Very nice gift

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"I hate you.. you're so innocent.. We've been watching you since you're thirteen.. they'll always give me some information about you.. almost everyday.. I hate it.. I don't care about you so why would they give me an information that you won a medal last competition.. I don't care.." Taehyung mumbled irritated as he is now laying on his bed ready to sleep. The thing is.. he have insomnia he cant really sleep easily.. as normal people does.. He's a cold and strick person. He's the person who have friends but despite of that.. he's still cold.. he hangs out with them but he's still the same.. his friends are the only people who can tease or do something funny with him. You're 20 right? he's 22. He finished his study at the same age as you.. he finished business management.. while you.. you finished being accountant. Well.. he need that.. while you.. you really want to be just an employer. (idk what I'm writing>o<)

A loud knock interrupted him.

"Uh, hyung! were here! mind going downstairs?!" A voice of a sweet young man is heard outside his bedroom.

"Its Jungkook." He thought.. he's about to stand up when he repeated..

"Taehyung.. come! be quick! we have a chick for you!" Repeated.. but another voice. The knock repeats but the voice is new.

"Ah, Jimin hyung.. for me??" Taehyung opened the door and his eyes met his friend's.

"Jungkook? Jimin? why this late hour? its 10." He asked.

"Hyung.. its okay.. we know your state.." Jungkook laughed.

"And besides.. we have a congratulation present for you.." Jimin wiggled his brows while smiling evilly.

"What the fuck is his present?!" Taehyung looked at his older friend with confusion.

"What?" He asked his hyung.

"Were downstairs!!" His other friend Hoseok shouted. He walked passed to the two and walk on the staircase. He's greeted by his fellow friends Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon and a revealing girl.. she's in her shorts.. her cleavage are seen.. 'bitch like' look.

"She's your present." Jimin laughed as he walk to the girl's direction.

"Uh, why would I need a bitch?" Taehyung asked.

"Oppa.. you're so harsh to me.." Then she started to cling onto him.

"Get off me." He wiggled her off.

"She's here for a night stand." Hoseok grin as he say the statement.

"I'm Sassy.. by the way.. my nickname is Babe for you Mr. Kim.." She smiled and lets out her hand.

"Okay.. Sassy.. I'm not interested.. and please leave.." He snapped out making his six friends groan.

"Look.. she's pretty good.." Yoongi said and looked at her with lust. The girl simply winked at him.

"Yea.. I reserved her for you.." Namjoon whined.

"If he don't want.. then he don't! we can share " Jin simply said.

"I hate sharing.. hyung." Jungkook said while sitting beside Hoseok.

"Such fuck boys... if you came here for that slut.. then I'm out.." He said and went to the kitchen.

"Sassy.. were sorry.. go inside his room strip and do your best." Jimin said pushing her inside his wide room.


Taehyung led his friends out of his house. Then went straight to his room.


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