N, of course I know. There's no way you leave something near Newts room every single night. Wait, I'm being dumb. He wouldn't date you. None of us would! So if you're trying to get his attention then please stop because it's more likely for him to kiss Minho than you."
You flinched as he spat the words at you, then turned your head to the side so you wouldn't have to look in his eyes. Gally turned you around and twisted your arms behind your back, then started walking deeper into the woods.
"So here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna come with me, I'm gonna have a bit of fun, then you can run off and even if you said anything about it, not a soul in this glade would believe you. Not Alby, not Chuck, not even Newt."
Gally continued pushing you into the woods, after he got far enough he pressed you against another tree and forced his lips upon yours. When you didn't kiss him back, he pulled away and you spat in his face.
"Oh you're really gonna wish you didn't do that."
He pulled his hand back, ready to strike you. You held your eyes shut and turned the other way.
Instead of feeling Gallys hand across your cheek, you heard something hitting the ground. You opened your eyes to see what had happened, and instead of Gally being in front of you, he was on the ground, Newt towering over him.
Gally tried to sit back up, smirking. "Wow you came to save your little girlfriend now did you?"
Newt pulled you to where you were behind him, shielded by his body just incase Gally decided to try again. "Bloody right I am. MY girlfriend. That means you keep your hands off of her, your eyes off of her, and if you ever even think of getting that close to her again I promise you, you won't see another bloody sunrise. Now I think you should walk away before I go off to tell Alby how big of a slinthead you are."
Gally stared at Newt in disbelief. He just admitted to dating you, and he told him off. Gally quickly got up and scurried off, not wanting to be banished. Newt walked with you back to his room in the homestead, not letting his arm get away from your waist.
Once the two of you shut the door, you feel on his bed, tears beginning to fall from your eyes. Newt hurried to your side and pulled you into his chest and he layed down beside you.
"Shhhh love, he's just a shank. Not worth your tears darling."
He took his free hand and began wiping your tears away.
You looked up at him and began to tell him everything every glader had ever said to you, ending with Gally and what he almost did to you. Tears kept falling, Newt kept wiping them away. After you finished, he got up, telling you he would be right back.
After fifteen minutes, you walked outside to see Newt and Thomas hanging up a poster on the wall of the maze. It read : Y/N belongs to Newt. He belongs to her. Please come see Newt if you have any questions comments or concerns."
You smiled at your boys gesture. Now the whole glade know. This didn't bother you, but what if people started being mean to Newt. He's sensitive. And it would be your fault.
After contemplating this for a while you walked off towards newt in the gardens. He greeted you with a kiss, something he never did.
"Newt, love, do you think people will start making fun of you?" Newt laughed and shook his head no. "Actually I was thinking they would respect you more," you smiled again at has sweet this boy was. He placed his lips against yours one more time before getting back to pulling weeds.
As you walked back to the homestead, you yelled out, "Everyone, Newt is mine."
You got a few side looks but nothing much, the hate was beginning to did down.
As Newt heard you say this he looked back to yell,
"Bloody right I am love."

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